AMEN to police your own kids . . .

The problem with this is, there are so very many parents, preachers, do-gooders, people who could influence kids, who talk the talk, but certainly do not walk the walk. Look around, we've got public figures who are on the internet saying and doing the very things we hope to discourage in our children. We have elected officials who laugh in the face of rules and regulations, who continue to stir up racial issues. How can we expect our young people to respect anything or anyone, especially themselves? All they need do is look at any news report and they find the "adults" doing exactly what the kids are told not to do.

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ginabena22's picture
Submitted by ginabena22 on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 10:11pm.

ginabeana.......amen.. grendlemom...

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