voting based on number of signs

I voted for Mr Wilkerson who I thought was the most qualified candidate but what I feared occured..Mr Horgan had signs posted everywhere...and I mean everywhere...If Mr Wilkerson had campaigned well, I would have had one of his signs in my yard in Brooks. Unfortunately, alot of folks voter for the name in there neighbors yards and don't educate themselves. I didn't care that Emory was black...what was important to me is that he was a conservative Republican and shared my beliefs. If he made comments that were considered "racist" I hope they were taken out of context because I have a lot of respect for the candidate. I think that if he had spent time shaking hands down here he may have made it a real race...I would have been glad to have a sign for him in my yard...but I was not approached...Horgan made the effort on the south side and I give him credit..Mr Wilkerson should have spend more time out here and we may have seen a different election. Horgan's supporters were spread out all over the south side of the county...but Mr Wilkersons signs were spread among the Fayetteville and North Fayette Candidates..It is about getting the message out and knocking on doors...If you don't make the effort out in the country what do you expect. I am hoping that Mr Wilkerson clarifies the comments that may be taken out of context because I have voted for him before and would hate to see that my trust was given to the wrong candidate.

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tortugaocho's picture
Submitted by tortugaocho on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 2:10pm.

Mr. Wilkerson referred to "my Fayette County" in saying that the only reason he lost was race. He said: "Race trumped experience." Pretty shocking comment. Kind of blows your sign theory to {{{DELETED}}}. Way to promote community unity.

Submitted by Lawdawga on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 1:32pm.

I am soooooo tired of every time some of the black people don't get what they want they scream "it was racial". Wake up people!! It's a cop out. Every time you don't get what you want, it isn't because you're black. Maybe, just maybe, more people thought your white opponent was better suited for the job. The blacks actually have more privileges and are "given" more opportunities than white people. The old reliable "race" defense is very tiresome and very untrue in today's society.

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