19-year-old guilty of ‘enticing’ 2 girls, 14, on MySpace

Tue, 03/21/2006 - 6:05pm
By: The Citizen

As further evidence of the trouble teens can get into in cyberspace, a local girl testified in court Monday that she used the Web site “MySpace” to communicate with a 19-year-old male in July just before she had sexual relations with him. She was 14 years old at the time.

The girl told the judge she had never been kissed but that she performed oral sex on the older teen because she didn’t want to be seen as a “goody-goody.”

The girl, who was a student at Flat Rock Middle School at the time of the incident, said she initially resisted the defendant’s advances but she ultimately gave him her address. She and a friend, who was also 14 at the time, left her parents’ home after midnight to sneak away with the defendant to a location on Old Senoia Road, and both girls performed oral sex on the defendant, officials said.

The defendant in the case, Adam Ryan McDonald, now 20, of McDonough, pled guilty in court Monday to two counts of enticing a child for indecent purposes. McDonald was sentenced to 10 years probation and a $1,500 fine after Superior Court Judge Paschal A. English Jr. was assured the victims’ families and law enforcement personnel agreed to the sentence.

McDonald will have to register as a sex offender, which means his home address will be made available publicly along with information about the offense he was convicted for.

“You will be profiled as a sexual offender,” English said.

McDonald must also submit to a psychological evaluation and then follow any recommendations resulting from that exam.

McDonald’s first year of probation will also be served as “intensive probation” which is more rigorous than traditional probation. English warned McDonald that if he violates his probation, he would come back before the court and be sentenced to prison time.

McDonald apologized to the victim’s family, agreeing with the judge’s assessment that he should have had more restraint. The victim said she didn’t think McDonald knew how old she was at the time of the incident.

The victim said she previously resisted a kiss from the defendant “because it was my first kiss,” and so Superior Court Judge Paschal A. English Jr. inquired why she would then have sexual contact with the defendant.

“I didn’t want to look stupid, like I was all goody-goody, I guess,” the victim replied.

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Submitted by leber on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 8:54am.

My teen daughter has a my space. When she asked if she could put up a profile, I told her under certain conditions yes. 1. I am to have access to it anytime through her name,2. we put my email up, just in case there are pervs lurking out there, 3. she wasn't to use her real name,or any real infomation beyond having her friends post. She agreed and this weekend we were both very glad she did.
As I was setting at the computer this weekend I received an AIM (aol instant message) from someone I did not know. This person thought I was my teen daughter and proceeded to tell me who he was (i am sure a false name) and that I would think he was old, stating he was 20yrs old. I asked how/where he got my screen name and was informed by him he got it off myspace. That he has a program that picks up the emails off of myspace so he can contact people via the internet and not through myspace.
I totally enjoyed telling this little pervert that he did not get who he thought he was getting and that I was the mother of the girl he though he was talking to . I also gave him a big piece of my mind, and reported him to AOL . I know it will do no good to report him to myspace, seeing that there are 20something yr olds running it!
So by all means have your children post your email and not theirs for safety sake. Also if anyone would like to tell this little perv off , his aol im sn is darkspace105 Smiling

Joey Jamokes's picture
Submitted by Joey Jamokes on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 9:42am.

I gotta tell you Leber- the Uber-Mom, I got a chuckle out of your post. You lead your daughter into MySpace and you're shocked that some oversexed boy is trying to contact her. What a shock. You should tell your kids "NO" to bad things you disaprove of. They may still go there, but when they get older they will remember that "Mom warned me of stuff like this. Maybe I will make a choice to say no." AFter setting your child up on MySpace, what's next---- giving 'em keg beer and condoms ?

The funniest part about your post is that you "reported him to AOL." That is precious ! AOL is the biggest bunch of liberal-loving Sodomites and the last thing they will do is police the perverts.

WakeUp's picture
Submitted by WakeUp on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 9:02am.

MySpace.com is a very dangerous place on the internet. Technology has made it very easy for perverts as you have mentioned to contact our children. As parents, we have an obligation and desire to protect our kids and to ensure their teen years are used to form them into productive and sane adults. We read about the PTC task force who has caught at least 14 adults targeting kids. Think of the ones who don't get caught. It is mind bongling.

Parents - WAKE UP. Put computers in a public place in your home. Take them out of the bedrooms. Use programs that track what your children are doing. Will you invade their privacy? Yes! But who bought the computer and pays for internet service? Be the parent and set rules. More importantly, follow and enforce the rules.

Submitted by edbagel on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 3:16am.

yet another example of how bill clinton's actions in the oral office influenced young america. never been kissed but will have oral sex because it's not considered sex by today's youth. it's only going to get worse. everyday my space is in the headlines for this kind of activity. parents wake up and find out what your kids are up to before they end up on the side of a milk carton. ed

Submitted by conehead on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 3:54am.

I like to blame everything I can think of on Bill or Hilary.

MySpace is not a problem. All you have to do is join. All the stuff your kid is doing that might get them in trouble comes to a screeching halt the minute they find out that you can read what they're up to at any point in time. If they act up, all you have to do is comment on it for all their friends to see. The whole attitude changes when there's a responsible adult "lurking" that might tell Mom or Dad what is going on...

Submitted by Concerned Citizen on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 9:34pm.

Conehead, when you were 19 and having an adult relationship with a 14 year old, you should have been locked up. Congrats on evading the police, you escaped being a sex offender. Just because everything is fine now does not excuse your actions when you were 19. A 19 year old involved with a 14 year old is not only immoral but criminal. Thanks for showing us how sex offenders make excuses.

Submitted by conehead on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 10:36pm.

so now because you can't read, I'm a sex offender. Did you read the original article? How can you make comments when you haven't read enough to understand what the conversation is about?

Submitted by conehead on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 3:14am.

is that these young ladies (using the term loosely, pun intended) won't have their faces and addresses posted all over the internet for their involvement in this deal. My wife was 14 when I was 19 (we were 26 and 31 respectively when we met but so what?). These girls were not taken advantage of. They knew full well what they were doing every step of the way. They acted like adults and should be treated as adults. That's what the court would have done if they had murdered someone. 20 years from now, at the age of 40, McDonald is going to have to explain to his teenage child that he's a registered sex offender because he had concensual sex with a woman, albeit a young one. That's just not right.

No need to attack me with the "if it was your daughter..." argument. I have a daughetr, and she is 14.

Submitted by eyeluvptc on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 11:00pm.

To be so stupid AND have a 14 year old daughter that you obviously think is ready and capable of making decisions on this matter. Thank God we have a court of law that made the right ruling. McDonald will be known for what he is, a sex abuser of children!

WakeUp's picture
Submitted by WakeUp on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 3:02pm.

Why do you want the addresses and faces posted on the internet? Do you have any idea what you are saying?

The real crime is there was a real crime - sexual misconduct with a minor. End of story.

If you think 5 years difference in ages in ok when one is 14 and the other 19 is the same as 40 & 45, then you are really out there. Also, you refer to him "having consensual sex with a woman" and explaining this to his kids? It was sex with a kid - not a woman.

Submitted by conehead on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 11:27pm.

it wasn't much more than 100 years ago, the era when my grandparents were teenagers, when girls were married off to 30 and 40 year old men when they were 12-14, and they were old maids at 20.

This is lunacy. By your "end of story" statement. It would be 100% acceptable for this young man to do what he did when he was 17 years and 364 days old. Is that your contention? Then it wouldn't have been "sexual misconduct with a minor". It would have been "consensual sex amongst minors", is that illegal?

It still would have been wrong in my book, but not yours. now who is the sex offender? it's you bud, please post your face, name and address on the internet, thank you.

WakeUp's picture
Submitted by WakeUp on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 7:49am.

OK Bonehead, you missed my point and don't understand my statement.

1. Let's make it simple. It is illegal and morally wrong for a 19 year old to have ANY sexual contact with a 14 year old.

2. Any 19 year that does have sexual contact with a 14 year should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The "consensual woman" comment meant to say you were referring to the 14 year olds as women. You implied they are grown up and can make legal, moral and other decisions as an adult. I said they are "KIDS".

Now, if I have not made my it clear that I think the 19 year old man is wrong and should spend a great deal of time in prison and that the 14 year old girls were abused, then you should reread every post and until you fully understand it.

Why do you want my name, photo and address? You still think I am a sex offender.

Submitted by MSC on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 2:40pm.

You can't compare a 14 and 19 year old to a 26 and 31 year old. Big difference. You and your wife were both adults.

And if he didn't know their age, he should of asked.

Submitted by conehead on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 11:13pm.

because we all know that 14 year old girls all tell the truth when attractive older boys (read college men) ask their age. C'mon and think, it's not that hard. For all we know, these girls lied about their age. About 95% of the kids on Myspace lie about their age.

Submitted by ajoj72000 on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 12:31pm.


Submitted by harpergirl on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 12:24pm.

I 100% agree with what you are saying conehead. These girls are smart enough at 14 to know first off, not to sneak out of there parents house at midnight to meet a 19 year old boy and second off, maybe there parents should do a better job at building there self esteem so that te childern wouldn't be so worried about being "cool". This guy was just being a typical 19 year old guy. The victim even admitted he didn't know her age at the time. What was he to do? Sad to say...but there are many 14 year olds doing what these young girls did. and if people think they are only doing it to other 14 year olds, there wrong.

Submitted by Two Sons on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 8:21am.

It is a good thing "conehead" has no sons. He might teach his boy that it is ok to prey on 14 year olds, or maybe he might like the younger ones. I hope you are never faced with a situation with your daughter that might make you regret your words. You never know what will happen when your daughter is out of your sight, you just hope that she will have enough self esteem to make the right choices. It is very hard to be a teenager and I dare say you "conehead" know what it is like to be a young girl trying to be popular and well liked. You probably fit the profile of the sex offender and therefore want others to come forward and support your views; then maybe you will feel validated. These girls were taken advantage of by a misguided 19 year old man. It is too bad that this girl had to be the one to make a humiliating public display of her bad choice;however,if my sons were old enough, they would have to read this article and hopefully realize just how serious these kind of situations are. I am sure that many parents will learn a great deal from this and be more aware of the pressures that their children are faceing in this fast paced cyberspace driven society. I also believe that this man could have been much more severely punished and he should be glad the families involved made a deal to give him a lesser sentence.

Submitted by conehead on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 11:09pm.

but I fail to see the relevance. "When my daughter is out of my sight” what does that mean? She'll be out of my sight a lot when she's 25 years old, should I be worried then? I assure you that no one in my family needs your hope. Oh and congratulations, you figured me out, all I want in this world is validation from you.

Unless this kid (nineteen year olds are kids too) used a weapon, there's no way he could force two healthy fourteen year old girls to perform oral sex on him. Certainly he could have forced one of them, but not both, one of them would have run away screaming. Did that happen? read anything about that anywhere? Just call these 14 year old girls what they are.

Pressures? Pressures? I suggest you all think twice before trying to match wits with me again, you are ill equipped.

Is there social pressure for young women to meet older men (would it have mattered if the boy was 17?) and take turns providing oral sex to him? If so, what sort of notoriety did these two receive by doing so? How did they start the conversation where they get their due credit for such an act? This is lunacy and you people are all disconnected. Apologies to harpergirl of course.

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