Is Fayette County Republican?

Richard Hobbs's picture

The County Commission Post position will be old news in the next several weeks, but it will leave behind a story that will be with us for years to come.

I've been very focal over who I believe is the best "objective" candidate for this job. I personally have met and spoke with all of the three republican candidates, and of course, all were cordial, polite, and spoke with confidence.

But this contest is not a beauty contest. It is not an election about who has or hasn't returned my phone calls. Who has or hasn't been born and raised in Fayette.

This election is supposed to be about substance, not about being the center of attention and having everyone know your name. This election is about finding someone with the qualifications and experience that will best represent the people of Fayette County competently and ethically.

I have suggested, and I stand by that opinion, that the only objective evidence we have of the candidates are these things.

1. Voting history. 2. Voting dedication. 3. Educational and job experience. 4. Sex and 5. Race.

I personally care not which race or sex is associated with the candidate, and its very sad that those issues seem to matter so much for the less educated, less intelligent and bigoted voter.

I care about the candidates voting history, how often they voted, and if they voted Democrat or Republican. And I care about their education and work experience. I don't care if I like them personally, in fact, I shy away from personally becoming involved with most people that run for office. I just want someone of substance and character to take the reign of government control, not someone that has a pretty smile, or remembers my first name at public events.

I have gotten so very weary of the telephone calls from some good ole' boys suggesting that only a born and bred Fayette County High School candidate is "pure" enough to be our Commissioner.

I'm instead very optimistic, that the hard core voters, some 5-8% of us, will vote our educated conscience and not vote out of "pure" ignorance.

I'm proud to be a Republican. I'm proud of living in Georgia and seeing the changes we have made politically. I'm also mindful that things can change so very quickly if we don't stand up and fight for those principles that we believe in so very strongly, that we will lose the right to govern that we have fought so very long and hard for.

Above my desk, I keep a quote, that I will paraphrase here below:

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph in this world, is for Good Men and Women to do nothing."(Edmund Burke quote.)

ALL elections are important. So I implore all voters to do Good and to vote their conscience and to fight for the principles that embody 75% of Fayette County, that being the principles of the Republican Party.

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Submitted by Sailon on Sun, 03/19/2006 - 5:36pm.

Who has to ask such a question? Does a dog ever get fleas? Would you notice an elephant in the room? Would you vote for a mass murderer if he were running again a democrat? If you want to pay less taxes than any other group in dollars; if you want to eliminate all welfare, except what you personally approve; if you want to ignore
all corporate crooks; if you want to support a war that has gone very badly; then you are a Republican.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Sun, 03/19/2006 - 1:13pm.

Burke's quote is a very good one to keep in front of you. It refers to revolutions and patriots rising up against tyrants. Good stuff, but overused for trivial reasons. Mr. Hobbs I ask you, would Edmund Burke care which Republican became a commissioner in Fayette County? Would he even care if (God forbid) a Democratic did?

The Friends of Tom Farr pulled out that same quote when they were trying to demonize Steve Brown. Than as now, Mr. Burke had bigger things on his mind. In modern times, getting rid of a dictator in Iraq and stomping on Iran would qualify as a reason to use that quote.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sun, 03/19/2006 - 1:36pm.

Admittedly, the quote is a very noble and austere statement of principle which calls upon men and women to fight evil. However, I find that its application is appropriate in all matters of living.

Doing unto others as you would they do unto you, is also a wonderful quote, that applies across the board of human living.

I'm not suggesting at all that anything or one is per se evil, but what is evil is that we are complacent and ignorant about issues that are important. To trivialize these matters is to lower the common denominator of what makes our country great.

The fact is though, that people are busy, very busy and they sometimes don't pay attention to these things. Thats normal and understandable. But we must still try and encourage thoughtful and deliberate debate rather than accepting ignorant and reckless behavior.

Some people bemoan that Americans don't regularly excercise their rights to vote, I bemoan that too many Americans are voting who don't educate themselves about the issues, about the candidates, and about what is right.

This Tuesday will find only about 5-8% turnout, which means my vote will count about 10 times what it would count in a Predidential election. Thats pretty impressive and gives me even more reason to turn out to vote on Tuesday.

I only hope that the Fayette County citizens that do vote, educate themselves about the candidates and then fully appreciate that every vote is important, from the dog catcher to the President.

Submitted by scaryliberal on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 9:54pm.

my favorite quote, and the reason why I vote and campaign Democratic.

H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 4:23am.

This causes you to be a Democrat? I can see the Democratic philopophy of abortion on demand and sodomy conforming to at least the first part of the golden rule - doing unto others. In a way I can even see income distribution and class warfare fitting into that, but how in the world does the campaign to remove all mention of God from everyone's life get justified by the golden rule? Got an answer scaryliberal?

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