Sanctity Of Human Life

Plauzon's picture

City-zen before birth...

Why should we as a society not protect them in law?

Is sanctity inviolable.... is the Sacred character of human life inviolable.

just a beginning...hope to continue soon

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Submitted by Sailon on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 7:31am.

Please don't start another one of these abortion things. It is an individual woman's thing, not your business.
Why don't you do something about the 60,000 killed in cars every year, or the 100,000 we have killed in Iraq in the last four years, or the 2500 soldiers killed recently, or the millions killed in Africa by evil people recently, or on and on----Aren't all lives worth saving? Get rid of liquor, dope, greed, etc., and you will do more good.

Submitted by Lawdawga on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 1:47pm.

Why not start another one of these abortion things? It certainly is an issue, in my opinion, that needs to be discussed.

I disagree with you that this is not our business and strongly disagree with you that it is an "individual woman's thing".
Women do not have the "right" to take a life just because they don't want to be inconvenienced.

As for the car wrecks that kill people...well, we do have law enforcement out there, and there have been some pretty good changes made to automobiles to make them safer. So...that issue is being worked on.

As for Irag....what would you have us do ? Sit back like the good little pacifist ? No...I strongly support our troops and President in this regard. Of course, ideally, there would be no deaths, but we don't live in an ideal world. As long as there is evil, it has to be dealt with or that evil grows until it is out of control. Our military is trying to bring peace to this turbulent land to prevent even more killing of the innocent.

You are right in that all lives are worth saving. But, again, we don't live in an ideal world and saving all lives is impossible. So, I choose to start with one life at a time...the life that is living in the womb.


Submitted by Sailon on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 5:41pm.

If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. There are far more accidental abortions than deliberate ones and you know it. It is the pregnancy you fear, the stigma of a single girl pregnant. It is ok to take bc pills, use condoms,IUDs, lie soap, whatever (even coathangers, but don't embarrass me. You don't seem to mind hundreds of thousands getting killed somewhere else, even promote it. You are narrow.

Submitted by bowser on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 8:09am.

well said, highgreen

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 03/09/2006 - 1:45pm.

So, we should turn a blind eye to the taking of human life since it is not our business?

Only immediate family has a concern if a family member is killed? When elderly become a burden because they are totally unable to take care of themselves euthanasia becomes acceptable to relieve family and society of such unwanted responsibilities?

When life becomes cheap to you don't be suprised when others start viewing your life as cheap as well.

It IS our business.

All the rest are legite issues as well. Deal with all, not just your chosen few.

Submitted by did not know on Sat, 03/11/2006 - 9:05pm.

kids to soccer, baseball other words, me a man! Then, you can pass judgement on these women. The reason most woman have abortions is they can't afford another child. It takes ...two....yes in one of you..too, to do it, unless I have forgot something.
When you guys establish a fund with your own money, so these women can take care of these children that the dead beat dads won't help with, then you have the right to pass judgement, untill then...tie a knott in it, both your mouth..and your best friend!!!!

Submitted by Lawdawga on Mon, 03/13/2006 - 1:50pm.

Hmmm...Well, if everyone waited until they could afford a baby, then there would be a lot less babies. The responsibility lies with the woman. I'm not saying it's "right", but it's true. If a woman absolutely can't afford a child, then there are those little things called birth control meds and devices to prevent conception. At least one of the sexual partners (and it always falls on the woman) should be responsible enough to prevent conception. Abortion should never, ever be used as a method of birth control.

livininPTC's picture
Submitted by livininPTC on Tue, 03/14/2006 - 10:08am.

I agree with you that abortion should not be used as another form of birth control. Abortion should not be an option, unless the mother's life is in danger or the conception was the result of rape or incest.

In any other cases adoption should be the only option once you get knocked up.

Placing the responsibility of birth control solely on the women is ignorant and very chauvinistic.

Women should learn to say no (yes, a decent guy will respect that and you shouldn't be hanging out with any other kind) and men (as well as women actually) need to learn to take full responsibility for their action. If a man so chooses to have his "best friend" party like there is no tomorrow, he needs to be held responsible FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE if said party results in a baby. The law needs some serious improvement in that regard.

For guys to say "she tricked me and got pregnant" and other BS like that is just completely childish.

Just my 2c.

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