Dear Father Paul

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Dear Father Paul: I became a Christian a little over a year ago after years and years of pretty deep sin. Drugs, booze, name it. I love my church and the leadership is asking me to take a position teaching young adults. I'd love to do it, but I feel so unworthy considering the life I've lived. What do you think? — No Name, Fayetteville.

Dear No Name: Take the position! The Lord (through the leadership in your church) sees something special in you that he wants to use with these precious young adults. Don't unload your sordid past on the class the first day, but be open and sensitive to God for the right time to share — a little at a time. Your testimony about what Christ has done in your life will be inspiring to everyone.

All of us feel unworthy (including me). The prophet Isaiah said, when he encountered God, "Woe to me, I am ruined, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips." He had it right, all of humanity is tainted with the stain of sin which can only be cleansed by the blood of Christ.

When we think that God can't use us, however, consider this: Noah was a drunkard; Abraham was too old; Isaac was a daydreamer; Jacob was a liar; Leah was ugly; Joseph was abused; Moses stuttered; Gideon was afraid; Samson had long hair and was a womanizer; Rahab was a prostitute; Jeremiah and Timothy were too young; David had an adulterous affair and murdered the woman's husband; Elijah was suicidal; Isaiah preached in the nude; Jonah ran from God's call; Naomi was a poor widow; Job went bankrupt; John the Baptist ate bugs; Peter denied even knowing Christ; Thomas lacked faith; The disciples fell asleep while Jesus was praying; Martha was a chronic worrier; The Samaritan woman was divorced and remarried five times; Zaccheus was too short; Paul was too zealous and helped murder Stephen; Timothy had an ulcer, and finally, Lazarus was dead! Remember, you are not the message, you are just the messenger.

Dear Father Paul: What are the "success characteristics" for someone going into the ministry? — Wayne, Fayetteville.

Dear Wayne: Great question. A clear call from God and being chosen by him are absolutely essential!

Often people are "called" at one point in their lives but are not "chosen" until later — sometimes much later. Revelation 17:14 is an interesting scripture on this. At times, your calling will be all you possess to give you the "staying power" you need to hang in there and keep on serving God. "How do I know I am called?" you might ask. All I can say is that you just know and nobody can talk you out of it. If you don't "just know" then you are probably not called. You need a spouse who is just as called as you are.

You don't have to be a "great" preacher; there are only a few of them around, but you do need to be able to communicate clearly the Word of God in a manner that engages your congregation and brings them lovingly and gently to understand  the love of God and his plan for them.

In my denomination (but not all) you need to be able to celebrate and offer the sacraments (especially Holy Communion and Baptism) with a sense of joy and awe.

Lastly, you need to be a true shepherd of your flock and a spiritual father rolled into one — someone who loves, cares for and feeds the flock under his care and NEVER abuses them, and someone who helps each person become a disciple of Christ. These are a few of (in my mind) the more important characteristics of a successful minister Wayne. There are many more. If you are considering the ministry, may God bless and lead you.

Special to John: God will begin to bless you financially at exactly the time when money is no longer the most important thing in your life.

Father Paul Massey will answer your question in the newspaper. Write him at P.O. Box 510, Fayetteville, Georgia 30214 or

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Submitted by loreelle044 on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 10:31am.

thank you for this....searched over two days for this content.
be blessed!

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