President Obama needs to learn about ‘the real world’

BY Rep. Lynn Westmoreland

President Obama could learn a lesson or two from the lyrics of my favorite country music singer, Coweta County native Alan Jackson.

In Jackson’s “Here In the Real World,” he sings sadly about how life doesn’t always turn out how you’d hoped, like it does in the movies.

On the silver screen, the song lyrics state, “Cowboys don’t cry and heroes don’t die. And good always wins again and again.”

When it comes to dealing with terrorism, such as the attempted airplane attack on Christmas Day, Obama seems to believe in the movie version of reality where the bad guys are always foiled in the end.

But here in the real world, al Qaeda has cells across the globe intent on attacking Americans. They’re plotting every minute of every day, and they see it as a war on the United States, even if President Obama doesn’t.

In the real world, a suicide bomber recently killed seven CIA operatives at a base in Afghanistan’s Khost province, an Islamist extremist in November massacred 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, and five jihadists from northern Virginia were arrested in Pakistan in early December.

Obama’s movie script doesn’t contain the words “war” or “jihadists.” The Obama administration, like most liberals, goes to hilarious lengths to avoid using words that imply a moral judgment – even when talking about people trying to kill us.

The president initially downplayed the threat of the attempted airplane bomber by saying he was an “isolated extremist.” For her part, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ineptly tried to replace “act of terrorism” with “man-caused disaster.” That’s supposed to make it better? Get real.

With Obama’s background as a lawyer, his movie wouldn’t be complete without a courtroom drama. Perhaps that’s why he’s refusing to treat our captured enemies as prisoners of war.

Instead, Obama’s closing down Guantanamo Bay and moving our enemies here. Rather than facing military tribunals, as they should, they’re given lawyers and civilian court cases, where they’ll star on the international stage in a media circus.

Rather than implementing effective anti-terrorism strategies to keep Americans safe, Obama’s policies appear to be knee-jerk reactions to Bush-era policies. If President Bush did it, the administration reasons, it must be bad.

So, we can close Guantanamo and move the prisoners to Illinois, we can release detainees and allow them to return to the battlefield against us, we can give terrorists lawyers and Miranda rights as opposed to interrogating them about more planned attacks and we can outlaw interrogation techniques such as water boarding.

Obama naively thinks if we just commit to these friendly gestures, members of al Qaeda will turn its swords into plowshares.

I have news for the president: Al Qaeda chieftains aren’t sitting around the campfire discussing the fine points of U.S. constitutional law and whether the Bill of Rights should apply to a Nigerian who tried to blow up a plane over Detroit.

No, they have a single-minded focus on killing Americans, on planning the next attack. Obama’s constitutional law lectures are aimed at appeasing his leftist supporters here, not al Qaeda.

The only message we’re sending to al Qaeda is: If you mastermind a terrorist plot from, say, Yemen, we’ll try to bomb you with a Predator and you’ll never know what hit you, but if you manage to slip into the United States, we’ll give you a lawyer, a bed and three squares a day. That’s some incentive system.

The president’s one-year anniversary is near. We’re past the point where he can blame everything that goes wrong on the Bush administration and take credit for everything that goes right.

Obama oversees the Transportation Security Administration, which has failed to compile a reliable watch list. A division of the Department of Homeland Security, TSA has 60,000 employees – more than many Cabinet-level departments. At this point in 2010, Obama owns it. TSA’s failures are his administration’s failures.

Alan Jackson learned the hard way that the boy doesn’t always get the girl even though “tonight on that silver screen it’ll end like it should.” President Obama needs to learn, for our sake, that he can give al Qaeda his love, but it won’t be enough here in the real world.

[Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican, represents Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District. He is a former state legislator from Fayette County.]

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Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 01/15/2010 - 5:42pm.

. .one of Georgia's less articulate legislators.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Fri, 01/15/2010 - 8:58pm.

No on "healthcare reform" aka give the Dems control of your life

No on Cap and Trade

No on more liberal Supreme Court Justices

No on more baby killing - not likely that will come up as an issue in Congress

No on anything the socialist in chief suggests - even something that sounds and feels good - such as the let's give all the current (and of course this will eventually include future) illegal Haitian immigrants an extended stay in the country and probably amnesty and later citizenship.

Submitted by merrilyn on Sat, 01/16/2010 - 1:10am.

I guess Mr. Morgan is right on that point. If all Mr. Westmoreland has in his vocabulary is the word "NO" then why be articulate? I guess I would like to know if he could sing Alan Jackson's song. I like Alan's music, afterall he is a home grown.

The Earthquake was a 7.0 and just in case NO one told Mr. Morgan, they are burying hundred's and probably thousand's of men, women and beautiful innocent children in shallow graves. They can't be sure that Americans aren't among the dead being buried. How very sad. I don't think that any of the Haitians granted the extended stay in our country are concerned about whether he wants them here or not. Their concern's are whether or not a loved one is one of the many, many tragedies in Haiti. At this moment and at this time, there isn't anywhere for them to go. But that is obviously of "NO" concern to him. Ahhh yes, that ugly word humanity comes to mind.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sat, 01/16/2010 - 3:48am.

I believe our fearless leader (meaning he is fearless to politicize everything) is emptying out Guantanamo, which is a short boat ride from Haiti. Maybe we could set them up there.

What do you think entered his mind first???
1. How can we help these poor people and get them to become functioning members of society so they can contribute to the rebuilding of their country.
2. How soon can we register these refugees as Democratic voters if we blatently pander to them and their illegals already into the country and by extension everyone of Haitian descent? And how many votes is that? 1 million? 2 million? Wow, maybe we can get them voting before the right wing extremists throw us out of Congress this November.

Yes the tragedy is sad. This is not about the tragedy itself, or even the rescue efforts, but rather the political response to it.If you believe for a minute that the thoughts expressed in #2 didn't come out of Rambo or Axelrod in the first 15 minutes of the quake, then you are a foolish naive kool-aid drinker.

Everything these people do is political. They are still in campaign mode.

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Sat, 01/16/2010 - 9:00am.

Emmanuel and Axelrod are probably thinking "we can't let this crisis go to waste".

They will use it to distract the public from the shennanigans going on in Washington. You know - the bribes to the Unions goons at taxpayers expense.

They are pulling all out all of the stops to get their "healthcare" bill passed, and do not care that the majority of Americans do not want it.

The Haiti earthquake is a tragedy, and we should all first pray for the victims and help in any way we can. However we must all keep our eye on the ball here at home and prevent the Socialist/Acorn/Obama administration from destroying our great country.

"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams

Submitted by merrilyn on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 11:02pm.


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