Health Plan not yet right!

Any USA health plan that depends upon scores of Insurance companies to compete for members from all over the country is doomed to fail.

Any such plan that depends upon the very wealthy to support it by limiting just how much insurance they can buy (or charging them a high premium--or their company--to do so is also doomed.

Any such plan that charges wealthy workers or non-workers who are wealthy extra premiums for their social security is doomed. Sane percentage as everyone else but on the total is OK, but not a higher percentage.

Any such plan that pays doctors and hospital less than they currently get from social security and Medicaid, but yet try to charge insurance companies twice as much for the same procedure is doomed to fail. (Especially scores of insurance companies competing for members).

Some of this will be fixed in the Senate/House Conference but not all.
What is not fixed then must be fixed soon with another remedial bill.

There is great waste in the current medical industry--in labor and charges, but there are better ways to balance it than just to quit paying the same thing over and over and wait for the fallout.

Prices are fixed by doctors, prices are fixed by hospitals, and prices are fixed by insurance companies.
It may get worse if we leave it in their hands again.

It is impossible it seems to further negotiate changes needed right now. (To the current bill in the Senate).

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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 12/25/2009 - 9:46pm.

So in steps the "Guv" because, after all, everyone knows that the President and Congress are much more superior in managing the affairs of private businesses in a free economy. (eyes rolling)
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 12/26/2009 - 6:42am.

I understand your concern about all of our health insurance being managed similar to Medicare.

Of course that is not what the current bill does, but it will eventually be similar to that with the Insurance companies being hired to manage the pay-outs, under regulation. These companies will be allowed a profit according to how well they control costs.

By controlling costs it does not mean that anyone will not get any procedure they need according to their doctors---but it would mean that the costs for such procedures would be controlled, and not based necessarily upon what Medicare now pays, but also not $8 Aspirins.

As you may have noticed several "clinics" have begun to pop-up everywhere. These will serve as a triage function to sort out where patients go next for treatment. (except in life and death cases) Some will be treated there and others will be sent to a family practitioner or a specialist.

The clinics will book a small fee (can be paid from donations) to cover the cost of the clinic operation, but not the professionals.
They will be hired or be volunteers who may be retired.

If any citizen wishes to avoid any of this health system, they may do so and pay for their own treatment with any doctor they choose. They will not be allowed to purchase insurance for such a payment.

If the health industry had become a system that covered everyone at reasonable cost instead of picking and choosing with exorbitant costs, all this would not be necessary.

Are we to trust them again.

The "pill" and dope industry, although a part of the health industry, will require some allowance for research. It can't possibly cost as much though as they currently write off.

meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Sat, 12/26/2009 - 12:27pm.

Hopefully, the "reform" will offer respite for the advanced case of schizophrenia you demonstrate here daily. On a different blog you are spouting off about people claiming to read the 2000 page bill being "crap" and them not really knowing what the bill means. Yet, here you are babbling about no more $8 aspirins, new clinics, and other things you imagine.

Do you really think that anyone here pays attention to these "predictions" of yours other than maybe suggarfoot? Maybe someone who happens by the blog for the first time might be duped, but regulars know you couldn't successfully predict yesterday's weather today.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 12/26/2009 - 8:36am.

Like everyone else, I'm curious to see what the final merged bill will look like. Stay tuned to this channel and see if the socialists get their way of state provided health care. You know, they might even bestow an honorary title on the speaker of the house; Dr. Princess Pelosi. She'll probably decree that we all bend over and take our medicine.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

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