Precious talk

It is amusing to read those who want certain, specific, fancy food stores.
Here we are right in the middle of a really bad recession with little hope of resolving it anytime soon and they want special expensive food!

It has been tried twice here and what few wanted such a store maybe bought 10% of their groceries there!

In my opinion all they want is a conversation piece something like the wine and cheese drinkers and eaters want.
Also, the beer and pork sauce people.

I would prefer to hear some conversation about our wars, our recession, our high jobless society, our debt, our schools, affordable colleges, radio idiots, medical care and reasonable prescriptions!

Isn't it now clear that all this bad set of conditions was brought on by a lack of interest by too many comfortable people who preferred to ignore the selfish crooks and suffering people.

More fancy grocery stores, indeed!
Send some of that stuff to Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Germany, Thule, Greenland, Japan, Italy, and the rest of our military interests, including large numbers all over the USA with hurting

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hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sun, 11/29/2009 - 5:31pm.

Every time I think the world is changing, there you are, the one constant in the world, the original orifice, if not the supreme one. On behalf of the beer and pork sauce people ( although the sauce goes well with just about any meat and even some fish) BITE ME.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by MYTMITE on Sun, 11/29/2009 - 5:52pm.

amongst you and your other selves, we felt you needed something more mundane and frivolous to take your mind off the heavy stuff. Wouldn't want that head to explode. And I really don't think we can talk Whole Foods into opening a store in the Middle East when we can't even get one in Peachtree City. We are thinking of getting a petition up for Whole Foods--if you and your 'others' would sign it, it would probably put us over the top number wise--and once ya'll have tried it--i know ya'll will love Whole Foods.

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 11/30/2009 - 5:10pm.

I meant for you to send some of that fancy food to our soldiers---you, yourself!

As to hutch and friends and their unhealthy devilish "sauce," it is almost as foul tasting as is rotten hops beer---nasty stuff, and spoiled.

I was pretty much raised on pork, chicken, and home made biscuits with home made jelly and jam. No "sauce" though---just thick chicken milk gravy. However, a little red-eye ham gravy poured over a home made biscuit probably is as unhealthy as whatever that "sauce" is made from! (I suspect mustard, pepper, catsup, vinegar, oodles of spices, steak sauce, Chinese soy, Tabasco, hot sauce, and oodles of sugar.

If that "sauce" poured over cheap pork beats sugar-cured country ham or shoulder meat fried to a crisp and then milk gravy made from the drippings in an iron skillet and poured over either corn bread or biscuits, then eat well.

Some soaked pinto beans cooked with fat-back and smothered in home-made chow-chow goes with all that also.

Wild strawberry jam and, or, apple pie with coffee tops it off!

Pork tenderloin and a half dozen eggs are good anytime.

Don't eat that "sauce" stuff.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 11/30/2009 - 5:40pm.

Have you ever tasted the sauce? Personally I don't eat cheap pork, or any cheap meat for that matter. I just put ice cream on my apple pie, never tried coffee, I would think it would make the pie soggy, but to each his own I suppose.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

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