Get Out And Vote

Mike King's picture

Would the Citizens of Peachtree City be so apathetic as to elect an individual whose four years on Council reflect an affinity toward a failed mayor’s policies? Would those citizens also elect an individual who would go to great expense to obfuscate their record? Would they go so far as to elect someone who has proven to be an impediment to real progress and a protégé of the ‘good old boy’ network? Ladies and gentlemen, this is not merely a council seat, but the office of mayor and direction of our fair city for the next four years.

I will readily admit the mistake I made four years ago with our current mayor, and I ask that we not make that mistake again. Do not take for granted the margin by which Don Haddix led in the general election, but recast your vote to insure our town adheres to the village concept, and the open dialog Don has provided. While we all do not agree on each and every issue, at least Don will take the time to explain his positions and listen to the concerns of residents. That in itself places him in a category above politicians who have proven to be elitists who seem to know more about the concerns of citizens than the citizens themselves.

Having resided in Peachtree City nearly 23 years, I can see no greater damage to the future of our city than not electing Don Haddix.

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