Ignoring the bad stuff

In the fear that so called
"conservatives" might even lose more seats in government in the next elections, I have noticed that not only do they not defend the decisions that got us into the messes we have, but that they totally ignore them and simply pound on the current administration.

There is one good advantage to voting as an Independent, one can choose the party with the most good stuff for which to vote.

It is mostly a waste of time to constantly blame the last administration
for our economy and our useless wars, and our bank failures.

But to try and blame the current administration, makes it plain that cover-up and ignore the past is the strategy.

Not regulating Wall Street and our banks, plus invading Iraq instead of staying in Afghanistan were very serious mistakes.

Also, there are those ultra-right wingers who say that NOTHING should have been done either by Bush's first trillion bailout of the banks, to Obama's first bail-out loan, (neither of which has all been spent yet since the banks won't loan it) and allowed a depression quickly to happen (all banks would have closed, all auto companies would have bankrupted, and the stock market would have collapsed) and let it go at that would have been better than Obama's plan.
Anything to build a case to blame the current administration.

Well, fortunately we citizens aren't as dumb now as when Herbert Hoover was President and ignored a depression for a long time.

Franklin Roosevelt finally after a study period, put everyone to work in 3-4 years.
Then World War 2, finished off the depression for us.

Let the President and congress solve this situation however they have to do so and let history write about both of them!

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DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Sun, 11/15/2009 - 11:02pm.

Bonkers, Bonkers, Bonkers, “they” have you right where they want you: in a misinformed, distracted, naïve bubble. Your talking points come straight from the controlled corporate media outlets whose job it is to shape public opinion into a false left versus right struggle. In actuality there is no real difference between left and right. Both parties have continued the same basic policies since the days of LBJ.

The “so called conservatives” you mention are Neo-Cons, or “new-conservatives.” Trust me: they are neither “neo”, nor “conservative.” Neo-Conservatives, a name they gave themselves, diligently worked their way into positions of power and influence. Above all else, they were not, and are not Conservatives dedicated to a limited Constitutional government.

More recently the modern day Neo-Cons have come from the far left, a group historically identified as former Trotsky-ites. Liberal Christopher Hitchens has joined the Neo-Cons, and has been to the Whitehouse as a consultant.

Many Neo-Cons now in positions of influence in Washington can trace their status back to Professor Leo Strauss of the University of Chicago. Paul Wolfowitz got his PhD. under Strauss. Others closely associated with these views are: Richard Pearl, Elliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, and William Kristol. All are key players in designing the new strategy of “preemptive war.”

Others include: Michael Ledine of the American Enterprise Institute, former CIA Director James Woolsey, Bill Bennett, Frank Gaffney, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush.

No, Bush Jr. can’t take all the blame, as the stage was set in 1999 for the economic downturn of Oct. 2008, with the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. This prevented the monopolizing, and commingling of commercial, and investment banking. Larry Sommers was involved deeply in this process. Oh wait, doesn’t he advise Obama now? Hmmmm.

Also, let’s get something cleared up: the President doesn’t make mistakes. He is advised by some of the brightest minds on the planet. The President of the USA knows exactly what he is doing at ALL times, and what the consequences will be. When you see the government perform an action, you best believe it has been planned out for months, if not a year or more.

Guess who wrote the first bailout bill signed by Bush: Tim Geithner. Did you happen to notice the SEAMLESS transition from Bush to Obama? The same policies continue. Bush tripled the size of the government. In 11 months Obama has DOUBLED that tripling.

Sadly Bonkers, people are even dumber than those of Hoover’s day. They voted all the incumbents back in who voted for the bailout in 2008, morons.

And no, WW II did not finish off the depression, an increase in the money supply did, you see after the 1929 crash the FED contracted the money supply, and let the country languish in poverty on purpose, but there was plenty of money to build weapons!!!

The current administration will not solve this situation, Obama is a globalist determined to bring the US in line with UN treaties, and ideals.

In Liberty,


Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 2:40am.

Well let's see then what you propose:

First off not all republicans are republicans. Odd that they all vote exactly the same way, here and in congress.

These TV personalities that you mention are simply making a living by following a script--be they Bill Kristol or Bill O'Reilly. Such idiots as Rush Limbaugh are entertainers, as he says, but he uses the same old script also.

I never thought of the neo-cons as communists, however. Wow, that will get em! Sounds like that famous Senator of the fifties accusing everyone of being a communist who didn't agree with him.

No one that I know of agrees with you that there wasn't still sufficient regulations authorized to have stopped the banks and others from crippling our economy for years to come. Ponzi schemes have always been illegal.

Now as to your fear that we might cooperate with other countries and the U.N. when we can---maybe even have trade and negotiations with most of them, that may be true and useful.

Now, as to the overall politics of it, I think we are headed for an even larger voter block of Independents. These people find it useful to vote for some of each parties plans---not all one way.
The republicans and democrats are polarized to the point that it is necessary to have about one-third Independent voters.

No longer will the following fly or even be a tenable philosophy:

Control people by law as to religion (abortion).
Collect most all taxes from the masses.
Have 50 strong state governments who for the most part are superfluous. They require extreme help now from the central government, else they would collapse due to politics.
A Bible, a cross, and a lot of spouting off in every courthouse.
Stop welfare and allow individuals to help people as they see fit.
No universal health care--every man for himself.
Preach about politics in church.
Assume that the people of the world are out to get us.

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 11:06am.

beside the fact that you do not pay attention to details, you think that I made a proposal of some kind. I did not, however I did state the solid fact that both major parties are steering this country (with startling velocity I might add) toward an unelected one world government that will be funded by taxing the developed western nations for carbon emmissions.

Yes, sufficient regs were in place to stop the financial collapse, however Treasury Sec Paulson who is in bed with Goldman-Sachs didn't blink an eye to stop anything as his pockets were being lined with dirty Wall Street hush/slush-fund money.

Independent voters are the majority, but most morally refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. This is why voter turnouts are usually no more than the mid 30 percentile.

What is needed is a return to the Constitution, but Obama is trying to get around it working with the UN. You see TREATIES circumvent the Congress, and the American voter. Google Obama UN gun ban treaty.

Oh and did you know that Obama broke the law when sitting as chairman of the UN Security Council? But that's OK, right? Because he's not Bush, NOT THAT I LIKED BUSH, but if Bush had done the same thing, the nation would be calling for his impeachment and arrest for treason.

In Liberty,


NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 10:58am.

I had to grow up in a time where the far right-wing lunatics kept talking complete ignorance about the "Trilateral Commission," "The Illuminati," and yes, "one world government." Back then it was mainly confined to religious zealots and inbreds living in them that hillses with limited education and even poorer common sense, but I see it still hasn't died yet and is being revived again.

Look, no government wants to give up their OWN power, something that the one-world government garbage is all predicated upon. While European countries have some commonalities, there are vast differences even there and the idea that everyone is going to sit down and all agree on a form of the whole world being governed by one body is laughably insane.

Treaties don't circumvent the Senate and I have no idea where that idea came from. I guess it helps build a grand global conspiracy of some sort, but it's completely inaccurate.

Submitted by AtHomeGym on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 1:41pm.

I do believe that BINDING Treaties must be ratified by the Senate; Non-binding ones do not.

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 9:05pm.

an end run on the Bill of Rights is possible when 80% of our Congress, the House of Reps(our version of the House of Commons in the UK), is barred from the process. In case you hadn't noticed the Senate(which is our version of the House of Lords) is full of globalists who care nothing about we the people losing our liberty, as long as they keep their's, and have pockets lined with Wall Street campaign cash.

They aren't working for us anymore folks, they work for the banksters. It will be easy to pass treaties in this Senate.

In Liberty,


Submitted by AtHomeGym on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 10:16pm.

Disagree with your assessment of Senate makeup. Pls tell me what hard evidence you have to support such an idea---or, you could just give me another lesson on UKUSA political differences or similarities/differences.

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 6:33am.


The only conspiracy we have that is really dangerous to us here in the USA are money-grubbers. Witness our current situation.

Senators? They were sent there because we liked what they said. Witness Isakson and (never can think of that funny talking fellows name).

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