Sex Addiction

One other resource which David Kyle Foster missed in his writing on this subject, in addition to SAA, is Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. This is another of the 12 Step Programs of Recovery for those suffering from sex addiction. There are 3 additional programs - Sexaholics Anonymous, Sexual Compulsives Anonymous and Sexual Recovery Anonymous. All 5 of these programs follow the model of AA in their programs. There are co-addict programs also available to spouses and significant others.

I hope this additional information is useful to those who are searching.

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Submitted by mahalli on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 5:52am.

Let the people what they want to do Smiling There is no problem defination like sex addiction on my word store.

dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 6:55am.

Well, "if" I was a sex addict, my husband would have NO problem with that. In fact, I bet he would support me 100%! Smiling

"The most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

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