Lake Peachtree

Hey Don Haddix, you said earlier this year the City was doing test on the lake. What were the results? I've noticed a greenish film on the water lately. The big question is did the City or the County spray the lake for hydrilla? While earlier this year I thought the grass was down due to weather and grass carp, it is non-existent and has been all year. Kedron's grass came back by mid-summer, but there is no grass whatsoever on Peachtree.

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Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 12:10pm.

Being off of Council for the election I don't get all the information I did before.

But from what was said before and no feedback from elsewhere I do not believe any spraying took place.

As well no feedback on the silting, dredging or other data that suppose to be in work via a contracted engineering firm. So I don't know where that all stands at the moment.

Sorry, but at least until the election I am out of the Staff provided information cycle and and the ability to find out why.

I do know that due to the local election and Logsdon running for Insurance Commissioner most issues are pretty much in limbo at this time.

That is not a bad thing, overall, and hopefully the big issues like 54W, Callula Hills and the Southern Pines and Hyde annexations will wait until next year.

Getting complete information has never been easy for the minority. Needs to change next year.

Edited to add: I found out some fish were added to the lake.

Don Haddix
Candidate for Mayor

Submitted by JonBoat on Tue, 10/06/2009 - 1:12pm.

I assume you are referring to the grass carp that the lake association added last year. They weren't enough to take the grass down this far.

The greenish film I've seen on the water lately is what has made me suspicious. I've seen fishing reports from Guntersville, AL where they have had a major battle with lakeshore owners and fisherman over the spraying of chemicals to kill hydrilla and milfoil, and the impact it has had on the quality of fishing. In Guntersville, fishing is a major tourist attraction, with BASS, FLW, and other big name companies holding major tournaments there every year. Obviously its a major concern to them, whereas this is just a local lake with no big exposure.

I don't like the idea of chemicals to kill the grass being put in our drinking water, if gasoline engines are not allow, why would we allow grass killing chemicals. I would think any responsible person would make sure they at least posted a notice at the boat ramps or publicly announced the spraying if it had been done, but I've become very skeptical of our local politicians lately.

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Tue, 10/06/2009 - 1:54pm.

I was told more was added early this year.

The green film is runoff, a lot from weed/feed with green food coloring. The claim is no harm to any animal or other life.

That is an issue that needs followed up on once the election is over. I will initiate research if my bid for Mayor is successful. Several other candidates plus Doug Sturbaum will back such as well.

As for who does what to the lake, Peachtree City owns the lake and has a mutual maintenance agreement for several issues with the County. Of course help from citizens is appreciated greatly.

Now is the time to change the Council majority. Sturbaum and I ran because we didn't like what was going on, thus the infamous 3-2 votes for the last two years. There are a number of Post Seat candidates that will change the minority into part of a majority.

Don Haddix
Candidate for Mayor

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