Sparks fly over Tyrone Youth Center

Mon, 02/20/2006 - 9:49am
By: John Thompson

Emotions ran high Thursday night as a community leader clashed with Tyrone officials over his plan for a teen youth center.

John Paone, who organizes the 4 Nights in October Christian concerts, took the town's leaders to task over his frustration at trying to provide a comprehensive teen center in the town's industrial park.

"It's been like Chinese water torture. I keep getting told different things I have to do," he said.

Paone said he was originally told that he would have to ask for a variance to operate the center in the industrial park. He currently offers classes and counseling services at the site in Shamrock Industrial Park, but wants to expand offering to help the troubled teens in the county.

Now, Paone said, he was told he would have to provide an additional 200 parking spaces, and also ask for a text amendment to allow a religious or educational institution in an industrial area.

Another issue surrounds emergency access. Paone was told that a second exit needs to be provided for emergency vehicles.

"There is a functioning second exit," he said.

But Town Manager Barry Amos said he went and looked at the road and said it was not possible to drive the road unless you had a Hummer.

"I think part of the problem has been in trying to pin down what Mr. Paone wants at the location," said town attorney Brad Sears.

The building Paone uses was built as a warehouse and office space for small businesses in 2003, Amos said.

"That's the only thing it's permitted for," Amos added. "A youth center violates the zoning ordinance. The town's staff is very frustrated with this."

Police Chief Johnny Hay agreed the project was needed, but also voiced concerns over the safety issue.

Building owner Jorge Valdez, who owns the building and allows Paone to operate his center, made an impassioned plea to work out the differences.

"It shouldn't be this difficult. I've been approached by the Bill O'Reilly show about this, but I don't want publicity. I just want to help kids," he said.

In the end, Paone was advised to follow the town procedures. He plans to file a text amendment to allow the center to locate in an industrial area. The measure will go before the town's Planning Commission in April and head back to the Town Council in May.

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Submitted by Jorge Valdes on Tue, 02/28/2006 - 10:56am.

I pray that all the citizens of Fayette and Coweta County first pray for the Tyrone officials and ask God to move on their hearts. Second, I pray that we come together as a community and realize that we are fighting for the soul of our children. How many children must take their lives, be put on youth probation or overdose on drugs before we realize that we as citizens are called to be alarmed and ask ourselves, what is God calling me to do? If I stand before Christ can I be assured that I did all that I could?

It saddens me to minister to many parents that are afflicted by this evil taking the lives of our children. No one sees it coming; no one ever dreams that it can happen to them, and then it is to late. We can not just sit back and expect things to get better or believe that it can not happen to us. It can, and if our children make it ok, then we face another battle, our grandchildren.

America is the most amazing and blessed country on our planet. God has given us much and HE expects much. WE must hurt for the parents that have lost a child. I cry over the death of all these teenagers and I ask God to give me the strenght to continue to fight the good fight and not to give up. WE can not begin a council meeting with prayer and then fight a brother who has no financial gain, but whose only desire is to perhaps save ONE child.

When I ran the Medelling Drug Cartel, it was amazing how easy we could do things for evil. It was also amazing how we, who were evil, built so many schools, and supported so many programs to help kids. But most amazing was the fact that we the evil one could work together, to achieve one common goal. Yet today, we who call on the name of Christ are at times extremely passive and as citizens do not unite to help those who are fighting for the lives of our children.

What amazes me the most is that if we do not care about Christ or God or any higher power, we as a civilized community of people MUST care about our children. This is our future, this is our hope. My challenge to the business community is to realize that unless we do something about this generation who will become our next employees, vendors and customers we are looking at the face of chaos.

I respectfully disagree with the perspective of Mr. Amos that this is a bad place to place a Christian Youth Outreach, but if in fact it is a bad place, then I urge every member of the city of Tyrone to mortgage their homes and business and come up with a million dollars to build a place of HOPE for our kids. This is what my wife and I have done, we have mortgaged our business to build this center. Perhaps we were not perfect in how we went about it, perhaps we were not politically correct and followed all the rules and regulations, but let it be known, that if we did this was only out of ignorance and desperation to help the youth of our community, and in no way did we intend to violate any laws or deceive anyone. I we did, then I publicly seek their forgiveness.

My wife and I run a SErviceMaster Franchise to support our family, we do not take one cent from our ministry. We are not builders, we are believers. WE are simply two people who saw a great brother, John Paone, get indebted to provide hope for kids. WE ask ourselves the following question: What will we not sell, or do to help one of our six children if they got on drugs or were thinking about suicide? We must likely sell it all, or do whatever it takes. Well, if this is the case, why not do it for someone else's kids. As Christians we strongly believe that God will expect us to the same for all HIS children.

My good people, pray, pray, and then ask God to place on your heart what HE expects from you. We are asking God to fight this fight for us, we do not want to go to the media and create a scandal for Tyrone as it has been created for Vermont and other states. WE love Tyrone, we love the city officials, and I want to believe that everyone means well and everyone involves truely has a relationship with Christ. Sometimes we are confused and we fight HIM instead of joining HIM. If anyone has any questions as to what we intend to do please feel free to e-mail me at

God bless you always,

Dr. Jorge L. Valdes, Ph.D.
Founder Coming Clean Ministries.

Submitted by tedbeaumont on Thu, 02/23/2006 - 12:40pm.

I realize Mr. Paone's pain. But putting the youth center aside. There is a recurring theme here. Everytime someone goes to Town Hall they come away shaking their heads. Barney and Thelma never give the public the same answer twice. They are not there to help the citizens. They don't want to help the citizens. They are continually giving the citizens wrong answers. Wake up Tyrone, Barney and Thelma are ruining our City Hall.

Submitted by bubbletown on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 9:27am.

Reason given by Tyrone officials for turning down approval of the proposed teen center was that the industrial park is not zoned for that purpose and that there is not a second exit from the park. Another industrial park in Tyrone just around the corner contains a cheerleading gym and rock climbing facility. There is only one access into and out of the park. Why are there different rules being enforced for the teen center? Are the zoning rules inconsistent for industrial parks?

I applaud John Paone & George Valdez and their families for what they are trying to do for the young people in our community. They are willing to do something to help other people at great personal cost & risk. This facility has already been built and has not opened because of bureaucratic red tape. I encourage the rest of the community to get behind this cause. Let the city of Tyrone hear from you.

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