Whitewater band, chorus directors resign; charged with soliciting prostitute

Thu, 09/10/2009 - 3:53pm
By: John Munford

Jail mug_whitewater chorus director_Butler, Kelly

Pair used Craigslist; busted in undercover sting in DeKalb Co.

The band and chorus directors at Whitewater High School resigned Thursday after school system officials learned of their earlier arrest in DeKalb County for soliciting prostitutes, a spokesperson confirmed.

Band Director Doug Dee and Chorus Director Kelly Butler face criminal charges for using the website Craigslist to meet up with whom they thought were two prostitutes but turned out to be undercover police officers, officials said.

The incident took place May 12. Dee was arrested at the scene but Butler received just a citation at first before being arrested Aug. 19, a court official said.

The school system was unaware of the criminal charges against Butler and Dee until Thursday, which happened to be the same day Dee was arraigned in court.
Both faculty members began working for Whitewater in 2003; Dee had been with Fayette County schools since 1997 and Butler was hired by the school system in 2001.

The school system will work diligently to find highly qualified replacements for both, said school system spokesperson Melinda Berry Driesbach. The school is also appreciative of parents and students who continue to support both the band and chorus programs particularly as they begin to make the transition to new leadership.

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Submitted by hh on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 3:35pm.

I'm removing my comment. I doubt people without reason and a sense of wit would understand it. And that seems to constitute none of this readership of this joke of a paper.

Submitted by AlarminglyCorrect on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 3:40pm.

Is it too late for these folks to claim they worked for ACORN? Next time they should follow the advice of president obama's friends at this corrupt organiztion...claim they are community organizers seeking tax breaks for under age, illegal alien prostitutes and many of the president's supporters near the site of arrest could have pointed the way to the local, tax-payer funded brothel.
If it's ok for the president's organization to cheat the country out of tax dollars, import illegal alien underage girls, while their are children in their care.....then why is this a problem?

Submitted by hh on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 6:08pm.

this is a gigantic red herring. sorry you hate black people and democrats, whereas the entire ideological construct of your political views is negated by the fact that the media homogenizes the differences and evokes the same image of both parties, so please stop kidding yourself with the idea that you can turn this misdemeanor into a political dialogue, since you can't because the two are unrelated, and you must really have a sorry story if the best arguments you can make are on the citizen forum. the only reason i'm commenting is because i find every possible outlet of procrastination i can. for you, i'm assuming quite unfairly you're a sort of glenn beck, pseudo-libertarian fan. please, read a little more philosophy and know what it is to fall off the back of the pickup truck, no one's falling for these ridiculous appeals to emotion, and a myriad of other fallacies, but they are hard to deduce, since an unclear argument leads to unclear analysis.

Submitted by heatjam on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:25pm.

does anyone know what the ad on Craigs List said that they responded to? Yes, the "ladies" that they met were undercover police, but if the ad mentioned teenagers, then they should be charged with what they were charged with. It would be the same as the internet stings that the PTC police excel at.

Submitted by whsdad on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 1:53pm.

"Contrary to previous media reports, there is nothing in the police report to indicate that Dee thought the prostitutes were underage." - John Munford, The Citizen Newspaper

Submitted by jevank on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:51am.

The Dekalb County Sheriff's Office posted Dee's name backwards. If you check "Dee Douglas," you will find his information.

Submitted by nat on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:40am.

"EVERYONE IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!!!!" Sure hope none of you who wrote such negative blogs are on a jury!!!! How quick we are to judge!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by sickntired on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:18pm.

HOW ARE THEY NOT PROVEN GUILTY ALREADY? COME ON!?! I have a hard time believing that someone who hands the money straight to the COPS (thinking that they are prostitutes under the age of 17) has any ounce of innocence in the crime, whatsoever. Thats like a murderer killing someone in front of a policeman, and then claiming they didn't do it!! They committed the crime. Half-witted, but whole-heartedly, therefore, let them take the consequences.

Submitted by ztlkel on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:43am.

The offense took place on May 12 and she was not arrested until August 19th? The media doesn't know when he was arrested? The Fayette County Board of Education is relying on employees to report being arrested? Why would you report yourself when you have a chance of getting away with it, after all, if you pass the initial background check, you must be okay. Wake up, this should be someone's job (maybe the school resource officer). With all of the technology that is available today, this should never happen.

Submitted by The Truth Will ... on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 10:31am.

Come on, always looking to BLAME someone. Leave the School Resource Officer out of your "blame game." Seems to me the "arresting county" is responsible in getting the info to the right source. Unless the info provided to them, at time of arrest, did not indicate the teachers true occupation. Maybe this will encourage the state and counties to "perfect" a system to report such arrest to authorities to reduce future risk to our children.

OR maybe we could blame all janitors who knew this couple, after all janitors are to clean up everyone's mess!

Submitted by Spyglass on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:32am.

a good sex story. 134 comments and counting. LOL

Submitted by spartancaver on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 2:44pm.

Sex, Blood, and Money the foundation of all news editors decision making. i.e. JonBenit Ramsey first appeared in the AJC buried in the National News section, one small paragraph. You got sex, beauty queen, death, wealthy family, mystery who done it. I said then it would not stay on the back page for long.

Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 1:53pm.

Well that is why they all watch FOX--all the lechs and lechesses!

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 3:42pm.

I just know you've been spending all your time on Craigslist, probably posting over and over "THERE ARE COPS HERE, LOOK OUT!" or telling everyone they are wrong.

Anyways, I glanced around and I think I found an ad in the Craigslist Personals that might be....YOURS????

Got Viagra?

Grumpiest old man EVER seeks hot cougar for wild blogging times. If we blog for more than 4 hours, we aren't calling my doctor, we're going to blog even longer! Look at my profile:

LIKES: What?
DISLIKES: Everything!
CAREER: WW 1 veteran
HOMETOWN: Sunny Pines Beyond Mature Living Community and Bait Shop

Are you ready to blog?

meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 2:45pm.

Allow me to point out one small factoid. You told us all you like watching "the babes on FOX in short skirts turned just right for a good view" read the teleprompter. Then you tried to pass it off as "satire". No dice old man. The guilty dog barks.....

dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 10:03am.

It is a little over the top isn't it? There are at least 15-20 comments from the same poster (with the same blog title - wrong).

Many of the comments are from students. Regardless of grammatical errors or a lack of maturity in formulating an argument...I have to commend any student that took it upon themselves to express their opinion in this forum. They could have been playing their x-box, but instead opted to be a voice in their community. Hopefully the school system will do better by them and teach them how to formulate an articulate argument - that should come with age and wisdom. Smiling

Submitted by jevank on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:47am.

It's a little of everything. Sex, the justice system, religion, and politics. (We knew politics would get dragged into it.)

Poor NUK was up past midnight trying to come to terms with being condemned to hell. He finally summed it up around 12:30. Pretty funny stuff if you haven't read it yet.

The good news: Two new jobs opened up in Fayette County!

Submitted by atarigenerator46 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:29am.

I don't think it's anyone's business that they were trying to solicit prostitution. What they do in their private life is their own business. They wanted to have a kinky time. So what?

Submitted by gt2008 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:21am.

I went to FCHS when Dee was still assistant band director. I was never crazy about him, despite his jovial demeanor. In light of recent events, my negative impressions of him have been justified and augmented.

I respect teachers. There have been teachers in my family as far back as I can reach in the tree. They know they are aware of their role in their chosen careers, they know the influence they exert over young developing minds and the spotlight that will be placed on them should their personal indecencies spill into their professional lives. Because they have been trusted to be a good influence over children, a higher bar has been set. If they can't reach that bar, there's no way they should be teachers in the first place.

On a slightly different note and entirely personal tangent that will in no way influence my stubborn target audience, I would really love to see relgious zeal kept in check in forums (education) where it doesn't belong. I personally don't care what your religion is. I don't imagine I have the right or divine ability to condemn another person to hell. I am human, I have opinions, I'm going to judge others because we as a species are subjective. One of the first things I noticed as an 11 year-old when I moved to Fayetteville was the idea that one can go to church, be told it is their way (ie, their interpretation of God's way) or the speedy, burning highway to hell. Good grief, the holier-than-thou mentality irks me to no end. Are you not just as human as I am? It's amazing how one can profess to living in a way that promotes love, forgiveness and understanding while simultaneously adhering to such adament close-mindedness. In no way am I broadly directing this to any specific church or even relgion, it's usually a case-by-case basis. People are people. It's the way some will tie personal beliefs to instances where they are irrelevant - education - that is just unnecessary. Doug Dee and Kelly Butler managed to fall well below that aforementioned bar, breaking the law and embarassing themselves and Fayette County education ethics standards as a whole. I'm not going to say they belong in the fiery pits, but they sure don't belong in the school system.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:32pm.

"It's amazing how one can profess to living in a way that promotes love, forgiveness and understanding while simultaneously adhering to such adament close-mindedness."


The Wedge's picture
Submitted by The Wedge on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:06pm.

Your anti-religious views are noted and the adnauseam-ness of it was also evident. You may not imagine the right to condemn anyone to hell, but you have reserved yourself the right to condemn us to boredom and your own sanctimonious-ness. Did you ever stop to think about why you feel they shouldn't be in the school system? You chose to stand upon the bedrock of the rule of law and state the obvious. It is pretty easily spelled out in the Code of Conduct. It isn't a dangerous ledge upon which to stand. What do you really think is the genesis of the law in this circumstance-prostitution and underage involvement. Gee, guess what? It would be the Judeo-Christian religion. Sacre Bleu!

Submitted by gt2008 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:39pm.

1) I don't hold anti-religious views. In general I am a fan of religion. I hold anti-mixing-religion-with-education-forum and anti-holier-than-thou views. Different things.
2) I apologize for your wasted time in both reading my entire post and feeling the urge to respond. It was obviously not boring enough for you to glaze over it and forget about it. Yay for adding zest to the day.
3) Is it not an outrage that something as bedrock as the rule of law and Code of Conduct still escaped these 2 teachers? Is that not worth commenting about?
4) Why does posting in the Fayette Citizen have to be something dangerous? I'm more expressing my response, albeit pedantic because I am offended, to what happened to a teacher I had for 4 years than trying to win a case.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:36pm.

...and the Judeo-Christian religion, they should be put to death:

Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."

Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."

Leviticus 21:9 "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire."

How did the fundies end up hijacking this thread?

meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 2:24pm.

"How did the fundies end up hijacking this thread?"

Uhhh, because idiots like you were the competition.

You know, idiots who can't think for themselves. Idiots who get all their thoughts and beliefs from left-wing blogs and op-eds. Idiots who harp on crinolines and little girl pageants, while insulting anyone who dares express religious beliefs they don't have. Idiots who insult everything Southern, while living here. Idiots who alienate every single person on here by trying to be controversial, yet really end up just being bitchy. Idiots who are so far away from the mainstream thoughts of this country, yet perceive they are and actually call themselves that. Idiots who think they are intellectually superior, yet prove otherwise constantly. Idiots who wish they could match wits, yet suck at it and keep coming back for more. Idiots who formally cede the thread to "the right" multiple times, but just can't quite stay away. Like you.

Make sense now? I doubt it.

Submitted by Bonkers on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 4:55pm.

Mainstream thought as you think it is DEAD!

Just as women can't vote, slavery, eighteen year olds can fight but not vote, blacks can't do anything but work, Christianity is the ONLY
everything, sex is OK for me but not others (any kind), I'll define hypocrisy, I'll define porno, (it is everything except what I do), I'm dumb but try to argue with knowledgeable people, still fighting the civil war, and wants more patriotic wars somewhere.

It is dead!

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:51pm.

Exodus 23-1.."Do not spread false reports. Do not help a wicked man by being a malicious witness.

Deuteronomy 19:18..The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against his brother,

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

The Wedge's picture
Submitted by The Wedge on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:49pm.

I am not suggesting that there should be any biblical punishment. Au contrare... It is just a bit vexing to see someone spew about religion but yet, still wants these people to be banished from teaching. Why banish them if you want to banish religious principles? Hey Mainstream. You can probably wait out the complete secularization of US society and then you can get legalized prostitution and kiddie involvement. You can celebrate on that special day. Maybe even show up in crinoline as a tribute to past struggles.

Submitted by Cynical1 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:40am.

I don't understand the thinking of some people when the criminal actions of whom appear to be otherwise upstanding citizens come to light. How many times do we hear the neighbors/friends/family of mass murderers/rapists/sex offenders, etc. comment on what an outstanding person he/she was and that they just can't believe he/she would ever do such a thing? I reckon the cold, hard truth is that we all are capable of doing such things, but thankfully, most of us don't. But if an otherwise outstanding citizen commits a morally reprehensible crime, does the fact (or appearance) that they had been outstanding citizens lessen the criminality of their actions? Me thinks not. Me also thinks most people would agree that Mr. Dee and Ms. Butler have been charged with a morally reprehensible crime. They may have appeared to have been outstanding teachers, role models, etc., but apparently behind the public facade lay dark desires. It is sad that our children are indirect victims of their crimes. Unfortunately incidents like this teach that we cannot trust anyone by their public facade, and even if we think we know them well, we might not. No, I do not know Mr. Dee and Ms Butler, but I don't have to throw any stones to judge them - they have been charged with a crime that is wrong by our Christian moral code as well as our criminal law code. They will be appropriately judged, by a civil court in this life and by our Maker in the next life. If found guilty, they will serve their given sentences, here on earth and then the great unknown. Just like us all. Amen.

P.S. to Deltamom1: thank you for shutting up. You were making us Christians look bad.

Submitted by whsdad on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 10:14am.

>> Me also thinks most people would agree that Mr. Dee and Ms. Butler
>> have been charged with a morally reprehensible crime.

*Assuming that minors were not involved* (which is debatable), I do not find their crimes morally reprehensible. Nor do I believe that an act is morally reprehensible simply because it is a crime. Running a red light is a crime, but I do not find it morally reprehensible.

Conversely, I do not believe that an act should be a crime simply because it morally reprehensible. As an example of that, I would cite a drunken worthless father. Certainly morally reprehensible, but not a criminal act punishable by rule of law.

>> if an otherwise outstanding citizen commits a {deleted}
>> crime, does the fact (or appearance) that they had been outstanding
>> citizens lessen the criminality of their actions?

The criminality? No. And the judge will likely not give that much consideration when he/she passes sentence. But what's being demanded here in this forum goes way beyond the legal ramifications of their crime. They don't want them to face a measured penalty for their crime, they want their entire lives destroyed. I'm sorry people, but that's not justice (again assuming no minors involved). Using those standards, any one of you who has even been at fault in a car accident should never be allowed to drive again. Any one of you who has defaulted on a debt should never be allowed to have an account anywhere. Etc.. And that's just insanity...

Submitted by defenderoftruth on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 6:56am.

Dekalb County HAS THE CHARGES LISTED INCORRECTLY. If you go to the dekalb docket you see the correct charge. They were NOT soliciting minors. So stop freaking out if you think they were creepy to the students. That never happened.

Submitted by scoop on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:09am.

I suspect that DOT is an attorney of one of the defendents or is employed by an attorney of one of the defendents. Trying to influence the jury pool perhaps?

Submitted by whsdad on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:23am.

I have my suspicions about this as well. Pandering (solicitation) of a person under the age of 17 is a FELONY in Georgia. Although the text entry says under17YOA, their charges are specifically listed as a misdemeanor. Additionally, their bond was recorded as $500, pretty low for a felony charge (minimum $1000 fine and/or 1yr in jail).

Furthermore, WSB TV who has obtained a hard copy of the complete arrest report (shown briefly on TV last evening) did not mention minors anywhere in any of their reporting. I can't imagine that any news outlet would fail to capitalize on such a significant detail when the case involved two HS teachers.

DoT, can you post a link to the docket? All I can find is the case record and disposition.

That said; If I am is correct in my belief that they no minors were involved in this situation, then I stand by my earlier statement that they should be allowed to retain their teaching positions. What happens between consenting adults behind closed doors is no business of anyone but the people behind that door. And to let two talented teachers go because you happen to disapprove of their bedroom habits is stupidity. What's next, firing everyone who has had an affair? How about homosexuals?

Submitted by Eliza on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:45am.

First, I do admire your passion in attempting to defend two people who you apparently think well of - and they may have, in the past, been exceptional teachers who deserved that defense.

But you say, "If I am is correct in my belief that they no minors were involved in this situation, then I stand by my earlier statement that they should be allowed to retain their teaching positions. What happens between consenting adults behind closed doors is no business of anyone but the people behind that door."

And that is where you lose me - there is a bit more to this than just "consenting adults behind closed doors". They apparently hired two prostitutes from a Craig's List ad. While that MIGHT not mean they should lose their jobs if they were assembly line workers or car salesmen, I believe we should hold those who work directly with our children to a much higher standard. That has been a long-standing tradition in education, and I don't think we should consider watering it down!

I do understand the heartbreak of many of the students, friends and co-workers of this couple and you have my sympathy. I also understand that at least one of the two has children - how incredibly selfish of a parent to risk this kind of embarrassment for their children!

Submitted by sickntired on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:51pm.

They BOTH have kids. Butler has one that I know of, and Dee has two little boys. And I was feeling sorry for them last night, they're lives are ruined too.

"I believe we should hold those who work directly with our children to a much higher standard. That has been a long-standing tradition in education, and I don't think we should consider watering it down!"

ABSOLUTELY. And I bet most people think Dee only taught at WHS, well, he also taught at Brooks Elementary. There's no telling what's running through their curious little minds.

Submitted by scoop on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:38am.

Sorry, WHS dad. Your logic is flawed beyond a response.

Submitted by whsdad on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:31am.

>> Your logic is flawed beyond a response.

Now there's a pathetic argument if I have ever heard one. I'm wrong, but you won't put your own opinion out there for scrutiny.

Since my logic is so wrong, why don't you bestow your wisdom upon me and explain how. And why don't you follow that up by putting our own opinion our there for public scrutiny. That is, if you have the guts to...

>> I suspect that DOT is an attorney of one of the defendents

Speaking of flawed logic. The details of the case (including a transcript of the arrest) are public record and will be provided verbatim to anyone involved, including the jury. Nothing said here in this tiny forum is going to have any real impact on the litigation of this case, and no intelligent counsel would employ people to salt a chat room...

Also, it's defendants.

Submitted by fullauto on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 6:56am.

WHS seems to be a troubled school. Many of the teachers are professional and dedicated, but there is always a scandal or close call going on there. This is a school with absolutely zero leadership in their administration. I'm amazed at the level of arrogance exhibited by each of the many assistant principals as well as Mr. Stillions. Maybe they need to move away from their desks and open their eyes and ears and look closely at their employees. Dr. Decotis needs to look outside of WHS for replacement administrators for this school. Maybe then, WHS reputation will be viewed in a better light. In spite of all these distractions, I thank all the teachers who do right for our children each day. These are the teachers our kids will remember with admiration after they graduate.

Submitted by kerrimay on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:09pm.

I have to ask - are you seriously suggesting that the administration is at fault for not keeping a closer watch on their faculty? Seriously? So according to you, Mr. Stillions should be asking his teachers on a regular basis if they've committed any felony acts? Or maybe we need to pay someone to constantly check arrest records for all 159 Georgia counties? C'mon now.

When you hire someone to be a teacher, I think you have a reasonable expectation that the person you're hiring is a person of character. Call me crazy.

Do you honestly think that if these 2 teachers had worked for a different principal they would have thought twice before doing what they did? Give me a break. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that Mr. Stillions was the last thing on their minds when they were trying to hire prostitutes.....

Submitted by scoop on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:34am.

The principal cannot be faulted for the actions of these two teachers, but there is clearly a leadership deficit at WHS. Rumors (true or not) have been swirling about these teachers long before this scandal. Someone in authority should have addressed this distraction and demanded a sense of descretion ESPECIALLY since so many impressionable students look up to these teachers. The leadership at WHS doesn't care about the school's reputation and it's beginning to look like the FCBOE doesn't either.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:56pm.

(Names changed to protect the innocent and the guilty)

MR.D- I've been thinking......let's get all wild and GO GHETTO!
MS.B- Sounds exciting! What do we do?
MR.D- Do you have any hot black..errr...African-American girls in band this year?
MS. B- Not really. Maybe we can transfer to Fayette County High School?
MR.D- Maybe next year. There's some girls over there I'd like to teach to play my organ...heheheheheh.
Mr.D- I got an idea. I've been reading Craigslist and there are all kinds of ho's on there and they are CHEAP!
MS.B- That's good! These salary cutbacks are a bitch.
Mr.D- I've found two teenagers, one is named "Chastity5-0" and the other is "Imacop." We can get both for $200! And they are 17!
MS.B- Great! Do we have to go to some real urban place like Moreland Avenue to get them? I don't want to get that "authentic."
Mr.D- No prob. I've been checking out the Westin Hotel in Dunwoody and we can meet them there. 2 black teenage hookers sure won't stand out at a Westin in Dunwoody! They said they'll be there ready to partaaaay.
MS.B- YAY! I'm going to Starship on Old National for some supplies.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 4:32am.

as always you are so funny! You always have a witty way of punching holes in the absurd BS people throw up as excuses.

dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 12:13am.

Should we start referring to this as "Watergate"?

"Politics is the second oldest profession. I'm beginning to think that it bares a remarkable resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan

Submitted by whatithink on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:56pm.

Regaurless to anything done by these two, they were both wonderful teachers while i was in school. What they did was wrong, but if you don't know them you have no right to say anything about them. I'm not trying to defend what they did but they should be remembered for the wondereful things they did for the fine arts department. So mind your own buisness. And just because your child was in their class doesn't mean it your buisness because i gauruntee they were nothing good teachers in the class roomm.

Submitted by MacTheKnife on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:15am.

Your grammar and spelling is pitiful. You must have been one of those out of county football players we read so much about.

I guess the faculty has moved from texting, to sexting, to soliciting.

By the way, didn't these two have an affair with each other while married to two other people right under the school system's nose?

Well, even though the school system can't manage their personnel, at least the system can manage money.... NOT!

Submitted by sickntired on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 1:00pm.

Honestly, I had to read a couple sentences several times to understand what the heck the person was trying to say. haha.

And yes, suspicions were aroused when they both got a divorce at relatively the same time. Especially since they were always back and forth in each other's classrooms..

Submitted by whatithink on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:56pm.

Regaurless to anything done by these two, they were both wonderful teachers while i was in school. What they did was wrong, but if you don't know them you have no right to say anything about them. I'm not trying to defend what they did but they should be remembered for the wondereful things they did for the fine arts department. So mind your own buisness. And just because your child was in their class doesn't mean it your buisness because i gauruntee they were nothing good teachers in the class roomm.

James_A_White's picture
Submitted by James_A_White on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:19pm.

Teachers who taught you words like "regaurless"? Teachers who were "nothing good teachers in the class roommm"? That speaks highly for the educational standards they set forth...

Regardless, one need not know a person to understand the potentially grave repercussions of such behavior. Suggesting that these actions should be ignored in light of their wonderful instruction is as ridiculous as suggesting that we should forget about a bank robbery committed by a man because he volunteered in a soup kitchen. One act does not negate the other.

The fact is, these actions are of public concern because Mr. Dee and Ms. Butler were employees of the county. Their crimes will impact the lives of countless students and the example they set through their actions will speak volumes for their character.

It's fine that you admired these teachers, but please don't expect others to remain silent. These are serious offenses.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:04pm.

Here's a question for you: did you personally know Hitler? How about Charles Manson? Stalin? Ed Gein? Ted Bundy? HEY..................YOU CAN'T BE TALKING BAD ABOUT THEM NOW! YOU AIN'T BEEN KNOWING DEM! AIN'T NONE OF YER BIDNESS!

Some real deep-thinking here tonight. I think I'll walk outside and check for a full moon.

Submitted by lizzieb on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:35am.

It's sad that so many of you have such a negative oppinion about Fayette Co High School. It's a great school with great students. I personally wouldn't want my child at any other school.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 10:12am.

How did you manage to read what I said and come to that conclusion?

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 10:16am.

That's the way FCHS is referred to "Fayette Co". I had to look twice myself, and I hadn't known you I might have been mistaken myself.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 10:40am.

Had I said Fayette County High School, it still wouldn't have been a negative comment about the school:) I said I hoped the writer was NOT a student at one of our schools.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:51am.

I KNOW that, just trying to help, so, whatever.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:19pm.

Maybe they could have ACORN show them how to write off their escapades as entertainment expenses.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:27pm.


Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 4:56am.

Well maybe not sincerely, but the white guy that owns ACORN fired the black chick who was so very helpful to the prostitute and her efforts to import underage girls. Shame she had to be fired for becoming a distraction to ACORN's real mission - the 2010 census. They did change their name (I mean who wouldn't) but it is the same group.

The one who was fired sure knew a lot about mortgage fraud. Maybe she can get a job with Fanny Mae or Fredie Mac. Barney Frank's live-in boyfriend still works for one of them doesn't he?

Anybody out there need an Obama bumper sticker remover?

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:11am.

in the parking lot of Wal-Mart.. I actually stopped to watch.. He finally noticed me.. Dropped his head and went back to work.

Late converts are better then no converts I guess. There is hope for 2010.

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by buckyk13 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:28pm.

Placing the various (and often inane) religious arguments aside, let's consider this from a purely ethical standpoint:

A teacher cannot commit a crime related to sexual misconduct and hope to keep a job! ESPECIALLY not one related to minors and not reported to the school system!

The worth of a person or the worth of a teacher should never factor into how society ends up judging that person for various indiscretions. These two could have been the best fine arts teachers on the planet--but they still made a horrible decision. And they are both sane adults! Mistakes are mistakes, but we must all accept the consequences.

On a sidenote, while teachers should be thanked for all that they do, never place a teacher on such a pedestal as I see below. When I was at FCHS, I had the "other" band teacher single me out and tell me why my beliefs regarding gay marriage are wrong and would lead to polygamy and bestiality. Forget the fact that that argument likely doesn't belong in band class and forget the fact that he was pushing his religious beliefs on me, but since when did teachers serve to denigrate students? Indirectly, this is exactly what Ms. Butler and Mr. Dee ended up doing.

Submitted by anonymousposter on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:49pm.

They lost their jobs. Got it. I'm not saying that this shouldn't have happened. You have to accept the consequences for your own actions, but that doesn't change our loss. People we looked up to have let us down. BIG TIME. I am disappointed, but still upset. I'm still sad. And I will still miss both of them dearly. Because I know what our fine arts program has lost. And as a part of that program, I too am at a loss.

YES It's their fault, but pointing fingers doesn't change the fact.

Submitted by leidson on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:37pm.

what ive seen from being a former student almost every single teacher there, was like that..didnt teach..gave opinions, instead of teaching what we needed to learn they taught us what they decided was appropriate, as in their beliefs and they're opinions, i don't know how many times i walked out of a class room because i didnt agree with a teacher on what he or she believed or because they chose not to teach that day because they didnt feel like it, it made them mad. what happend to teaching? I honestly dont see it anymore.

Submitted by eem8 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:48pm.

At Whitewater I dont ever really find myself in the position in class where I feel the need to get up and walk out...everyone has their opinions, teachers included, and its pretty much impossible to talk about a subject without letting your opinions and feelings toward that subject slip out or be known. I agree, personally, that Butler had her favorites as does every teacher at our school...its a way of life. Get over it.
But most importantly, the last person ANYBODY needs to be blaming is Stillions. He was obviously blindsided just like everyone else...thats part of the reason why they are in so much trouble. He had no idea and he is handling it as best as anybody else would in that situation. He certainly had no way of knowing that he had a bunch of creepers in his school just like none of us did.

Submitted by buckyk13 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:46pm.

To some degree, I agree with you. As a former teacher and future school counselor, I don't think being entirely objective is the way to go. For example, I taught social studies and I often shared my own views. Was I ever oppressive or discriminatory after that fact? Absolutely not. By never sharing one's views, however, you run the risk of not fully participating in the class dynamics.

Students care about what adults--especially teachers--think and believe. Its when the democratic process breaks down and one-way pedagogy reigns that something has gone horribly wrong. Sorry for the "bird-walk."

Submitted by leidson on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:25pm.

im ashamed i even graduated from this high school, stillions is just as bad as these two, i hope that when hes finally gone, the school will clean up, but who knows, it may get worse.

Submitted by somesomething on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:21pm.

getting worse, i mean.

Submitted by anonymousposter on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:24pm.

I am a WHS band AND chorus student. I lost two great teachers today, and for some reason people can't understand why I am upset by this! What happened - it's wrong. But what we've lost is huge. Butler and Dee BUILT this Fine Arts program. And it's a damn good one. Mrs. Butler was always trying to get the best out of her students. And Mr. Dee - have you SEEN the awards the Wind Ensemble has won? This is a big DEAL for us. Especially seniors. 4 years these are the pick-me-up classes that make our days worth it. This is something that's helped push us through all 4 years - THESE PEOPLE. Theses aren't just teachers. They're role models, inspiration, and motivation. Dee and Butler have been this for us. And just like that, with just a stupid mistake, it's been ripped right from our hands only months before graduation.
****[edited] happens, but tomorrow, we pick ourselves up, put on a happy face, and clap 5 times as we say "It's gonna be a great day!" Because as every band kid knows - that always makes it better.

Submitted by MacTheKnife on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:22am.

"Mrs. Butler was always trying to get the best out of her students." and "4 years these are the pick-me-up classes that make our days worth it."

Picking up a couple of kids your age to try and get something out of them is why they are in jail.

Do you ever consider what you are saying BEFORE you say it?
By the way, did you know they were having an extramarital affair?
Are these REALLY what you think role models should be?

Ughhhh ... folks, herein lies the danger.

Submitted by sickntired on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 1:28pm.

"4 years these are the pick-me-up classes that make our days worth it."

Maybe for some, but for many more, they were the "omg, I don't wanna go" classes.

WhatIsItNow's picture
Submitted by WhatIsItNow on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:22pm.

I just want to know why the paper decided to post a picture of the woman and not the man. This is a classic example of a double standard.

Submitted by sillyfish85 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 9:44pm.

Legal issues aside; what no one has yet pointed out is that Dee is MARRIED. He has a wife and two young kids, which is what disgusts me about this most of all. Cheating on his wife wasn't enough? They had to go out and arrange some sick, kinky fantasy above and beyond that?
...ARRANGE. Not just some spur-of-the-moment, impulsive street corner thing, but a pre-planned arrangement in another town...
Even if prostitution were completely legal (which, NO, it shouldn't be), did he honestly think his family wouldn't eventually find out what he was up to?

Submitted by Venous on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:01pm.

All of you say that you knew Mr.Dee and Ms.Butler, but obviously you did not. I am not a chorus or band student, but I knew of the good things both of these people have done for their students. I saw people who were solid as a rock, crumble as they heard there favorite teachers were fired. You only knew the Dee and Butler that they wanted you to see and I agree what they did was wrong. He obviously deserves ridicule, but realize he has lost his job, his passion, and most likely his wife. This is still his fault but if it werent for this bubble we live in around Fayette county this wouldnt even scratch the surface of the meida. The only reason this is dissapointing to me is that no one seems to understand that teachers are held to a higher standard than most. They are our educators, role models and friends, but rolemodels will not put themselves in a position where their character and morals are challenged. It is a shame to see good people go, but if your willing to put your work on the line for some sex then so be it. Do as you will.

Submitted by anonymousposter on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 9:53pm.

Dee is DIVORCED. He is not married. He and Mrs. butler have been dating for a while. It's not just some random one night fling. SHUTDOWN.

Submitted by deltamom1 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 9:49pm.

For the record....he and his ex-wife divorced last year.

Submitted by formerWHSstudent on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:08pm.

Dee went through a divorce last year....so did Mrs. Butler. And do you know why?.....BECAUSE OF AN AFFAIR! Don't make it seem so innocent like they started dating after they got divorced. They got divorced because they started dating.

Submitted by flyonthewall74 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:27am.

Actually...MRS. Butler IS NOT DIVORCED YET!!!! She is still married, divorce was never completed. And these two jokers are supposed to be role models for HS kids yeah right! Couldn't have happened to a much more deserving couple! However, MRS. Butler's child and Mr. Dee's children DO NOT deserve to have parents like this. Maybe one day they will learn from their hair brain ideas, though highly unlikely.

Submitted by somesomething on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 9:15pm.

A lot of teachers at Whitewater were noticeably unprofessional with students, but Ms. Butler in particular. While some of Ms. Butler's students found her casual attitude cool, I, along with an evident minority, thought it was kinda weird. She showed obvious favor towards a select group and against kids who didn't fit into her little clique. Since when is chorus about popularity and brown nosing?

My point is, it reflects poor judgement and unprofessionalism. Not to mention, the fact that she was "pandering to minors" adds another level of creepiness entirely.

Maybe Fayette County ought to have a seminar on the appropriate boundaries teachers should set with students. As far as what's appropriate in the bedroom-- generally, it's no one's business. Despite my very liberal, if not controversial, views on sexuality (anything goes), I'm against adults sleeping with teenagers. (as an aside, i'm also against the criminalization of teenage prostitutes, and i feel the laws against adults who solicit teenage prostitutes are not strict enough).

The grossness of soliciting prostitutes the same age as your students, I thought would go without saying, but maybe FCBOE should cover that, too.

Submitted by defenderoftruth on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 7:02am.

They weren't minors. That is 100% incorrect and it's another mistake the legal system made to ruin these people's lives.

Submitted by scoop on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 9:10am.

I suspect that DOT is an attorney of one of the defendents or is employed by an attorney of one of the defendents. Trying to influence the jury pool perhaps?

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 7:58am.


You're doing an excellent job of further "ruining" their lives by calling non-stop attention to them by posting the same message 20 or so times, just in case anyone hadn't heard the story yet. Good work, and I'm sure they appreciate the extra attention.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 8:02am.

they should not let the "kiddies" text while in class.. No wonder we have some of the lowest scores in the Country..

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by sickntired on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 1:35pm.

Are you saying that Whitewater/ Fayette county has some of the lowest scores in the country? Where did you read that? Because THATS absoulte bull.

And for the record they don't let the "kiddies" text while in class.

Submitted by JokerUnicorn on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 9:24pm.

"She showed obvious favor towards a select group and against kids who didn't fit into her little clique."

Ms.Butler actually discouraged cliques. Sure, she had some people in her classes that she was closer to, but that was because she spent more time with them because they did All State and other things like that. But she was never against anyone but her students who were rude and showed no respect for what the class was all about.

Submitted by formerWHSstudent on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 10:11pm.

...that she spent so much time talking about cliques because she had been accused of it before. If you were in chorus, as you said you were, then you would have realized that there was a group of kids that she showed favoritism towards. I was in chorus at WHS as well and realized that. There isn't anything wrong with showing favoritism, honestly every teacher does it whether they admit it or not, but please don't neglect the facts.

Submitted by whsdramaqueen2008 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 9:49pm.

I have to agree. I remember spending a whole class period talking about why cliques are so bad as well as a day about inner beauty and accepting everyone for who they are.

Submitted by gouga on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 9:15pm.

I agree, they were good teachers who put on great productions. I really don't think that they would harm any of their students, but they committed a crime and should be punished. Whitewater will go on without them. The world has not ended. Band has Mr. Jean, who is perfectly capable, and chorus will find a new teacher. The students at WHS have enough talent to keep these programs going.

Submitted by sickntired on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 1:42pm.

He's the one who wrote the drill for the marching band shows, Took certain sections and helped them with their music, NEVER YELLED IF WE WEREN'T PERFECT, and was alot more patient and understanding with us(better qualities for a teacher). Jean always was, and always will be a better band teacher, and if you ask around, I can guarantee many many many people will agree that they like Jean better.

Submitted by normal on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 8:50pm.

Prostitution should be legal and taxed. Simple as that. This is such a waste of time and money to carry on over a simple act. And no they should not have had to leave their job for this. Most of you do worse than this at home. They were taught well by Mr Clinton werent they.

Submitted by MYTMITE on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:20pm.

than some of the things you said. These two teachers of underage students actively went out and solicited not one but two underaged prostitutes to engage in sexual acts with them. They thought the prostitutes were the age of their students--do you still not see something wrong with that? It was not a simple act. If they had such rapport with their students they should have abhorred the fact that there were teen-age prostitutes available--not gone out of their area to find them--actively hunt them. What two (or more) people do in their home is their business--unless they have included under age children--and they were not in their home. I must have missed where Clinton was with them. Just where did you get that from? If you are suggesting that former President Clinton's morals rubbed off on them then they should not have been teaching anyway if they could be swayed or influenced by someone else's improper behavior. They were supposed to be adults. When you are an adult with children of your own you will see the difference. Perhaps prostitution should be legalized but underage children should never be part of it. It takes a sick person to want to have sex with an underaged child--and certainly it speaks poorly to the character of these two teachers no matter what a wonderful program they provided for the student body or how nice, friendly or whatever they were. It was wrong morally, legally and any other way you can imagine.

Submitted by defenderoftruth on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 7:00am.

they were not soliciting underage prostitutes. The charge is wrong. Just another screw up of the legal system.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 7:50pm.

"They wanted to spice up their bedroom life by hiring two African-American female prostitutes." I imagine when they gave the $200 to the prostitutes/cops and got arrested, it was a very HOT and SPICY moment in their relationship! Sooooo hot, baby! Wonder if their fantasy involved handcuffs too? Wish Chris Hansen and Dateline had been there to tell them "have a seat here."

I guess they have been wondering since their May unexpected encounter with law enforcement when Fayette CO would find out about it and fire them. Looks like they were allowed to "resign" anyway, which surprises me, but the end result is the same.

Submitted by WHSmom on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 8:45pm.


EDITED and WARNED for personal attacks


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