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Just make sure you leave out opinions about the validity of the major religions, and definitely do not compare them to cults. There were two posts completely removed, not deleted, one by Main Stream, that were in response to one about Jehovah's Witness members (LINK) that is journalistic garbage. Neither one of the deleted posts appeared to me to be in violation (the other blogger mentioned religions as cults, and MS just asked them about it), and those in violation (usually) are marked as such, in bold, as a warning to others. I have said many times that this is Cal's deal and he can operate any way that he wants to, however to reflect the actual operating procedure a disclaimer may be in order. I'm just sayin'.

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Submitted by allegedteacher on Sat, 08/29/2009 - 9:50pm.

I read Carbonunit's blog with interest and sadness but not with much surprise. I have heard of The Citizen's owner's extreme Christian bias, and any positive mention of religions/philosophies other than Christianity is glaringly absent in this newspaper. Fear of opposing opinions demonstrates insecurity and doubt; anyone who is fearful for the demise of her/his religious views does not have a very potent god. Christianity lost its appeal for me long ago because of its frightened, hypocritical followers.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 7:05am.

Do not confuse religion with "organized religion."

The only defense organized religion has to continue to exist is organization.

Groups of radicals gathered together always offend the rest. Whereas individually, most of them are decent people since they don't have to suit everyone else in the group.

Mobs are made that way---by gathering and agitating.

Paul took no organization with him to Greece.
The one formed there failed without his guidance.

Tolerance is essential.

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