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To Add to Your Knowledge of Proposed Healthcare Legislation

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Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 09/01/2009 - 6:43pm.

This was sent to seniors in Florida - but may answer some questions for Georgia seniors.

Are you for or against health-care reform -- or are you still trying to figure it out? Wherever you stand on health reform, many of you are telling AARP that this issue is just plain hard to understand. So many numbers, ideas and claims are floating around, it's hard to get a grip on this complicated issue.

A message from Lori Parham, AARP's FL State Director:

In this report, I'll share two questions we've been hearing lately, followed by our analysis. We won't just tell you what we think -- we'll cite the best research we can find. We've also listed other questions and answers on a special AARP web site. Our goal is to fill in parts of the health-reform picture you may have not yet seen.

To share your thoughts on health reform, pro or con, please call 1-866-AARP-449. To learn more about the issue, please go to To share your story of how our health system is affecting you, please go to

Question: I 've heard that the House health-reform bill (HR 3200) calls for cutting Medicare by $532 billion. Does that mean my benefits would be cut? Will I be better off, worse off, or unaffected by health care reform as a Medicare beneficiary?

Let's deal with your Medicare benefits first. If you're among the three out of four older Floridians on traditional Medicare, you would gain new benefits under health-reform legislation without losing any that you currently have.

For example, pending health-reform bills would gradually close the Medicare Part D "doughnut hole" prescription drug benefit -- a big gain for 312,000 older Floridians who fall into the "doughnut hole" coverage gap every year.

Health-care reform also would save most beneficiaries money on drug costs over time. This is no small matter for older Floridians. By 2019, if today's health laws don't change, the upper limit of the infamous Medicare Part D "doughnut hole" could grow from $4,500 today to $5,700.

Other provisions would eliminate Medicare co-payments and deductibles for screenings for diabetes, prostate cancer and osteoporosis, and pay doctors more to provide your care. Improving preventive care could be vital for you. Four in five Florida men will face concerns about prostate health by age 80. Half of all post-menopausal women in America will suffer an osteoporosis-related bone fracture during their lives. Having Medicare fully cover screenings for these conditions is a small change that will yield huge benefits for many seniors, perhaps including you.

Now let's look at what changes to Medicare really mean, and who would be affected.

First, note that the $532 billion in Medicare changes would take place over 10 years. The math seems simple -- $53.2 billion per year, right? -- but actually savings would vary from year to year. By the way, Medicare (government-run health care for Americans age 65+) is expected to cost about $422 billion in 2009 alone and $797 billion per year by 2019.

In all, the changes to Medicare represent about 7 percent of Medicare spending over 10 years. But saying Medicare would be "cut" by $532 billion isn't really accurate.

More than $300 billion of the $532-billion figure would actually be plowed back into Medicare to improve some benefits, such as closing the Medicare Part D "doughnut hole," paying your doctor more, and improving preventive care.

The real net reductions to Medicare total about $234 billion over 10 years. This would be about 3.2 percent of Medicare's cost between 2010 and 2019. These figures come from the Congressional Budget Office, incidentally.

AARP analysts have looked hard at the changes proposed for Medicare. They clearly impact insurance companies, some health-care providers and those selling medical equipment. For some providers, such as doctors, payments would go up. Right now, your doctor is scheduled to take a 21-percent cut in Medicare reimbursements in 2010. This legislation would cancel this planned reduction and instead pay doctors more over the next 10 years. In all, doctors could expect to see $245 billion in additional payments from Medicare over 10 years if health-care reform legislation is adopted.

But for most Floridians, health-reform bills propose no cuts at all to your Medicare benefits.

Question: What kind of insurers and health providers would see lower Medicare reimbursements, and how would that affect me?

One big example involves Medicare Advantage insurance plans. Medicare pays these plans to provide care to Medicare beneficiaries. Private managed-care companies are paid one flat fee to provide covered services. Medicare Advantage plans are paid some 14 percent more per person than traditional Medicare pays to take care of the average beneficiary. In 2009, Medicare Advantage plans will cost about $111 billion, according to a recent Medicare trustees' report. Their extra payments amount to about $1,100 per enrollee.

In fact, if you're on traditional Medicare, your premium dollars help subsidize MA plans.

New studies have found, however, that the plans aren't nearly as efficient at providing care as traditional Medicare. Studies show that two of every three extra dollars paid to Medicare Advantage plans actually go for overhead, administration and profit. Recently, some Medicare Advantage plan members have raised questions about denials of care.

Under House health plans, MA plans would be cut by about $156 billion over 10 years, or about 10 percent of all MA spending over that period. AARP is seeking to persuade Congress to phase in these changes to help plans adapt.

Some MA beneficiaries fear that health-reform bills would eliminate MA plans entirely. This is just not true. Even after the largest cuts to Medicare Advantage proposed to date, the program would be significantly more costly in 2019 than today.

The health-reform bills also build in important consumer protections for Medicare Advantage plan members. Under the legislation, if your Medicare Advantage plan changed their list of covered medications or raised your out-of-pocket costs in mid-year, you could change your plan.
Whatever happens, you'd still have traditional Medicare to rely on.

Health-reform bills also would hold down planned increases in costs to some Medicare care providers, such as hospices, nursing homes and rehabilitation hospitals by paying them based on more accurate, current payment rates. Together, these savings would total about $196 billion over 10 years.

One more big source of savings comes in the area of prescription drugs. House health-care legislation would save $30 billion over 10 years by taking better advantage of drug-maker discounts.

Major U.S. drug manufacturers already have agreed to lower costs for Medicare beneficiaries by $80 billion over 10 years if health-reform passes. This agreement has been included in current proposed legislation. Drug manufacturers say they can absorb this reduction without hurting their ability to deliver new, innovative drugs to market. An amendment put on the House health-reform bill would allow the government to negotiate with drug-makers to lower costs, which is not allowed under current law. AARP supports this provision.

AARP also has endorsed a bipartisan bill (SR 525) that would make it easier to re-import safe, effective drugs into the United States from Canada and other countries. This legislation is not yet part of health-reform proposals, but AARP is fighting to include it.

Make no mistake -- AARP believes our health system is broken and needs reform this year. While AARP hasn't yet endorsed a specific bill, we are urging members of both major parties to work together on health reform. In fact, AARP has endorsed 38 different pieces of legislation related to health issues this year, 19 of which have bipartisan sponsorship.

As the health reform debate progresses, AARP Florida will do everything it can to help you stay informed. Again, please visit our website,, often for updates or call 1-866-AARP-449 to share your thoughts on health care.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 12:53pm.

It's so important to base our opinions on researched facts. Not everything in the media or from our respective legislators is based on fact. We, the people, can make up our own opinions - that is our power and our responsibility.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 7:31am.
S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 9:06pm.

Obamacare Reality Check: If you like your plan, maybe you can keep it


"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 8:46am.
S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 9:00am.

Brought to you by the same people that wanted you to inform on your neighbors.. Yep I will believe them..

Healthcare Link

Another One Link

and another link

and one more link

There is just as much info on the other side of the fence DM.. but keepem coming..

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 9:19am.

. . we are providing readers with both sides.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 9:17am.

This is from one of your links. I am retired and receive Medicare. I PAY TAXES - BOTH STATE AND FEDERAL! This is a scare tactic based on misinformation. . .yet the speaker is including me and my colleagues among the 78 million who supposedly are not paying taxes. This may seem like a 'slight' oversight in statement - but it's saying that millions of people aren't paying taxes, legally, when that is NOT TRUE!

I'll start with the bad news: When we get through the economic time that we're in right now, we're going to be confronted with an even bigger problem. The first of the Baby Boomers started signing up for early retirement under Social Security last year. Two years from now they will start signing up for Medicare. All told, 78 million people are going to stop working, stop paying taxes, stop paying into retirement programs, and start drawing benefits. The problem is, neither Social Security nor Medicare is ready for them. The federal government has made explicit and implicit promises to millions of people, but has put no money aside in order to keep those promises. Some of you may wonder where Bernie Madoff got the idea for his Ponzi scheme. Clearly he was studying federal entitlement policy.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 10:39pm.

"stop paying taxes" refers to PAYROLL TAXES.. IF YOU ARE RETIRED AND DO NOT WORK.. YOU STOP PAYING(PAYROLL)TAXES... The arthor CLEARLY meant this.. only you would read into it something so illogical. He NEVER said you would stop paying all taxes.. geesh..

Refute the argument.. Break the argument if you can.. but you can't can you.. instead you go off on a tangent trying to imply the entirity of the artical is false because you misread a simple statement..


"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 6:53am.

Good for you. Tell your representative - who agrees with you. (By the way - most newly 'retired' citizens, because of the current economy, continue to 'work' at something in order to maintain their lifestyle.) And if the author meant 'payroll' taxes, he should have made that clear - right? Doesn't your logic help you to understand that we all want the same thing? Who writes the bill isn't important - it is the consequences of the bill that is important to the American people. Keep fighting. Maybe if we had fought earlier, we wouldn't be in this mess. Just make sure you are making an informed fight, based on facts - not myths.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 7:47pm.

” Who writes the bill isn't important - it is the consequences of the bill that is important to the American people.”..
DM that’s the problem.. It is all about who writes the bill… You see when they let groups like Apollo and Storm a “CPUSA” (Communist Party United States of America) spin off.. write these bills then you cannot be surprised to find crazy provisions.. Provisions like allowing your tax records and medical records available to the Government for review..
We sent our Representatives to Washington to represent us.. We EXPECT them to present bills that represent a cross section of AMERICA.. Not a Radical Special Interest group that represents only a small segment of society.
You see DM it is very important that we get this right. Congress MUST READ AND UNDERSTAND what they are signing.. and more importantly we must be informed and made aware as well..
If they don’t know what’s in it then how can we possibly trust them to do the right thing for us.. That is how Fraud and Waste get into the system. That is how there is 8 BILLION dollars in FRAUD in Medicare.
Fix what is wrong.. Fix the Fraud.. Fix the Waste.. Then fix the rest.

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 7:52am.

It would help if President Obama would stop using scare tactics
by tellling people to be very afraid of health-insurance providers because they are dishonest (and will remain so until there is a "public option" to make them "honest"). And to be afraid, very afraid of pediatricians who unnecessarily extract children's tonsils for monetary rather than medical reasons. And to be afraid, very afraid of doctors generally because so many of them are so rapacious that they prefer lopping off limbs of diabetes patients rather than engaging in lifestyle counseling that for "a pittance" could prevent diabetes."

He's supposed to be leading this country, not scaring people just so that they will go along with what he wants.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 8:04am.

Please give us the source of your information. Thanks

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 8:38am.

My source is President Obama - He spoke these words in various speeches - Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.

Comment on Tonsils

President Obama, at New Hampshire Townhall: “All I'm saying is let's take the example of something like diabetes, one of—a disease that's skyrocketing, partly because of obesity, partly because it's not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family—if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they're taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance. But if that same diabetic ends up getting their foot amputated, that's $30,000, $40,000, $50,000—immediately the surgeon is reimbursed. Well, why not make sure that we're also reimbursing the care that prevents the amputation, right? That will save us money.”

President Obama – at one of his many press confereneces: “Right now, doctors, a lot of times, are forced to make decisions based on the fee payment schedule that's out there. So if ... your child has a bad sore throat, or has repeated sore throats, the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, "You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out."

OBAMA: If you don’t like your health coverage or don’t have any insurance, you will have a chance to take part in what we’re calling a Health Insurance Exchange. … And one of these options needs to be a public option that will give people a broader range of choices and inject competition into the health care market so that force waste out of the system and keep the insurance companies honest.
Obama: --a "public health insurance option" along with private insurance plans. "This will ... keep insurance companies honest," the president wrote.
Obama: “And [I] still believe, as I’ve said before, that one of the best ways to bring down costs, provide more choices, and assure quality is a public option that will force the insurance companies to compete and keep them honest,” Obama said.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 10:10am.

For making his words available to us! (in context)

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 9:23am.

Amazing - It's as if DM doesn't read what she puts into her own blogs.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 10:04am.

Re-read. Retired Medicare recipients pay taxes. Lindsey's link states they do not.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 10:27pm.


Republicans' rundown is a mix of false, true and misleading claims.

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 11:04pm.

Spouting the same liberal lies and talking points about the Democrats health care plan doesn't make it true, David's Mom.

The days of Liberals being able to spout the same lies over and over again until Americans think that they represent the truth are over.
This President and his administration has proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted. They are not interested in the well being of America or its citizens. They are only interested in retaining power.

You are in over your head on this debate. The emperor Obama and his minions have no clothes.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 8:03am.

A reporter from Newsweek stated:

To be sure, there are also honest and principled objections to health-care reform. Some oppose a requirement that everyone have health insurance as an erosion of individual liberty. That's a debatable position, but an honest one. And many are simply scared out of their wits about what health-care reform will mean for them. But when fear and loathing hijack the brain, anything becomes believable—even that health-care reform is unconstitutional. To disprove that, check the commerce clause: Article I, Section 8.

Check and compare different sources for your information. Share your honest and principled objection with your representative in Congress.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 8:13am.

"But when fear and loathing hijack the brain, anything becomes believable"

Indeed! Exactly like it is being proposed that the US can suddenly cover millions of presently uninsured people and give the already insured better care and it not cost anyone anything extra. If politicians are able to get people to believe that fairy tale of utter crap, anything is indeed possible.

When any major proposed policy starts off with a premise that is a total lie like health care reform has(everybody wins, no deficits, better coverage for all, no rationing of care) its chances of ever getting passed become doomed.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 8:28am.

Surely with honest input - rather than saying no reform - we can, as Americans ,control the cost of healthcare and make sure that there is affordable healthcare for our citizens. Demand an honest investigation in achieving affordable healthcare - and don't succumb to a knee-jerk reaction that favors corporations. Where did it say the already insured would receive 'better' care? Better service by more efficient use of funds and information? - yes. Paying for preventative services?- yes. Have you investigated 'rationing'? Open your mind to separating fact from fiction. Then rant to your representative - that's where change will be made. When the 'myths' are exposed, on both sides, one wonders who is more important - the politicians or the corporations or the American people. There are 'myths' on both sides of this issue. Do your own research – and develop your own opinion.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 8:40am.

A Majority of AMERICANS are against OBAMACARE.. NOT reform in GENERAL..

We just don't want this RAMMED down our throat RUSHED thru with NO review.. They want to SPEND TRILLIONS... Don't cha think we should at least KNOW EXACTLY what is in this MONSTROUSITY??

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 9:03am.

. .because you're against the Obama administration. There are some valid concerns about this legislation - and it is now being 'reviewed' by more Americans than any other bill since 'Civil Rights' legislation. The 'myths' or 'lies' hurts the credibility of those who appear to be more intent of opposing Obama and determined to kill this legislation. Many of the statements regarding this proposed legislation have been false. Many Americans support reform - without the anti-Obama rhetoric that is obscuring the real issues. The scare tactics - from both sides, is clouding one of the most important issues for American citizens.

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 9:19am.

DM -

No one said anything about killing reform. We just don't want the reform that has been dished up by special interest groups and pushed by the Dems and Obama. It is nothing but an unabashed takeover of 1/6th of the economy in the name of retaining power and we want nothing to do with it.

The American people have spoken, and they have said loud and clearly that we don't want this version. Why can't you just deal with that and move on?

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 9:32am.

The American people deserve to be given well-thought out facts without the fear mongering and myths. . .and there will be reform based on principle and honesty - not who has the biggest lobbyist on tells the biggest lie. . or who gets their 'talking points' on more blogs. When one sees the same 'points' being stated and debated on more than 20 blogs - one gets a pretty clear picture of what is going on. Those who see this as 'Obama's' plan are those who are more willing to not want to acknowledge that there has been misrepresentation of the concepts in the proposed legislation. People all over the country are being informed; questions are being answered; and not all agree with your anti-Obama rhetoric. THEY WANT REFORM; THEY WANT IT RIGHT; and it doesn't have a time limit. Our Congress has a job to do! and they are listening to sincere principled objections.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 11:58am.

They are coming from both Dems and Repubs and it started with a huge lie to begin with, the lie that some health care reform will be cheaper, better, more efficient, not rationed and everybody wins. Obama's administration and the House leadership took the tact that it was better to lie constantly about their proposed health care reform rather than be straight up with the citizens and sell them on the idea that this isn't "free" and it is going cost money, not miraculously save money. 40-50million people don't suddenly get insurance and all the multitudes of new doctors and health care workers are recruited and paid and it save money over anything. Obama and crew are also the same people who insisted everything had to be done immediately, not just this year, but before August even. The whole effort was started poorly and it's going to end poorly.

Congress' approval ratings have been in the toilet for some time. Obama's ratings are sinking. Now, how is there going to be a principled discussion on a major issue like this when the American people have tuned out the decision makers, don't trust them at all, and don't listen to them?

The left is trying to portray all the discontent Americans are showing with issues like immigration, tea parties, health care, 2nd Amendment, stimulus and bail-outs, no fiscal responsibility whatsoever etc. as Repub-controlled. Please. The people tuned-out the Repubs before now and have since grown simply disgusted with both parties and politics as usual. Now that the sheen is dulling on Obama, they are starting to show they feel the same way about him.

Health care reform isn't going to happen under the above circumstances. Maybe Health Care Reform version 2.0 will initiate with a principled and honest discussion at the very beginning instead of a ton of BS and maybe some of the key players won't be in the picture any more.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 3:24pm.

Facts are that the cost of the coverage of all is coming out of what is being spent wastefully NOW. Or nearly so.

As to doing it in a hurry----Harry Truman was the first to try and get a plan for everyone---it has been slowed down ever since.

It is never going to happen until someone has the guts to make it happen.

There are too many currently working in the health field at too high wages. There are too many corporations including pharmaceuticals who are paying out too much profits to undeserving people.

No other way is going to work except like Medicare works but at a reduced cost by efficiency.

Time to squeeze the blood out of the turnip just as local governments are having to do!
Just as this newspaper has had to do.

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 6:30pm.

Police: Health care reform used as NY crime ploy

NEW YORK — Police say attackers used health care reform as a ruse to approach their victims and then shot two and pistol-whipped another in a Long Island home.

Suffolk County police said Saturday that a 26-year-old woman was arrested on attempted murder and burglary charges in the attack Friday in Huntington. Two men were arrested on the same charges earlier. Information on the suspects' arraignments wasn't immediately available Saturday night.

Police say the three told the home's residents they were selling insurance, referring to President Barack Obama's push to overhaul America's health care system. Police say the suspects then forced their way in, demanded money and attacked the victims.

The victims' conditions weren't immediately available.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Sat, 08/29/2009 - 12:04am.

Spouting the same liberal lies and talking points about the Democrats health care plan doesn't make it true, David's Mom.

The days of Liberals being able to spout the same lies over and over again until Americans think that they represent the truth are over.
This President and his administration has proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted. They are not interested in the well being of America or its citizens. They are only interested in retaining power.

You are in over your head on this debate. The emperor Obama and his minions have no clothes.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 1:29am.

That "only interested in power" line is just radio talk show tripe. It's a tired cliche and nobody believes that who didn't believe it a year ago or five years ago or ten. It's not a vote getter, just red meat for the opposition to use against whichever side is in.

I don't believe the other part either. I think they can easily and successfully lie for another couple of years. You've got to compare the D's lies to the R's. "It's not going to cost more money" vs. "Obama is going to have the gov't kill your mother and all the veterans". There is no viable third party. You've only got two choices. People are stuck choosing the lesser liars. Seems to me the D's are winning that one right now.

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 8:01am.

Whether you believe it or not is immaterial, and comparing the D's to the R's doesnt matter when the majority of Americans think that all of congress should be replaced.

The D's, however, have their Senate Leadership led by evil personified.

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Enough is enough, Harry

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 10:21am.

In every election for the last 50 years that I've been watching people have been saying that. Then they go to the polls and vote them right back in. Every time.

I agree that me believing it or not is immaterial but my analysis is still going to turn out to be right. Here's a prediction: the economy is going to start turning around in about a year and unemployment is going to start dropping. The D's are all going to be running on a "we saved the economy" platform and they're going to bash the R's as the obstructionist who all voted "No" on the stimulus bill which "saved the country".

The economy was going to spring back eventually anyway, stimulus or not. The R's gave away the issue by opposing it monolithically. To make it worse, they lined up with more radical elements on the right who proclaimed the worse case scenarios that the stimulus would wreck the economy and more or less destroy capitalism as we know it. If that doesn't happen, which it's not, it's just more ammunition for the D's to use to paint the R's as know nothing obstructionists.

It was a political mistake as I was pointing out at the time and I still think I'm right. The R's blew the PR game unnecessarily IMHO simply because they've purged the Party of moderates mostly and now the only way to advance in what's left is to keep moving further and further to the right. It's the mirror of McGovern in the late 60's early 70's and what he did to the D's by dragging it so far to the left.

As for Reid, I'd be absolutely delighted to see him voted out, out, out! Pelosi too!

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 8:18am.

Whether you believe it or not is immaterial, and comparing the D's to the R's doesnt matter when the majority of Americans think that all of congress should be replaced.

What an impetus to get those guys and gals in Congress to get a Healthcare Reform bill that is right - and will provide all Americans with an affordable doctor and affordable prescriptions!! They see the handwriting on the wall - and after all, we expect them to get the job done!!

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 6:47am.

How was the trip?
How is Zimbabwe this time of year?

What you haven't been gone for the last few months?

I just thought with a statement like:"People are stuck choosing the lesser liars. Seems to me the D's are winning that one right now." you had to have been gone for some time.. and have missed the news and townhall meetings.

However if you mean they are winning the(LIE)count then maybe you are correct..

Keep dreaming pal..

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 11:15pm.

We'll see.

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 11:19pm.

President Obama is a liar. L-I-A-R.

He lied about the stimulus package
He lied about his desire for single-payer (government) healthcare system.
He lied about having transparency in his administration
He lied about campaign donations
He lied about letting lobbyists work in the White House

He's a liar.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 11:24pm.

This isn't a 'debate' - just the sharing of information. Informed citizens will make up their own minds. Thanks for sharing your opinions. Fact Check helps all to separate the facts from the myths and or misrepresentations made by both sides.

Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 10:34pm.

Informed citizens need to see all sides and analysis and make up their own minds. This is not a personal one-up-man-ship show.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Sat, 08/29/2009 - 11:42am.

I believe bonkee would disagree. Answering yourself is the ultimate
one upmanship.

Btw... You're still wrong.. And a majority of America
knows it as well.

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 08/29/2009 - 8:43pm.

Surely Joe K and Lindsey aren't the only ones who read Fact Check. Here is a place where the misrepresentation of both 'parties' are exposed and/or clarified. We should not have to rely on a source like Fact Check - but should have the investigative journalists that we had years ago who, with integrity, investigated and published the results of their investigations. Today we have a 'captured' press that appears to be more interested in entertaining than in informing. A misinformed public is a danger to a free society.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Sun, 08/30/2009 - 8:29am.

This has been hashed and re-hashed

Yes there are many half-truths.. BUT and that's a HUGH BUT... There are many truths and those are enough the kill it for me..

I will leave you with this example..


Abortion will be paid for by Tax payers..

Representatives who state that there are no provisions for Abortions to be paid for in the Bill are absolutely CORRECT..

HOWEVER.. Our laws are clear on this.. Unless there is a provision SPECIFICALLY stating this purpose.. the Law is silent on the issue.

End Result.. Abortions are Medical procedures.. Everyone that has looked at the bill has said that it will be covered under CURRENT provisions if you qualify..

When asked NO Representative has categorically denied they will be covered.. They KNOW they will be..


You can keep your own Insurance provider..

That is correct.. For 5 years if you or your current employer is self-insured. After 5 years you must convert your policy to the Public Options.
If you lose your job.. you will auto enroll in the Public Option..
You may not make changes to your current plan.. if you do you auto enroll..

It goes on and on...
The problem DM.. is that they allowed special interest groups to write the Bill.. and they don't even know what is in it.. They will not read the bill.. in fact they mock anyone that suggest they do..

How can we TRUST them.. If we cannot trust them to do their jobs.. then I cannot trust them to look out for our interest..

If they are not looking out for our interest then just who are they looking out for?

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

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