School enrollment down slightly

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 4:08pm
By: Ben Nelms

The school year began this week in Fayette County with enrollment figures for the school system’s 30 schools down slightly from last year.

Preliminary enrollment as of Aug. 6 showed 21,878 students in the system, said Public Information Officer Melinda Berry-Dreisbach. Year-end enrollment in May showed 22,047 students, a difference of 169.

But that number will undoubtedly change, Berry-Dreisbach said, since Fayette historically experiences continued enrollment into September as new residents move into the area.

Like Georgia’s other school systems, Fayette has experienced significant cuts in state funding due to the recession. And like other school systems, one of the adjustments Fayette made was by increasing class sizes and, subsequently, teacher/students ratios.

The ratio of teachers with a parapro for kindergarten this year is 1:22 compared to 1:20 last year. Similarly, the ratio for grades 1-3 is 1:23 compared to the 1:21 figure during the 2008-2009 school year. And for grades 4-5 the current ratio is 1:30 compared to 1:25 last year.

Ratios in middle and high tend to follow suit, with grades 6-8 showing a ratio this year of 1:30 compared to 1:25 last year, while grades 9-12 have a 1:32 ratio this year compared to 1:26 for 2008-2009.

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suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 2:33pm.

We need more along the by pass, we only have a One has been moth balled cause we don't have enough kids to fill it.

But hey, anything for a devloper buddy? Right?

We have sunk the taxpayers into such misery, they won't even notice...besides...they are all retards anyway....right! Might as well just slam dunk them while they are still dazed and get it over with!

Submitted by mamadutt on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 4:49pm.

Actually, we are using a beautiful new building for 40 kids! My child is among the 700 plus crammed into an old building at Burch! Burch could move the whole school, teachers, students, equipment and fill the new school just fine! Burch could host the 40 students with no problem. But of course we cannot use common sense here. We definitely don't want our property values to increase or encourage people to move in our district! Believe me I am recruiting people to speak up. Parents at Burch just don't have a clue I found out just how overcrowded we are. Everything is brushed under the rug for political and demographic reasons of course. I am making sure they do know and also need to let rest of Fayette county know that we absolutely do NOT have empty seats at Burch. We can fill the new school and still be overcrowded. No changing district lines needed at this time. Keep same teachers and buses etc. Please get the word out! this is so frustrating!!!!!

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