Horgan challenges grounds for recall

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 1:51pm
By: John Munford

Commissioner says paperwork ‘misleading’ for lack of detail

Fayette County Commissioner Robert Horgan is asking a superior court judge to quash an effort by some local residents to kick him out of office.

A petition asking for the recall application to be “ruled insufficient” was filed on Horgan’s behalf in Superior Court Friday afternoon, less than two days after the citizen’s group filed the 500-plus signature application with the Fayette County Board of Elections.

Horgan was arrested Saturday, May 23 by a Fayette County deputy sheriff for misdemeanor charges of possession of marijuana and driving with an expired tag. After first telling the sheriff’s deputy he had nothing illegal in the vehicle, Horgan admitted on the scene that he had smoked marijuana while driving the truck, according to the incident report.

As various critics have lambasted him at commission meetings ever since his arrest, Horgan has remained silent and offered no comment.

The recall application alleges that Horgan both violated his oath of office and committed an act of misconduct.

Horgan’s Superior Court petition challenges the recall on several aspects, chiefly the fact that it lacks any pertinent details surrounding the marijuana charge, including whether or not it occurred while Horgan was conducting business as a county commissioner.

Horgan also contends the recall application fails to state whether his arrest was “in any way related to his office” and doesn’t include a copy of the citations he was given in connection with the case. The filing also notes that the recall application didn’t include a copy of the oath of office he is alleged to have violated.

“Without the foregoing facts or documents, included in the application, those deciding whether or not to sponsor the application would have insufficient information and may be misled as to the circumstances of the facts to make an informed decision,” Horgan’s recall petition states.

The petition was filed on Horgan’s behalf by local attorney Christy Jindra.

Under Georgia law, the chairman of the recall effort will bear the burden of proof during a later court hearing on the matter. The recall effort is chaired by Peachtree City resident Robert J. Ross, who is also being assisted behind the scenes by former county commissioner Harold Bost.

The petition challenging the recall application will be heard by a superior court judge from outside the Griffin Judicial Circuit, which includes Fayette, Spalding, Pike and Upson counties.

A special prosecutor and special state court judge will be appointed to handle the criminal case on Horgan, who was arrested on the side of the road and later bonded out of jail.

Should the recall effort be allowed to continue, the recall committee will have 45 days in which to gather 21,454 signatures of Fayette voters who were registered to vote in last year’s election. If that goal is met, the list must then be verified by the elections office before a recall vote can be scheduled.

If voters remove Horgan from office, a second vote will be required at a later date to elect a replacement. Even under those circumstances, Georgia law allows Horgan to run in the special election to determine who will be elected to his post 1 seat.

Horgan is one of five county commissioners, all of whom are elected at-large, meaning all county voters may vote on each individual seat. This is unlike traditional district voting where only persons in a given district may vote for one candidate to represent them.

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Submitted by Save Fayette on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 12:51pm.

What has Horgan done wrong as a commissioner; I have never heard that he has misappropriation of citizens funds or misappropriation of public property, he is not in bed with any developer, has always help citizens in need, unlike past commissioners he talks with people. He stopped the bloodshed and excessive money spending in law suites between the sheriff and the county; he got rid of the ineffective county manager, got rid of the 5th commissioner (McNally), and started an in-house attorney. When is the last time you heard the county was in a law suite, improved the way things are handled with the employees of the county. The county budget is right on the money with the economy that we are in. The county did not raise taxes or cut any services. There is a hidden agenda with these guys wanting the recall.

Submitted by lifeinptc on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 10:05am.

He cost taxpayers thousands of dollars running for an office he had no intention of filling, simply to show he could win. When he could no longer serve he gave us Greg Dunn. We all know how that went.

Submitted by Save Fayette on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 10:21pm.

Horgan stay the course!! these clowns like Harold Bost are very arrogant. Horgan has
Been doing a good job in the commission. If we don’t want him, then next election we can vote for somebody else. Bost doesn’t care he has screw the citizens of this county before, when he lied about where he lived to steal money form the citizens by not paying his taxes. He was told if he did not resign, the truth would be made public. All the candidate he back during the election all LOST, he is still mad. Give it up man!

Submitted by PTC Observer on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 9:22am.

Interesting that you took the name of an open government advocate, are you trying to confuse people?

Just keep in mind that it's not about Mr. Bost, it's about Horgan and his conduct. It is people like you that want to make it about anything but about the questionable conduct of Mr. Horgan.

You are simply confusing the issue which I suppose given your Citizen alias is part of your plan.

If you want to "save Fayette" then start by demanding excellence in government by focusing on the issue at hand - Mr. Horgan.


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 11:38am.

Are you referring to Bost Hogg? We've already sampled enough of his version of saving Fayette and the kooky agendas and witch hunts that that McNally, Dunn, Well, Peter and company gave us. Those so-called taxpayer advocates stiffed us pretty good so why would we allow these same people dressed up in their perty sounding savefayette faux title to capitalize on High Horgan and empower themselves again?

Horgan needs to go. But not at the cost of empowering Boasting Bost Hogg's Klan again.


(Side Note: My recently published book titled How To Win Friends And Gain Political Access is coming to local bookstores soon. Please consider purchasing a copy. Eye-wink

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

Gene61's picture
Submitted by Gene61 on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 6:58pm.

This guy is plain annoying.... Sure most cowards like Horgan will remain silent ...

Horgan is a joke and if this effort fails,a protest should be in order to force someone to take action.. I was hoping the Gov would remove this clown..

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 4:37pm.

there isn't anything misleading about driving down the road smoking pot.

Driving around on drugs is just plain stupid. You are lucky you didn't hurt someone. Don't try to find loop holes to crawl out. Accept what you did, understand people don't like it, and be a man.


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 5:04pm.

Not defending the clown Horgan at all. But.. remember the same former clown commissioner Harold Bost is the one behind Horgan's recall petition. The same Harold Bost that after getting re-elected onto the commission resigned shortly thereafter citing the need to move his wife to Florida for health reasons. Coincedentally this is about the same time he sold his Fairburn based company and some say that move was to actually get out of paying a huge tax bill. Regardless.... How can one forget the $90,000+ special election bill Boss Bost stuck us Fayette County taxpayers with.

I don't know about you guys but $90,000 dollars is a HUGE amount of money and waste of staff time and productivity in replacing Bost. Not to mention the addition expenses and time involved for all us taxpayers to have replace that selfish knucklehead. Soooo.. ask yourself this. Are we better served by letting the dopeheaded Horgan serve out is time an boot him at the polls and saving a $100K+ or are we better off giving Bost/Dunn/Wells/McNally another shot at wasting the taxpayer's monies again?

We're screwed either way. So why not wait? Just wondering outloud....

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

Submitted by 30YearResident on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 3:24pm.

Your little political closing of this article, "This is unlike traditional district voting where only persons in a given district may vote for one candidate to represent them." didn't go unnoticed.

Where do you get "Traditional district voting" ? do you mean like in Fulton County?

Each Candidate must Live in the district they represent.. but they made decisions on the county as a whole... I want the opportunity of voting on quality candidates that represent the best interests of the whole country, not one particular district.

Submitted by 30YearResident on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 3:20pm.

Let's see, revenues are down, everybody in the county is cutting costs, the commissioners are taking away employee's being able to cash in sick leave so the county can save $55K over a couple of years, and here we have a stupid move to appoint a special prosecutor, a special state court judge, pay for the costs of an expensive hearing, the if he is recalled, pay over $150,000 for a special election... all because we got a few residents wanting one of their own group to "hopefully" win Horgans seat....

Just let him sit there, ignore him and save the money. This is stupid!!

Submitted by PTC Observer on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 11:07am.

So, let me get this straight you want to save money rather than have someone on the commission that shows good judgment? Well think about this, if he stays there whose interest is he serving? Is it the citizens of this county or the people that sold him the drugs?

What makes you think that he is above reproach? There is a lot more money at stake than just the cost of a recall.

Seems this is a penny wise and pound foolish position sir.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 11:41am.

Get rid of Horgan just to let you guys back in the door? What is gained? Horgan smokes dope... at least he's got an excuse for his actions.

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

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