Mayor Logsdon has no clue about PTC teens

Tue, 02/14/2006 - 5:01pm
By: Letters to the ...

Peachtree City is a community in denial. There’s a huge contradiction in the services that the city offers to teenagers. Mayor Logsdon’s comment in the other newspaper about there’s plenty for teenagers to do is ridiculous.

I’ve raised children in this community for almost 15 years and a lot of things are missing. If your child plays sports, they will be all right if they can make it onto the local school teams. However, if your teenager doesn’t like sports or band, you’ve got big problems in Peachtree City.

Mayor Logsdon doesn’t have a clue. Steve Brown knew how to read the teenagers but he also relished kicking the old school guys in the pants for their bad conduct too much. It probably helped that Brown had young children.

Logsdon is a retiree and it’s obvious he’s going to put little effort into our young people.

The time is now to get off of our apathetic rear-ends and start demanding programs for our teenagers that don’t just revolve around athletics. Sports programs are wonderful but social interaction is what teenagers need the most.

Barb Kelley
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by PTC32YEARS on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 1:19pm.

I grew up here in Peachtree City. I am talking born and raised. Now I understand very well that there is not a lot for teenagers to do here(social centers, movie theaters, skating rinks, an overall hangout). We have had a movie theater. It closed due to little attendance. We have had two skating rinks. Both closed for the same reason. Teenagers are never going to be satisfied with anything that is offered to them. They should start to use their own imagination. I found things to do. I got a job when I was 15 so I could earn money for a car. I didn't have it handed to me like many kids today. I do not think this problem is just a PTC problem. I think it exists in many communities. And it is not the local govts problem to solve.

Submitted by PTCMomma on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 3:56pm.

The movie theater lost it's customers because a new one opened in F-ville, and the one in PTC didn't modernize. It was full until the one in F-ville opened.

Mom to 3, plus a few strays

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 10:23am.

I appreciate the passion you have shown in building a teen center. As I have shown in the past it does have its many benefits for the community. I also would like to state though as we speak some Youth representatives are getting in touch with Mr. Logsdon on the issue, and he does show concern. Once the Youth Council expresses their ideas to the mayor, and the citizens, I can only hope we get supporters such as yourself. Spread the word, there is a problem and we will do something about it!!

If anyone is wondering what a teen center will entail I invite you to read my blog "youth center debate".

Thank You,
Shelby Barker
(Former President of PTCYC)

Hey if the dogs and seniors can have their own place why can't the teens?

Submitted by bob30269 on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 12:04am.

Why is it Logsdon's responsibility to find entertainment for your teenagers? Teenagers need role models. There are church groups, boyscouts, girlscouts, various school groups. There are choices other than sports. Parents need to take the responsibility to raise their own children. How about chores around the house. That along with school homework should occupy them for a while. It seems to me that our "apathetic rear-ends" want to "pass the buck"; of all places to the government. If you want them to be more social take those push button controls away from those "nintendo babies".

Submitted by Citizen_Steve on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 10:02am.

I'm sure I wasn't the only one catch the humor in The Citizen's lead letter - a call for us to get off of our apathetic rear ends and demand non-sports programs, yet the letter fails to demand a single program.

Who needs a "funnies" section - letters from residents couldn't be more comical.

Submitted by Stroke on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 9:03am.

Yea, social interaction, that's the ticket. Think of all the positive things that happen when a bunch of the typical spoiled, ungrateful, way too much time on their hands PTC teenagers get together for some social interaction at the various parking lots and hang out spots around PTC. Hey, I got an idea, how about a teen center.

Submitted by Sailon on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 9:33am.

Don'y get concerned. No town official is going to build a place for teens---they cost money and require a lot of work. If they were forced into it, they would put the teens into a piece of junk, like one of the current falling down city buildings, where it would be doomed for sure failure.
Take a look at the new Fayette Court house, at the new PTC library, at any of the hundreds of new banks and one can get some idea of the real need. There must be respect for the facility, also. We will spend it for such things as those mentioned, but not for kids.
I remember some of the large atriums and winding step entrances I have entered, and wish these little humans who will replace us had for themselves.
It is easy to stop kids skulduggery near one if you WANT it to survive.

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