Fayette School Board approves three-day staff furlough

Tue, 07/28/2009 - 10:02pm
By: Ben Nelms

There was little doubt that no one on the Fayette County School Board wanted to vote to impose a three-day furlough on most of the school system’s staff. But that vote Monday night came nonetheless after Gov. Sonny Perdue’s July 22 announcement of a three percent cut in Dept. of Education (DOE) funding and a three-day staff furlough to be taken before Dec. 31.

In reviewing the DOE decision, Comptroller Laura Brock said the cuts in four areas totaled $4,055,214 for the Fayette system. A three percent cut for state-funded QBE (Quality Basic Education) programs totaled $2,601,473, along with the loss of funding for the three-day furloughs at $1,363,741, while a three percent cut to categorical grants for transportation and nursing came in at $64,000 and lost funding for three bus driver days amounted to $26,000.

In response, School Board members voted to impose the three-day furlough for all school system staff, except for bus drivers and lunchroom staff, for a total savings of $2,269,500. The difference in DOE’s calculation of $1.363 million for the three-day furloughs and Fayette calculation of $2.269 million for the same three days is due to the additional number of longstanding programs, and hence employees, offered by Fayette that are not paid with QBE dollars.

Further expenditure reductions by the School Board came from the $1.5 million in contingencies figured into the new budget that became effective July 1.

For the time being the school system reductions amount to $3,769,500, still $285,714 short of offsetting the state cuts. That shortfall number could increase to $525,714, Brock said, depending on how the state figures the employee health insurance premiums, since a part of the QBE funding includes dollars for the state insurance program. If the state is unwilling to absorb the premium difference the current budget shortfall will increase to $525,714. Brock said that outcome is yet to be known.

Brock said she will report back to the board in the near term to discuss options to offset the shortfall.

DOE will spread out the $4.055 million in cuts over the period from August through December. Similarly, Fayette will spread the salary reduction of the three-day furlough over the September-December time period.

Though there was some discussion on the matter by board members, current furlough plans call for teachers and other 190-day staff and administrative and classified staff to be furloughed one day in August and again in October and December. Bus drivers and lunchroom staff will not be impacted by the furloughs since the off days will occur during times when classes are not held.

Superintendent John DeCotis echoed the sentiments of board members, saying that the school system is not happy with furloughs but that they were necessary to meet the decrease in funding.

Board member Marion Key near the end of the meeting suggested that the school system begin planning for other potential cuts in January, expressing the idea that future state cuts would likely be imposed.

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Submitted by ks73417 on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 8:48pm.


From the link:
"The Fayette County Board of Education voted unanimously Monday to replace the current student information system (SIS) that will cease to be operational in Georgia on Aug. 1."

Which is not accurate entirely. Gwinnett and Fulton continue to use SASIxp without any problem. Shouldn't Fayette County learn from them rather than wasting taxpayers money on new (un-needed) software systems when teachers are being asked to take paycuts and unpaid days?

Does anybody think these days?

Submitted by Fayette Parent on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 5:28pm.

We cannot continue to cut the pay of those who educate our children and expect the same results. Other counties have found ways to make cuts without taking the money out of the pockets of those on the front lines. First it was a 4.5% paycut and now it is 3 days off without pay. You get what you pay for and if we are not careful that is exactly what we are going to get. Wake up Board of Education before it is too late. Find some other way to balance the budget before the children of this county pay the price.

Submitted by WHS Parent on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 5:55pm.

We are on our way to being the next Clayton County School System and many teachers will be leaving in droves to escape it along with the pay cuts and furloughs which have only just begun in Fayette County.

Submitted by WHS Parent on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 5:28pm.

Maybe our Fayette County teachers will follow the lead of Kathy Cox and file bankruptcy since they are getting a pay cut from the county and furloughs from the state. What is next? Will the Feds take some for heath care???

The Fayette County Board of Education is in bad shape. Is their a cash for dummies stimulus plan? They need it fast.

A concerned Fayette Citizen

Submitted by happytiger on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 10:59am.

The best part about all the furlows is that the classified staff, for instance the parapros, already were not scheduled to work two of the days chosen as furlows. All 180 day staff will be working 179 days and will be paid for 177 days. These people are already at the low end of the pay scale and now they will be working FREE for two days. What a wonderful deal for the school system.

Submitted by Doug on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 10:02pm.

I read in the AJC where Cobb's board had enough money in their reserve accounts to more than cover the furloughs for their teachers. Our pitiful board is flat broke because they can't beat their way out of a paper bag.

Ever since Teri Smith took over as board chair the school system has taken a nose dive.

Submitted by allegedteacher on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 6:37am.

The school board exhausted its reserves by building unneeded new schools and 90+ acres, using old data for justification. Then, it threatened taxpayers with the demise of the school system unless they voted in a SPLOST...we all know how that played out. These are just the more far-reaching examples of the board's ineptitude. Now, the taxpayers and employees must pay for their errors in judgment, and not once has the board acknowledged its culpability, much less apologized.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 7:13pm.

In the last election only Marion Key answered the questions below by the Citizen, Smith, nor Smola would..

In her answers she states that we already had too few students in the exciting schools to get federal funding.....before Inman, much less Rivers!

She and Dr T voted against them!

Guess who the 3 were who voted not only to build Inman, but Rivers as well?

Question: 1. The school board is faced with the likelihood of having to increase the millage rate from 18.569 to 19.35, a rate just .65 mills under the maximum allowed. If negative conditions such as Fayette’s economic downturn have not improved significantly by mid-2009, the board might be faced with deciding to either cut programs or expenses, increase the millage again or all the above. How will you handle those decisions? Are you prepared to cut people and programs if necessary? Be specific. (And please explain — if you don’t have any definite position on this, why should anybody vote for you?)

Answer: 1. "I, Marion Key, have been asking for an assessment of program costs and effectiveness for some time. I will support requiring the superintendent to provide this data to the board prior to the FY 2010 budget process with specific recommendations for cuts and revisions to the budget. It is the superintendent’s responsibility to make those recommendations and I will insist to my fellow board members that this process be followed.

Why did the BOE buy an extra 100 acres at Inman? This bond money is now tied up in land we cannot use. Why did we buy the Kiwanis property? To build a bus facility?

There were no plans for such a facility and there are no plans nor money now to build such a facility. I voted against both of these acquisitions.

We had to build Inman at 600 capacity instead of the usual 800 capacity because our bond money is tied up in land. Rivers [Elementary] is also being constructed at the smaller capacity for the same reason."
Question: 7. It looks like we built too many classrooms for declining student numbers. That’s a lot of local tax dollars. Who should be held accountable for that miscalculation?

Answer: 7. "I voted against constructing Inman and Rivers elementary schools because enrollment projections clearly indicated the schools were not needed at this time. Prior to the construction of Inman, we had space for 10,000 elementary students and about 9,200 enrolled."

Question: 8. Few people like redrawing school district attendance lines. This year, several candidates seem to focus on that process. Give the current board a grade from A to F for the most recent redistricting plan adopted. And, by the way, should voters elect a single-issue candidate, even if that issue is redistricting?

Answer: 8." Since I did not vote for the last two redistrictings , I would give the Board an F. We have more space system wide than we need, yet after redistricting, we are still using trailers. We are paying twice for utilities at schools with empty space and the trailers.

My position in the redistricting process was for all schools to have enough students to receive full state funding for their administrative overhead. The consultant and the committee had developed a plan to meet that criteria.

The board chose to change the recommended boundaries over my objections. This is the reason we have trailers in some schools while other schools do not meet the state’s minimum enrollment requirements to receive full funding for administrative costs. This leaves Fayette County’s taxpayers to make up the shortfall."

There you have it. There are 3 people responsible for the expense of a school that is now moth balled, our money tied up in excess land, and excess class rooms, while SEVERAL schools don't even have enough kids attending to get Federal funding!

Look at your reduced paychecks and your bloated tax bills and don't be confused on who to thank for both!

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 7:26pm.

to how to salvage the situation, the 3 amigos sit back and let Todd and Key make the suggestions. Knowing full well, they themselves, Smith, Smola, and Wright, had plans already. They are just letting others now take the blame.

There is no other way this could have turned out. Way back in 06 they KNEW the numbers were declining!

Sell Rivers to some 2 year college and get our money back!

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 12:18pm.

Wright is coming up for re election. Start looking for someone in his district NOW! He goes lock step with Smith and Smola.

A great many of the excess jobs at the county office have vulgar salaries even before you consider they don't work 3 months in the summer!

Smith's, Smola's, and Wright's, progress reports are all F.

If you don't make a change this next election, yours will be too!

Aren't you guys sick of footing the bill for their foolish decisions?

Submitted by heatjam on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 9:24am.

And the worst part is that come the next election, they will all be voted back into office.

Shame on the voters of Fayette County!

Submitted by Goldie on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 9:31pm.

I'll vote for the roach in the puddle of my driveway before I vote for Smith, Smola and their little minion,Wright, ever again -for anything!
Sugarfoot tried to warn me, but no... I was blinded by their smoothly crafted and well prepared pack of lies!
Start talking it up now! This is sad!

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 12:22pm.

the voters of this county are appathic when it comes to the schools. It is really a shame.

Submitted by Goldie on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 9:37pm.

I wasn't apathetic - I was just totally fooled by well-crafted lies!
BOOOO on you SMITH, SMOLA AND LITTLE BUDDY WRIGHT -BOO (even though I think that they fed Wright the lies along with the rest of us- he got sucked in)!! I sincerely hope that all of your greedy development plans backfire and that you get stung (maybe ever serve some jail time!)

Submitted by wildcat on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 11:25am.

Gee...there's a surprise.

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