Afghan 115 degree Desert

What was announced as the objective (mission--as the army says) when this last invasion of southern (poppy fields area)Afghanistan started?

Are we just to chop-up and blow-up the poppies and leave, or will we stay sleeping under a shed roof attached to a HumVee, and have our supplies by helicopter?

Can you imagine just how well an Afghan Taliban would be spending a winter in Northern Minnesota with a blanket and frozen fish to eat?

Where are the Afghan armies we have trained for years? Are they required to go home each day for dinner just as are the Iraqis?
When will they sit in the sun and guard the poppy fields?

Just what is the plan at least for day after tomorrow?

Are we going into the mountains and get Bin Laden and his organization? Isn't now the time to go rather than when the snow and ice is 20 feet deep and the wind is blowing?

Are the Pakistanis going to go into their side of the mountains also and meet us at the top?

What does General Petraeus say? Tampa is much better for weather year round.

I would say 3-4 more Generals will get promoted or given better jobs soon, just as they did in Iraq for a stalemate. or worse.

Where are those huge prisons in Afghanistan by the way---or do we just kill all of them as we find them?

There is another military odor in denmark if I'm not wrong! I think it is that we intend to stay in Afghanistan forever, just as we are now in Korea, Japan, Germany, etc.

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Submitted by Bonkers on Thu, 07/23/2009 - 4:52pm.

Since jobs are scarce, the Pentagon (well some human there) said they were authorizing an addition to the army numbers.

Does anyone know if these new ones might be going to the top of the Afghanistan/Pakistan mountains next winter?

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