County may change sick time rules

Sun, 07/19/2009 - 11:32pm
By: John Munford

The Fayette County Commission Thursday night will consider a staff proposal to change the way an employee is credited upon retirement for accrued hours of sick leave.

Currently employees can choose to be compensated in pay for their accrued sick leave at a rate of 25 percent of their current hourly rate. The policy differs slightly for those employed prior to March 1, 1998 who are paid $15 for each day of unused sick leave with a maximum total payment of $900.

Under the new proposal, regular full-time employees who are vested in the county’s defined benefit retirement plan when they resign in good standing or retire would have 100 percent of their sick leave time “converted” to credited service in the defined benefit retirement plan.

The defined benefit plan, which guarantees a flat monthly payment for the remainder of a retiree’s life based on the employee's final yearly salary, was adopted earlier this year. It drew citizen complaints that it might lead to fiscal troubles in future years for the county.

In a light agenda, the commission is also set to consider approving staff’s application for two highway landscaping grants: one for Ga. Highway 85 north at the Clayton County line and the other on Ga. Highway 74 north at the Fulton County line.

The county can get up to $50,000 from the state for each project and would be responsible for the design and maintenance of the landscaped areas.

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Submitted by PTCGOIL on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 8:54am.

That doesn't even make sense. Since when has sick leave become a retirement benefit?
If you are employed and you get sick, you are allow x number of sick days. Period. Accrued? Why?????? Yes, you should lose them if you don't use them. They are SICK days.
How many private businesses can afford to do what this county govt. is doing?
Absolutely, positively, a theft of our tax dollars allowing ANY benefit like this at retirement.
Mr. County Commissioners, we are watching your actions in regards to this very carefully. Especially, you, pothead Horgan.

And, no, WE DO NOT NEED flowers and trees and shrubs on Hwy 74 on the Tyrone/Fairburn border. Just so all of us zooming by at 70 miles can hour on our way to/from work and/or the airport can ooohh and aaahh at them in a 70 mile an hour blur? Puhleeeze.

First of all, why is the State of Georgia doling out 50 grand for such an unbelievably frivolous project as this while the state is broke??? Secondly, I don't want to see another untended bed of trees, shrubs, and flowers on any roadway due to the fact that there is no local money to pay for it's upkeep. And if there IS local money for this, DO NOT SPEND IT on a fluff project like this.

The GEORGIA DOT (yes, the same state) won't even put proper grass and greenery down on this ugly eyesore of Hwy 74 widening in PTC and wants to create a flower bed 10 miles up the road?????? Am I hallucinating this?

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 4:35am.

Details missing:

How much can be credited per year?
How much can be totally credited?
Isn't sick leave for being sick? Not for any use you want?
Does the new proposal mean NO money for sick leave, just time credited?
What would the maximum be towards pension payment (from sick leave)?
Won't the provision of pay based upon "last year of employment" cause promotions and raises just before retiirement?
How much is "retirement" guaranteed pay, as a percentage of last year?

Can we know these things? If not why write it up at all?

Does it apply to Sheriff as a "Constitutional" officer?

highflyer2's picture
Submitted by highflyer2 on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 7:02am.

Mr. "Bonkers" you sound like a county employee as I am. Those are ALOT of good questions that do need to be answered at a given time. I can only answer question #3. No it isn't.
From what I have learned, it is it consensus that if you don't "use" your sick will "lose" it. Maybe it is time that the county comes up with a better idea.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 7:56am.

you have a pilots license.. and not a subscriber to High Times..
Being a County Employee and all that.. But then again we have Commissioners "flying High" too.. so I stand corrected..Cool

"When the person who in possession of a government, shall say to a nation, I hold this power in 'contempt' of you, it signifies not on what authority he pretends to say it is..but an aggravation to a person in slavery"..Thomas Paine

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