Where are the statistics?

Foreclosures, Auctions scheduled, Unemployed, Employed, Retired, Disabled, Former Military and How Many are Paid By Taxes, are numbers we need to know but aren't reported locally.

We get the unemployment numbers, and an occasional number of foreclosures from the AJC for Georgia, but no totals to date for any of it. Would be greatly helpful for us to know and make plans for the rest of the recession!

Also, many banks have non-producing assets (loans on homes and commercial, which are still being carried on the books.
When are these banks to be closed, the guaranteed deposits paid and the rest given to another bank?
How many board members of the local banks know how much non-producing assets that they have?

How many local banks have accepted federal bail-out money, and if so, did the board members give up their stock to the government?

I realize that both the government and the banks would just as soon the general public does not know these number which could create panics, but do we not have a right to know since we deal with these people, invest in them, and trust them?

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Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 09/19/2009 - 2:53pm.

Going any better?

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 7:59am.

Dare I say it.. I actually have been agreeing with him as of late.. Did I wake up in the Twilight Zone or something?

Another "useful" and insightful blog.. Bonkers.. APPALUSE

"When the person who in possession of a government, shall say to a nation, I hold this power in 'contempt' of you, it signifies not on what authority he pretends to say it is..but an aggravation to a person in slavery"..Thomas Paine

Submitted by blowback on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 8:40am.

Payola, all the behind the back politics, if known state capitals would be swamped with law suits. Oh My bad, state capitals already are.

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