BTW, what happened to Cindy Morely?

Robert W. Morgan's picture

She had a farewell column in yesterday's paper - no reason given for leaving, like a new and better job or anything. The same paper had a classified ad for an editor - her position, I believe. I know she was a big fan of getting Plunkett elected mayor. Is she going to be her campaign manager?

What's up?

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Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Fri, 07/03/2009 - 8:26am.

Both Morleys have departed the paper.

Chuck Morley has been replaced as publisher already. Cindy Morley is now Logsdon's campaign manager.

She accompanied Logsdon to the GMA (Georgia Municipal Association) Convention in June and attended events with him. Not sure if she accompanied Logsdon and Plunkett to Washington DC last month.

Don Haddix
PTC Councilman
Post 1

Submitted by The Shadow on Sat, 07/04/2009 - 10:25am.

I’m glad Chuck Morley is no longer working for the Fayette News. Mr. Morley was tied into the “good ole boy” politicians network. His articles always favored government over citizens rights, and he didn’t check the facts. He bordered on libelous journalism by misquoting people he interviewed to defend politicians, and narrowly escaped a lawsuit against the newspaper last year. He refused to let his reporters write stories exposing governmental wrong doing causing at least one reporter to quit the paper. Now that the Morleys are gone maybe I’ll start advertising my business in the Fayette News again.

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