PTC drops unpopular sewer proposal

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 3:31pm
By: John Munford

A grandiose proposal to bring sewer service to one of Peachtree City’s oldest neighborhoods has fallen by the wayside.

City officials were looking into the feasibility of building the necessary improvements for the Hip Pocket Road area to the west of Lake Peachtree. With several failures of septic systems at homes in the area, city officials worry about the possibility of more in the future.

But the fix was going to be far more expensive than residents in the area were willing to bear, as the combined sewer bill and a monthly charge for the improvements would escalate beyond $100. The city’s proposal drew flak from a number of residents who said they felt they could take care of themselves and address any issues that might come up with their septic system.

At last week’s City Council meeting, City Engineer David Borkowski acknowledged that without the homeowners’ support the proposal was a moot issue.

Robert Kurbes of the Fayette County Health Department noted that when septic tanks fail they sometimes give a warning, and sometimes they don’t.

“Once you do have a problem and it’s a failure it’s fairly immediate and either backing up into the house or bubbling up in the yard and it is a public health concern,” Kurbes said.

Mayor Harold Logsdon, who supported the sewer plan, said when one house has a failed septic tank, it affects surrounding homes and others in the area.

Councilwoman Cyndi Plunkett said: “It’s an issue that’s going to keep coming back.”

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Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 6:02am.

Doesn't this stuff seep into lake Peachtree?

Get some stimulus money for this!

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