Police looking for DUI offenders

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 3:23pm
By: The Citizen

Crackdown for July 4 holiday centered on safety

Peachtree City police officers are reminding residents to use caution when driving over the July 4 holiday.

Officers particularly will be on the lookout for impaired drivers over the holidays, officials said. In Georgia the July 4 holiday period is the second most deadly time to drive on Georgia highways.

In 2007, 14 people died over the July 4 holidays. Nearly half of those victims were in crashes involving at least one drunk driver, officials said.

Statistics show that 1 in 5 fatal auto crashes in Georgia are related to alcohol, officials said.

The Peachtree City Police Department is participating in the state’s Operation Zero Tolerance campaign to protect motorists and their families from DUI drivers.

Police are also reminding drivers and passengers to buckle up as it is the best way to avoid becoming one of Georgia’s deadliest statistics.

For more information, visit http://www.peachtree-city.org/traffic, www.gahighwaysafety.org, www.StopImpairedDriving.org and www.madd.org.

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Submitted by Spyglass on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 9:13am.

According to most any study I've read. Especially if the threshold for impairment is kept at .08 for DUI. I'd much rather ride with someone at that level than someone sending/receiving text messages on a phone. But hey, they haven't invented a machine yet to garner fines for it.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 10:41am.

is another biggie.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by jwoo on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 9:01am.

The police need to fight real crime. The continuous leaching of the tax payers’ money is, and has been, a pain in our rears. It gets better every year. We need more reasons to allow the “Mighty Mouse Officers” a reason to pull you over and give you a fine because they care about your safety with an attitude. Seat belts, crossing a line, a rolling stop, yes, get the drunk drivers, not the person who had two drinks. Lowering the tolerances guarantees more convictions and more income but at what cost? It’s all about the money and they want you to believe it’s for your safety. I've been pulled over for the suspicion of DUI on three separate occasions and each had ridiculous reasons as to why I had been pulled over. Every time they had to let me go for having nothing in my system other than a couple coffees. Oh, they completely searched my vehicle, patted down my friend and I thoroughly, overturned her purse on my hood scratching the paint, all in front of a parking lot full of people, very professional if you are taking down Saddam Hussein. My elderly parents, who do not ever drink, have been pulled over on two separate occasions under the suspicion of DUI. Why? They can pull you over for no reason. Crime doesn’t pay, people with jobs pay. Get off the people ass’, grow a pair, and fight real crime.

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