Raising Cain

Tue, 06/23/2009 - 4:15pm
By: Ben Nelms

Conservative talkshow host plays to F’ville fans

Raising Cain

The New Herman Cain Show went on the road June 19, landing this time at the gazebo in downtown Fayetteville where approximately 300 people were happy to endure summer’s excessive heat for a chance to hear Cain’s conservative thoughts on politics.

Cain opened the Fayetteville version of the Take Back Your Government Tour by recognizing supporters of the Fair Tax, the Tea Party movement and his own Intelligent Thinkers Movement.

“Don’t be caught up in the weapons of mass distraction,” Cain said to applause from the crowd. “Washington has so much on their plate they want Republicans to throw in the towel.”

A speaker at Tea Party rallies, including the one to be held July 4 in Peachtree City, Cain said, “Conservatives are not going to surrender this country. It’s ‘We the People,’ not ‘We the Sheeple.’”

Not content to give a pass to many in the media, Cain said news entertains people and lulls them to sleep. Cain used the gazebo as a backdrop to make a point about the way Tea Party supporters are often portrayed by the media as being crazy for being unwilling to accept without question what those in authority tell them.

“They paint the Tea Party people as nuts,” Cain said, using an animated voice and gestures. “But on April 15, 2010, there may be millions on the White House lawn. You just never know what ‘nuts’ might do.”

Before the 7 p.m. live show in Fayetteville, Cain took a few minutes to talk about his efforts on radio and the reasons behind taking the show on the road.

“I’ve been doing a series of radio shows around Atlanta and we wanted to do something on the south side of town,” Cain said of his third recent live broadcast. “I just wanted to spread it around the city because we’ve got listeners all over town. So the idea is take the show on the road (along with) the concept of taking back our government, which is what my Intelligent Thinkers Movement is about.”

Cain said the Intelligent Thinkers Movement gets pretty simple, pretty quick. It is about taking back the government that does not belong to anyone but the people of the United States.

“Take It Back is getting people energized and it’s getting people excited,” Cain explained. “You can make a difference. Each individual can make a difference. What happens is, the liberals want the conservatives to believe they ought to give up. And we shouldn’t. There is a lot of fire left in the conservatives. I’ve seen it. I’ve been a part of it. And the message I’m going to tell the people tonight is that conservatives are not going to surrender.”

And that is what he did minutes later at the gazebo.

A former U.S. Senate candidate, Cain was asked from the audience to consider another run for political office. He said that such a move was possible, though he did not identify the race or timeframe in which such a candidacy might occur.

Cain will be back in Fayette County on July 4. He will be one of the speakers at the event at The Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater from 4-5:30 p.m. being hosted by Peachtree City Tea Party Patriots.

While known today as a radio talk-show host, Fox News business commentator and syndicated columnist, these are only the latest aspects of Cain’s career.

He is president and CEO of The New Voice business and leadership consulting firm, a former board chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, former chairman and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, current board member of AGCO, Inc., Georgia Chamber of Commerce, Hallmark Cards, Whirlpool Inc. and Morehouse College. Cain is also the recipient of eight honorary doctorates from institutions such as Purdue University and University of Nebraska and is the author of four books.

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Submitted by The Truth Will ... on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 9:26am.

Intelligent thinkers are growing in numbers, this movement will be one of many which will impact 2010, and future elections. We the people are now awake and "raising cain." We will take back our government! We appreciate you Mr. Cain!!

Submitted by Taz2009 on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 12:50pm.

I was so excited to see this man and encouraged by his outspokenness for what is right and good

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