PTC may hand tennis center to Canongate

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 4:10pm
By: John Munford

The same company that operates Canongate golf clubs may soon be operating the Peachtree City Tennis Center.

A proposal to remove the tennis center from the city’s tourism association and place it in Canongate’s hands is expected to be voted on Thursday night by the Peachtree City Council.

Under the Canongate proposal, the public will still have access to the facility, city officials said.

Historically, the tennis center has been a money loser for the city despite the addition of the covered courts several years back that were intended to help bring the center closer to a break-even margin.

In a memo to the City Council, city staff stated that after an analysis of seven proposals, “Canongate clearly met and exceeded the letter and intent of the goals that the city had set for operation of the Tennis Center.”

Among those goals were to maintain high standards, significantly reduce the cost to the city and provide a positive revenue stream back to the city, the memo stated.

Canongate will absorb all operations, management and general maintenance of the facilities. Under the recommended contract, Canongate would pay the city $250 a month while they establish operations until Jan. 1, 2010. After that date, Canongate would pay the city 3 percent of all gross revenues with a $2,000 minimum each month.

The tennis center is owned by the city and was initially operated and expanded under the control of the Development Authority of Peachtree City.

If the contract is approved, Canongate would assume tennis center operations July 1.

Between its Fayette and Coweta operations, Canongate has 14 tennis courts at several sites already, staff noted in the memo.

Canongate intends to offer a variety of access options and services for the public and also can provide tennis center members with other social and member benefits at other local Canongate clubs, the memo said.

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Submitted by TimeToAct on Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:58pm.

$250 a month for the first year and a half and $2,000 a month after that??? I know one of the other proposals offered the city more guaranteed money and has proven that the tennis center can be profitable (without any support).
I have a funny feeling there is more going on behind this deal! At least the Tourism Association and the Executive Joke are gone.

Submitted by Dondol on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 9:41am.

Harold Logsdon, Financial Genius. Harold with the kind of math that you do you should be running the US Treasury. Lets see 4,500. for the first 18 months and the 24,000. a year after that, 1.5 million to pay off a bad debt, that takes 62.5 years to pay it off, Not Bad Harold, Not Bad. You Puppet Masters (Developers) must be laughing their respective a$$es off at the Citizens of this city, we really are a bunch of FOOLS!

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Submitted by TimeToAct on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 9:29pm.

Turns out that our genius mayor is a member of Canongate . This deal really starts to stink! What else does he have up his sleeve. Please get rid of all our assets - in a couple of years this city will be run by developers.

matt.barnes's picture
Submitted by matt.barnes on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 9:42pm.

A couple of years is already here.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 9:46pm.

THAT was a good one. Cool

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