Recent irritating stuff

One may not have to sit with the remote in their hand much longer to keep commercials from blasting you out of your chair.
It always has been illegal to do that but nothing has been done until now!

The central Atlanta and nearby schools studied and retook the CRCT test and improved the scores up to 76% in some cases!!! The answers had been erased and the correct answer entered!

Many republicans voted against cigarettes content being controlled by FDA but it finally passed. Can't have enormous nicotine amounts now nor cherry taste for kids!

40,000 people in Atlanta and area haven't got a digital converter boxe yet. They seem to know about it (they were free for applying) but want someone to come and install it and make it work.

This stuff is as bad as banks and tarps and bonuses and credit card rates and foreclosures, and job losses, and bin laden and the Taliban!

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Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 06/13/2009 - 8:00am.

Now we are sending the GITMO guys to Bermuda, Indonesian Islands, Paris, Saudi Arabia (noone works there except Filipinos), and other such places. Is it because they are innocent of terorism? The kicker is that the hard-heads still think they can stop the President of the USA from closing a crappy place! Don't ask me why unless it is because it will mean they shouldn't have been there to start with?
We still need somewhere to dump maybe 20 bad ones down there--how about Cuba real fast and we leave on planes and ships like we did in Viet-Nam?

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