The White House "Jobs-Saved" Deception

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The White House "Jobs-Saved" Deception

What causes the jaw to drop is not just the breathtaking deception of the claim, but the gullibility of the Washington press corps to continue reporting it.

News stories from President Obama's event last week hailing the 100-day mark since the stimulus was passed typically repeated the assertion that the stimulus has already "created or saved 150,00 jobs." ("And that's just the beginning," the President crowed.)

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Submitted by MacTheKnife on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 10:46am.

3,000,000 (3 million for those on the liberal side) Jobs lost so far this year ... Yes you did, yes you did. It was 2 million on April 3 according to the all knowing Communist News Network, CNN:

By Chris Isidore, senior writer
Last Updated: April 3, 2009: 6:35 PM ET
2 million jobs lost so far in '09
Unemployment rate spikes to 8.5%, a 25-year high, as 663,000 jobs lost in March.

Well, other than the now 3 million jobs lost so far under the stimulus of the Obama administration I guess we are doing really well. After all, we have created over 180,000 new government jobs this year to offset the 2 million private industry jobs.

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