Commission to vote on W. F’ville Bypass

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 4:32pm
By: John Munford

The Fayette County Commission is expected to vote Thursday on the latest proposed alignment for the second phase of the controversial West Fayetteville Bypass.

The new road path would require the taking of three homes and a barn.

The bypass, once all three phases are complete, will provide a direct alternate route around Fayetteville for vehicles traveling between Ga. Highway 85 south at Harp Road and Ga. Highway 92 north at West Bridge Road.

County officials contend the road is needed to alleviate traffic congestion already occurring in Fayetteville and to accommodate future traffic “without further impacting the character” of existing county roads.

Critics contend that existing roads can be widened to create a bypass, but the county counters that a direct route is necessary for the goal of routing traffic around Fayetteville to be accomplished.

Bypass opponents also have claimed that the road is being built for owners of large undeveloped tracts in the area.

The county disputes that claim, saying that the second phase of the bypass in particular was designed in large part to limit road access by setting it along property lines where possible and using existing streams and wetlands to act as a natural deterrent against future development on the road.

The second phase of the bypass will stretch from the phase 1 terminus on Sandy Creek Road just south of the new school campus. From there it will actually follow a stretch of existing pavement on Sandy Creek before continuing onto a stretch of the existing Tillman Road.

The road will not follow the northwesterly turn on Tillman but instead will continue in a basically straight pattern to Eastin Road before meandering around a subdivision and continuing to cross Lee’s Mill Road just north of the private drive Mallard Creek Lane where one existing home is in its path.

From there the road goes toward the end of Janice Drive where two homes are in the road path before continuing around another subdivision and linking up with Hwy. 92 at West Bridge Road.

From that intersection, drivers can continue straight on West Bridge to reach Ga. Highway 138 in Union City to access Interstate 85. They can also go north on Hwy. 92 and take Peters Road to Hwy. 138 or take Oakley Industrial Boulevard to reach the interchange of Ga. Highway 74 and I-85.

Fayette officials are hopeful that future improvements could be made to Hwy. 92 to provide access to the interstate, but none are currently scheduled by the Georgia Department of Transportation.

The two-lane bypass will have a speed limit of 45 mph and the second phase has an estimated construction cost of $12 million. The cost of the 4.6 miles in phase two is being footed by the county’s transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, and construction time is estimated at 24 months.

The county commission decided against acquiring enough land for the bypass to make it expandable to four lanes in the future if necessary.

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grassroots's picture
Submitted by grassroots on Tue, 05/26/2009 - 11:21pm.

The Citizen is doing a great job in balanced reporting of this issue but's now the West Fayetteville PARKWAY. Like saying undocumented immigrants instead of illegal aliens. Words have meaning and journalists know that more than anybody. That's why one commissioner in particular had it changed. It's NOT a bypass. A bypass is where 18 wheelers can keep rolling at 60mph to avoid going through a business district or a rural route that has stop signs, school buses, mail vehicles or people pulling out of their driveway. I'm hereby calling for a correction by the newspaper with an explanation as to why and who changed the name. Now meandering...that's the perfect word for this route. That I like and it's accurate. Might use that at the meeting. Thanks.

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