Conservative & Liberal Exposures

For those truly interested in the difference and definitions, I recommend reading Mark R Levin's book,Liberty and Tyranny, Nr 1 on the NY Times Non-Fiction book list. But if you don't approach it open-minded,you won't gain much. Admitted, it is clearly listed as A Conservative Manifesto, but I like to read and listen to all views and sides. If you read it, you will see recognize some things going on today in our country very similar to FDR's New Deal. And there is surely a difference between "Change" and "Reformation" and that "Change" without "Prudence" is most likely dangerous to our liberty.

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DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 2:29pm.

Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley

In Liberty,


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