Hate speech at the White House dinner

Fred Garvin's picture

Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh — ‘I Hope His Kidneys Fail’

After completely mis-quoting Rush at the obama love-fest dinner, this piece of scum liberal basically said that she hopes that Rush dies.

It's the modus operandi of the libs - you don't like the message attack the messenger.

"I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight."

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meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 4:12pm.

You forgot the liberal Golden Rule again:

"The initial shot is not considered intolerant. The response always is."

In this case, lampooning someone for an addiction to prescription drugs is funny and anyone who takes exception is thin-skinned. A response about the jokesters sexual persuasion is just plain intolerant. No need to measure skin thickness.

Please keep this in mind.....

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 6:33pm.

No need to mean about it. I will amend my ways and not call the faggots by their name - faggots.

You have shown me the light and I will follow along as if I had a ring though my nose.

Gay marraige is perfectly natural and acceptable. I support them with my whole heart. After all, is a gay marraige any different from a straight marraige that produces a fetus (you know, a baby with a beating heart) that gets aborted for the conveinence of the mother so she can get back to her job at the library or maybe the strip club?

Same sex marraige and abortion thin out the liberal herd, so let's not diss them too much.

Evil Elvis's picture
Submitted by Evil Elvis on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 8:19pm.

Most of you ladies go that way after a couple cranberry vodka whatevers.

Bonobos do it in the wild and YHWH don't seem to care. They were just made that way, I suppose.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 8:12pm.

the blogger formerly known as mudcat, now emitting the High Wattage Light of Complete Understanding, with Wit sharper than the edge of a table, able to demonstrate the qualities of a world class grouch without even adding one more wrinkle, as harmonic as, as, as, (alas, my extremely limited imagination is melting under the glare) as a jackass kicking his way out of a tin barn?

It's not easy being the carbonunit

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 5:19am.

I hope neither your kidneys or lungs fail you.

To me the Saturday night gathering is more about Prezbo's judgement and maturity than anything else. I understand the theme was comedy and that everyone is a fair target, but comedy is supposed to be funny first and if it also puts someone down as a secondary goal, that's fine. But to be not funny and only mean-spirited, no good.

Obama (or his comedy writer) was hilarious and the delivery was perfect. Ms. Wanda was not.

Rush on his radio show handled it perfectly. Knowing that the mention of his name on Saturday added a couple million listeners this week, he stayed above the fray and did his normal fine job of making people think for themselves.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 6:11am.

I hope neither your kidneys or lungs fail you.

I feel the love.

It's not easy being the carbonunit

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 6:45am.

hope you freaking choke and die..
Just kidding .. I joke sometimes..

Hmm.. I guess it's ok a long as the left hopes conservatives die.. It's all good.. RUSH wanted Obama's Socialist agenda to fail.. YOU GUYS WANT HIM TO DIE.. I get it.. Its all good.

I will not lower my standards.. So UP YOURS.. Evil


meanoldconservatives's picture
Submitted by meanoldconservatives on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 3:33pm.

Could Wanda and the rest of her party have forgotten about old Corporal Cueball saying the same exact thing about Bush the day of the 9/11 attacks???

"On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, just minutes before learning of the terrorist attacks on America, Democratic strategist James Carville was hoping for President Bush to fail, telling a group of Washington reporters: "I certainly hope he doesn't succeed."

Carville was joined by Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg, who seemed encouraged by a survey he had just completed that revealed public misgivings about the newly minted president.

"We rush into these focus groups with these doubts that people have about him, and I'm wanting them to turn against him," Greenberg admitted.

The pollster added with a chuckle of disbelief: "They don't want him to fail. I mean, they think it matters if the president of the United States fails."

Minutes later, as news of the terrorist attacks reached the hotel conference room where the Democrats were having breakfast with the reporters, Carville announced: "Disregard everything we just said! This changes everything!"

The press followed Carville's orders, never reporting his or Greenberg's desire for Bush to fail. The omission was understandable at first, as reporters were consumed with chronicling the new war on terror. But months and even years later, the mainstream media chose to never resurrect those controversial sentiments, voiced by the Democratic Party's top strategists, that Bush should fail."

Carville's Contribution

Oh, that's right. That was different.....

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 5:41am.

meaning people who have class regardless of their political beliefs. Carville was an aggressive pit bull when he was being paid (a lot) to get Clinton elected and he did his job.

He is still a whacky liberal with no practical thoughts, but he conducts himself with class and treats others with respect. His wife is a big Republican, also a classy professional.

And he's right, Sept. 11 did change everything. I hope and pray we won't be attacked again, but I know we will be and when that happens it would be great if more people on both sides of the political; debate would act more like Carville and overcome the extremists on both sides who seem to be the only ones you hear from in the media.

I find it completely unbelievable that we are acting as if Sept. 11 was ancient history, allowing thousands (including some terrorists) to cross our borders everyday and becoming distracted by the most insignificant little things. Obama and his administration will probably make the right decisions in the event of an attack - after all most of our defenders are professionals - not political - and they are certainly paying attention to every threat and are prepared to respond.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 7:40am.

and the Liberals are the only drivers on that street...
It is ok to ridicule and hope for DEATH as long as it is for the Republicans side.. Let a Golf commentator make a joke.. and not a very good one at that.. and all hell breaks loose..
I bet the Golf guy was a BUSH supporter he probably VOTED for him.. I bet he was for torture too..OMG he is a TERRORIST.. a RIGHTWINGNUT EXTREAMIST.. call out the Military and shoot him now... Oh wait.. The Military probably agrees with him on this one.. Never Mind...

I will not lower my standards.. So UP YOURS.. Evil


JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 7:32pm.

When I heard Feherty s joke I thought it was hysterical, But I'm a known liberal and therefore immune to being "not PC".

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 05/10/2009 - 7:36pm.

Wanda Sykes

Check it out! There are two parts.

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