Tips in choosing The Right Home Builder

As a buyer in today's real estate market, your full attention to detail and determination to explore all of your options will do you well. The following list will assist you in deciding whether you have completed all preliminary home buying steps and are ready to choose your home builder.

1) You have made a careful assessment of your financial situation and have determined an appropriate price range for your new home.

2) You have found your target neighborhood and have taken notes of all existing homes for sale and new homes being built or scheduled for construction.
3) You have at least a general plan of action for obtaining financing and insurance.

If you have completed all of these steps, you are ready to find your home builder.

What to look for in a home builder

There are many different types of home builders anywhere, just as there are many types of home buyers. Tract homes are most often the cheapest of newly constructed home, and in this case, you definitely get what you pay for. Most often, tract home builders use the cheapest materials they can purchase in mass quantities. According to the Scottsdale Home Builder, custom home builders use the highest quality materials and give their customers the most options when it comes to style and design choices. The homes built by custom builders are much more luxurious in scale, often including vaulted ceilings and bright, airy floor plan choices. They use top of the line paint, appliances, flooring and fixtures complete the package of interior choices.

So, take time and find the right builder who can build the best house for your budget but don't necessarily rule out high-quality homes if you are on a budget. Good luck!

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muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 12:01pm.

Another tip: Don't choose the guy who built my home! I've spent 12 years correcting his mistakes. Nothing is plumb, square or level. You really notice it when you come behind to do your own work. For instance, in nailing down hardwood in one room (after pulling up carpet that might have gone into a second rate Winnebago), I discovered a ridge running down the center of the room. The straight boards climbed to that point and then shot out inches above the other side like gangplanks! I had to get very creative to get the flooring installed.

Years ago, when we were about to pull up the cheap vinyl in the kitchen to replace it with better flooring, my daughter and I took the opportunity to use markers to draw on the vinyl. Among other things, and just for fun, she traced a "victim silhouette" of me on the floor. Then I added T-shirt, jeans and shoes, and wrote the name of the builder's company on the shirt. We used a razor to cut out the silhouette, and then threw it in the driveway, where we drove over the builder, BH, in effigy for several days. But then it mysteriously disappeared. Turned out that our neighbor, whose house was built by the same guy, had stolen it for use in her own driveway!

Someone said that all you need is a truck and a toolbox to be a builder in these parts. Is that right?

Use Your Head's picture
Submitted by Use Your Head on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 11:26am.

Good points but don't forget to:
Consider the warranty offered by the homebuilder.
Get references from other homeowners.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 6:16am.

Heads, its Wieland; tails, its Ravin. No one else is left.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 6:14am.

Heads, its Wieland; tails, its Ravin. No one else is left.

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