Kenwood Park has a problem — it’s TOO popular, some feel

Tue, 04/28/2009 - 3:45pm
By: John Munford

Fayette County officials are looking at ways to deal with the overwhelming popularity of Kenwood Park.

The 65-acre facility, located in north Fayette off Ga. Highway 279 near Kenwood Road and the Clayton County line, opened in October 2007 and features a running track, tennis, basketball and volleyball courts, soccer fields, a walking trail, a playground and picnic facilities.

In recent months it has become apparent that the park is almost too popular, Fayette County officials have indicated. Sometimes every parking space is full, leading patrons to park their vehicles on the side of the entry road to the park, said Fayette County Chief Marshal Ed Collins.

The marshal’s office is charged with security at all county facilities including Kenwood Park.

“Usage is really high,” Collins said. “Word is out about the park.”

Another issue is that many park patrons don’t live in Fayette County, Collins said.

A similar complaint led Fayette resident Kathy Allgood to address the County Commission at its April 9 meeting.

Allgood explained that one day she conducted a survey of auto tags in the park, and of the 60 vehicles, 45 were from out of county. Allgood said she became upset during one park visit when another patron walked a leashed pit bull dog, which caused her to fear for her young grandson and her own dog that she was walking at the time.

Because the pit bull was on a leash, there was no action the marshal’s office could take, Allgood said.

Potential solutions being considered include the possibility of erecting security gates, perhaps combined with some sort of entry fee, Collins said. Another possibility is that residents may have to sign up with the recreation department to use amenities such as the basketball and tennis courts to prevent overcrowding.

The picnic pavilions have also been popular at the park, Collins said.

Collins said it has been difficult for marshals to get patrons to leave the park at night when it closes. But there are some events after dark, such as community movie showings.

The county owns a total of 172 acres at Kenwood Park, and it was initially planned to build the park in three phases. But the $6.4 million price tag for phase one eclipsed the initial $2.5 million budget that was projected for all three phases.

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southern tinkerbelle's picture
Submitted by southern tinkerbelle on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 8:22am.

Wow!!! Did anyone NOT see this coming? FC put a really nice, new park FOR FREE right on the border of Clayton Co. & Fulton Co.?? Not to mention that the rec area/park on Church Street in Riverdale is totally shut down due to retovation so this is the next closest park. I think a charge to non-county visitors is a great idea. Also a designated dog walking area would be good too. I don't care what breed of dog it is, I don't like the idea of dogs in the same area that children play.

Submitted by mysteryman on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 8:24pm.

And what better place to set up an auxillary Sheriffs office at this park, which has plenty of availible space, A couple of office trailers and a holding cell, and station a few Deputys to be based there, and the problem will take care of itself. Not to mention cut response times in the north end of the county...Lets roll out the welcome mat, Sheriff Hannah....BLESS

Submitted by Dondol on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 8:55am.

I have to say that this is one of the best ideas that I have read on here in a long time. Yes, put a field precient in at Kenwood park and you will see how fast the Rats scurry back to Clayton.

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Submitted by mysteryman on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 7:54pm.

Having attended a recent outing at the new park, I was besides my self to watch kids playing on the swingset, with broken glass, and empty crack baggys, laying all over the place. And upon using the facilities, i was witness to used condoms laying in plain sight on the concrete floor.. NYCE. Never mind the syringe laying next to the sink, the kids can have a real good time with that. Were moving on up folks....BLESS..

southern tinkerbelle's picture
Submitted by southern tinkerbelle on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 8:39am.

While I totally agree that there are some issues at Kenwood Park. I have to wonder if mysteryman may have exaggerated his experience a bit. I have a toddler & we visit Kenwood Park quite often, however I have never seen any drug paraphernalia laying around & I consider myself to be quite aware of the envionment my child plays in. Now, if these kind of items are laying about instead of blogging about it, I feel that it would be more effective if this was reported to the police so the area can be properly patrolled. Now I have to admit that I do have a small phobia of using public restrooms so I can't tell you anything about them.

Submitted by dollparts on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 1:22pm.

Why are people making references about pit bulls and clayton county???
I have lived in Fayette Co. for all of my life, and I bought my SECOND pit bull a month and a half ago. Should I hang my fayette county tag from my dog's leash when I decide to take her to a park?
It's not just "thugs" that like these dogs.

Submitted by Resident A on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 9:18am.

I agree, this park needs gates. As for fees, good luck collecting them. However, I know people get tickets at Lake Horton for not paying, and that Judge Sams will issue a warrant for failure to appear if they don't pay the fine. What this park needs is a parking pass, or you get towed. Citizens of Fayette County who want to use the park should be afforded the opportunity to apply for a parking pass. If you don't have a pass, and you are a Fayette Citizen, too bad. Don't go to this park until you get your pass. Out of county residents could also apply for a parking pass (damn equal protection clause), but charge an additional fee for out of county use of the park. I know, I know. Who will run the parking pass program? Where will that money come from? Etc., etc., etc.? No matter what, we the citizens of Fayette County, will have to pay more to keep thugs out of our parks.

Buckwheat Rules's picture
Submitted by Buckwheat Rules on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 1:32pm.

Here's how it works folks (for those of you non-transplants who have no idea how most county park systems work:

Fayette County residents should have the opportunity to apply for a annual County Park Pass for a minimal cost (say $20-$30 per year) which allows you entrance in all county parks) This fee would more than cover the cost of a staffed gate attendent in each park (a retired person's min-wage dream job which will be easy to fill).

For out of county residents, they have 2 options - both of which will cost a lot more than county residents if they want to enjoy our county park facilities:

1) $200-$250 annual fee - Covers park entrance, parking, and the ability to reserve picnic shelters.


2) Pay at the Park. This ad hoc option is for the person that wishes to pay as they use the facilities. The Park Attendent will sell a "Day Pass" ($5 oer car for county residents-with no annyual pass) and $10 to $20 for out of county residents)

Also, any out of county residents wishing to use out picnic shelters should also be charged a premium for these facilities.

This is how it's supposed to work folks! You may think its hard on out of county residents, but that's how counties in other states do it (very successfully might I add).

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 1:34pm.

And it's very similar to the way Volusia County (Daytona Beach area) handles it's park systems.

As Barney Fife would say, "nip it in the bud".

Submitted by Goldie on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 8:48am.

Has anyone been to McElroy Park lately? The situation is the same. Clayton County tags, pit bulls, people virtually having "relations" in the park swings. When the Park Ranger tells them that it's time to leave, they ignore him. There needs to be a fee, could be pd in the parking lot if you have an out-of county tag on your car- let the fee collectors' salary be paid solely from these fees- fee collector WILL need to pack heat, but it would probably be a temp. job because if they can't steal something they won't want to come.

Submitted by Fayelovett on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 8:30am.

The Citizens of Fayette are paying for a park for Clayton County. Something must me done! They have taken over the park. I would rather see it closed up than to see what is happening in North Fayette. The language you hear when walking pass the basketball court is unbelievable. The other day, I saw someone with a pit bull on the soccer field. There needs to be a charge for out of county visitors to the park. That is the only way to stop this -- if not, North Fayette will be just an extension of Riverdale.

Evil Elvis's picture
Submitted by Evil Elvis on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 6:07pm.

Put up a basketball hoop and the bruthas will come.

Forget the parking passes. Take down the hoops.

Submitted by Blah Blah on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 7:24am.

People come together and have some really good times. I live in Fayette county and use it all the time. I would like to see them finish it so it wont be so croweded. more parking is needed and more pavilions. Some cold water fountains are needed. And water in the toilets because they stink. clean them more. Thank you to the visonairys that made this park possible

A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 5:21am.

Who is the dummy that pushed this project through? Greg Dunn? Harold Bost?

Submitted by dblount on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 1:34pm.

Yes, Greg Dunn the same one who probably pushed for the West Fayette Bypass to connect Westbridge Road (south Fulton-Old National Hwy) to south Fayettecounty. Smart move. Some people just don't get it.

Submitted by tikigod on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 11:25pm.

This has to take some sorta award for the dumbest idea the county has ever had. You build a park right next to highly dense area of ANOTHER county, in an area of your county that has low density. Huh?

And they didn't even charge money for use by out of county vehicles. WHY? TELL ME WHY? SERIOUSLY. Lake Horton requires that all out of county vehicles pay a fee. Its not on located ON THE BORDER. Kenwood is. Could the county be anymore obvious that this was built as some sort of appeasement for something. Why, I don't know. But it is pretty obvious that that park was not built for the majority of Fayette county citizens. And it has nothing to do with race, just look at geography and numbers.

Someone come up for a name like the Darwin Awards that we can give county projects.

Submitted by boo boo on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 10:16pm.

The taxpayers of Fayette Co. have a huge investment in this park. Evidently it is a very popular park for non Fayette Co. Citizens. If they love it that much then Non County Citizens won't mind paying to help keep it up. I think $25.00 a car would help out a great deal with the up keep of the park and help pay the salary for the Marshall's at the gate. It won't be long before everything in the park needs upgrading with all the traffic so yes a fee to get in is the right thing to do for Non Fayette Co. citizens.

Submitted by Spyglass on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 8:16pm.

C''s not rocket science.

Buckwheat Rules's picture
Submitted by Buckwheat Rules on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 7:30pm.

I went there on several occassion with the family; loaded up the car with a little picnic basket, tennis raquets, basket ball, volly ball, etc. to enjoy a day in the park. A park that MY tax dollars helped pay for, and not only were 80% of the license plates in the parking lot from surrounding counties (primarily Fulton and Clayton but who noticed?), but I honestly didn't feel my family was safe going off on thier own to use the facilities. It's pretty well known that the out of county folks hog up all the picnic facilities each weekend as well.

One of the best county parks by far (if not thee best) and we lower Fayetteville residents don't even get to enjoy it.

Why couldn't you put facilities like that out on Lake Horton?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 6:56pm.

Another issue is that many park patrons don’t live in Fayette County, Collins said.

We had vehement discussion regarding this so-called benefit to the Citizens of Fayette County brought to us courtesy of Dunn 'n' Wells. Can anyone remember the price tag of this gumament waste project? I wonder if the bronze plaque honoring our commissioners for this waste project has graffiti on it yet or was it sold at Sweet Returns for $8.00?

Allgood explained that one day she conducted a survey of auto tags in the park, and of the 60 vehicles, 45 were from out of county.

Gee... a Git Real prophecy come true. Not only mine but several others.

Potential solutions being considered include the possibility of erecting security gates, perhaps combined with some sort of entry fee. the thug with the pit bull is gonna put some cash in the envelope and stick it in the box. The fee collection box at Lake Horton is a joke. The out of county users just drive right past it all the time. But.... occasionally we have one of our county marshals catch one of them and I presume they fine them. Nice relaxing duty out Lake Horton...... it's 'a dollar chasing a dime' duty.

Collins said it has been difficult for marshalls to get patrons to leave the park at night when it closes

Imagine that. If I were a wannabe cop I'd be chicken too to approach and chase off those carloads of Riverdale and Fulton street thugs.

Don't Spread My Wealth.... Spread My Work Ethic

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 9:18pm.

Imagine that. If I were a wannabe cop I'd be chicken too to approach and chase off those carloads of Riverdale and Fulton street thugs.

Tell me again why we go all the way over to the Middle East to look for terrorists.

It's not easy being the carbonunit

Submitted by Blah Blah on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 7:26am.

A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government.

Pull our troops form Iraq and Afganistan and protect americans.

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