I'm curious

eodnnaenaj1's picture

around 6 am for three mornings in a row there have been 7 sheriff cars racing north on Tara Boulevard, onto the expressway, I'm not sure how far they go because they are way ahead of me, I know they go as far as Lakewod. What's up with that? Couldn't be an emergency three days in a row at the exact same time, and 7 cars . . .

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Submitted by Dondol on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 9:57am.

The Hot Fresh sign was on at Krispy Kreme on Ponce.

Obama's weapon of Choice!

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 11:42am.

funny! I'm located on North Avenue and we hear sirens ALL day long, my boss says a doughnut truck must have turned over.

And Sniff, writing performance evaluations . . .oh so you are one of "them". Well don't forget the folks who work their behinds off, that qualifies for 'highly successful' not 'successful'. Be kind.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 10:15am.

I should be sitting here at my desk writing performance evaluations, but I read your comment and literally laughed out loud, now people around me want to know what's soooo funny! Laughing out loud

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