TEA tax protest draws crowd to PTC

Fri, 04/17/2009 - 3:10pm
By: John Munford

‘TEA Party’ result of frustration at federal government

A larger than expected crowd packed City Hall Plaza in Peachtree City at lunchtime Wednesday for a rally to protest against rampant spending by the federal government.

Many in the crowd at the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party displayed handmade signs to vent their frustration. The Citizen is estimating the crowd to be around 400 people based on an analysis of photos taken at the event.

Much of the participants’ ire was directed at recent federal spending including the bailouts of large corporations by the federal government.

Almost all of the signs were original except for a few that read exactly: “You are not entitled to what I have earned.”

Among the other signs were:

• Save America, Shut Down Congress

• Pork: the feds’ favorite white meat

• PTC (Push Tax Cuts)

• Next time, read the bill stupid

• Mr. Obama you have run out of our $$$

• The people you tax are making hard choices. How can you do any less?

• Pillage and plunder. At least the Vikings did it openly!!

One baby wore a sign “I didn’t read the bill either,” a reference to the federal bailout legislation being so onerous in size that reportedly many of the federal legislators voting on the bill didn’t have enough time to read it.

Though local state officials spoke during the event, it was resident Marty Harbin who stole the show. Taking the microphone after several state elected officials, Harbin played the crowd like a preacher at Easter services, even gathering a few amens along the way.

“They let Delta go bankrupt, why not General Motors?” Harbin said, drawing much applause from the crowd. “... We the people have the power. We need to say we have had enough.”

Harbin displayed a dollar bill and tore off sections to represent the various taxes paid by Americans. In the end he was left with a strip of a dollar bill about an inch wide.

The next move, Harbin said, is incumbent on people in the crowd taking action.

“If you walk away from this place and do nothing, you are as guilty as the liberals,” Harbin said.

State Representative Matt Ramsey told the crowd that fiscal issues at the federal level are not just a problem created by one party. While blaming current President Barack Obama and the Democratic leadership in the U.S. Legislature, Ramsey also laid the blame on Republicans at the federal level who didn’t take advantage of the opportunities they had to reduce government during the eight years George W. Bush was president.

Ramsey didn’t let Obama off the hook, though, noting that the President was unable to meet his campaign promise of eliminating earmarks, the process by which U.S. legislators “slip” funding for pet projects into bills that are completely unrelated to those projects.

According to Citizens Against Government Waste, last year Congress approved 10,160 earmarks totaling $19.6 billion, an increase from $17.2 billion in 2007.

Combined with the bailout package at three quarters of a trillion dollars as cited by Ramsey, these figures are what is drawing the attention of TEA Party participants.

Ramsey noted that state government faced declining revenues and instead of raising taxes they cut the size of state government.

State Senator Ronnie Chance noted that the legislature cut $3.3 billion in spending. The Georgia Constitution requires that the state budget be balanced, he noted.

“It can be done in other states and at the federal level,” Chance said.

The peaceful rally, which at one point had a brief crowd chant of “Throw the bums out!” ended with the singing of “God Bless America.”

The crowd was also treated to information about the Fair Tax movement by local supporter Angela Bean, who noted it would place a sales tax on all goods in lieu of income and social security taxes. Doing so would allow illegal immigrants to contribute to the government.

“It would be the biggest transfer of power from government back to the people,” Bean said.

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mapleleaf's picture
Submitted by mapleleaf on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 3:14pm.

What does our government use its money for?

To educate our kids, through public schools, technical schools and state colleges.

To house prisoners to assure our safety, and certain mental patients for their safety.

To build and maintain roads, to allow us to travel.

To inspect our food suppliers, to keep us from being poisoned.

To provide for law enforcement, again to assure our safety, including that of those who throw tea parties for want of being housed in government-supported mental institutions.

Throwing tea parties, in this day and age, is a sign of immaturity.

What services do you want cut, party-goers?

Submitted by fireypeach on Mon, 04/20/2009 - 6:53pm.

Just wondering if you've followed the news in the past few years or so? How bout the PCA ordeal and a community in Blakely that is now reeling because 1/2 the towns population is out of work because the plant apparently wasnt inspected enough or even properly? I mean how can you miss a big rat laying on the floor next to a vat of food? And how bout all those monstrous pot holes all over the interstate that are tearing up people's cars: the cars they bought with their hard earned money? And how about Clayton County schools losing accreditation because no government official stepped in to calm the chaos? No we'll just let these kids figure out on their own what to do when they want to get in to good colleges. How about the DOT reports that came out after the bridge collapse that killed several people showing that most bridges in the US are not inspected enough and are in serious need of repair???

I suppose if you wanted to protest about something that was important and meaninful to you, maybe you wouldn't be so hard pressed to point fingers. Since when is it an abomination to stand up and speak out for something this country has needed for many decades; less government control and more input from taxpayers. Immaturity is when you cower and don't take control of your own destiny but instead leave it in the hands of those who don't care. Every American has a right to speak up and apparently writing letters to congressmen and senators and flooding their offices with phone calls doesn't work when it comes to the lil ole low class, middle class, taxpayer.

Hey, how about we cut out the pork barrel project about educating prostitutes? Or how about the program that funds a site tours of a historic Cemetery. It's in the list....

I think some people just like living in a dark room.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 10:01am.

One of the typical approved Teabagger Talking Points is "Gee, Delta went bankrupt, why not let GM?"

Let's look at a few things:
1. Delta is the 427th largest company in America with 50,000 employees, GM is the 9th largest with 300,000 employees. The negative effects of Delta's bankruptcy were tremendous, a GM bankruptcy could have a catestrophic effect on America's manufacturing base.

2. Delta was bankrupted due to its cost structure and fuel costs. GM is in financial trouble due to three factors: a product line heavily skewed towards gas guzzlers, the gas price run-up of 2008, and the credit crunch of 2008-2009. Arguably 2/3s of their problems were beyond their control and arguably short-term conditions. Is it worth destroying a company to remain faithful to free-market tenets when abberations in the free market caused the majority of their problems?

I'm not sure I like the idea of a company "too big to fail". Perhaps spinning off units into smaller companies might be the ultimate answer. I'm just of the opinion that the situation is not as binary (black/white or good/bad) as some of the demogauges here would have you believe.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sat, 04/18/2009 - 2:15am.

leadership at Delta played a large part in bringing it to it's knees. Years of egotistical VIPs with lavish spending habits ruined a good company. Just when no one thought it could get worse, enter the 'dream team'. A group hired off the street to save us. One of the ring leaders of this "team" sold Delta's fuel hedges. She also changed our insurance to prove a personal point. The one thing that will forever be carved in my memory is that this person found that the rank and file's pension were tamper proof, the pension plan for the 'widows and orphans' was not. This dream team took over 40 mil out of that fund and built themselves a bankruptcy proof pension fund for themselves. Within a year or 2, they were all gone, leaving the company ruined.

The point I'm trying to make is most of the problems stem from bad management. Unfortunately they are constantly rewarded for bad behavior at the expense of the taxpayer and workers.

Till the excess waste and stealing is stopped by the government, we will continue down this road. It has been proven that unregulated business is out for the CEOs and their cronies at the expense of the workers and taxpayers.

Having lived through government regulation of companies and now this deregulation. I say government should regulate corporate America! We have laws to punish the thieves and killers in society, why not in corporate America?

Submitted by Dondol on Sat, 04/18/2009 - 11:00am.

The trouble started when Delta stopped promoting from within and started hiring management off of the street. This started in the late 80's. The people that were promoted from within loved and cherished "Their" company and were good stewards, the people off of the street could care less. Look what it got them!

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 5:28pm.

Is it worth destroying a company to remain faithful to free-market tenets when abberations in the free market caused the majority of their problems?

The President has said the "Guv" is not in the car manufacturing business and has put both Chrysler and GM on notice. We'll see what happens next.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 4:24pm.

I think a managed bankruptcy with some spinning-off of assets/divisions is the only way for GM to be viable in the future. Besides the issues you cited, their benefit obligations to past employees are killing their cost structure and that is going to get shaved down pretty substantially just like it did with Delta.

I'm not a believer in the "too big to fail" concept, but politicians who want to extend their careers feel like they have to "do something" in the short-term and not ride out the very painful aftershocks of a too-big-to-fail company going bust. Or several too-big-to-fail banks going under at the same time since the underlying banking system is technically insolvent right now. That's some serious pain and I'm not so sure all the advocates of "let them fail" have really thought through the issue in detail.

A lot of Americans are hopelessly ignorant about economic issues and demand quite vocally and at the ballot box that "somebody do something NOW!" Then it comes down to simply HOW MUCH all the something is going to cost, with the Dems saying "more" and the Repubs saying "maybe a little less since than what the Dems say since we're not in office at this time"

Submitted by Dondol on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 4:11pm.

That was a lucid and well thought out post. Maybe the answer is to split GM into several smaller companies for it to survive, but the free market should decide that not the Government.

Obama's weapon of Choice!

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 4:49am.

Is this the same Angela Bean whose campaign contributions to the Republican party list her position and employer as Director of Operations, Fayette Publishing, inc. (parent company of The Citizen)?

If so, wouldn't journalistic standards call for a little more disclosure here?

Submitted by mcg on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 5:24am.

Angela Bean stopped working at The Citizen several years ago. So you can stop worrying about journalistic standards and disclosure in her case.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 7:32am.

Thank you, mcg I'll sleep better at night now knowing that.

Isn't it amazing how these extremists seem to travel in such small circles!

Submitted by The Truth Will ... on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 9:18am.

I agree 100%!! Isn't it amazing how ACORN extremists seem to travel in small circles!

Fair Tax Now!!
Herman Cain's Intelligent Thinkers are wide awake!!

Submitted by The Truth Will ... on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 11:23pm.

For the record: The count at this event would be closer to 800-1000, I know I was one of the assistants working the table and handing out the hundreds of flyers to the attendees!!!!

Fair Tax Now!!!

grassroots's picture
Submitted by grassroots on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 9:39pm.

I think Fayette County voted republican majority last election and I just paid the highest property tax in my life. It's just fat government everywhere. I know the biggest need on the federal level is term limits and reading bills before they sign them. I was also hoping that half our soldiers would be home by now. What happened to that? "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." Pete Townsend 1971.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 6:17pm.

Oooooh, somebody tell me again how this rally is a harmonious confluence of Democrats and Republicans?


This teabaggery was largely a pathetic bunch of over-50 white male conservitards unwilling to respect the results of an election held just a few months ago.

They're laying the political groundwork to impede the domestic agenda that the majority of Americans voted for in November.

Pseudopatriotism at its finest.

Submitted by fireypeach on Mon, 04/20/2009 - 6:58pm.

Shouldn't you be living in China??? Seems to me from the thousands of pics and videos online (lemme guess you think they're fake) that the over 50 white males were outnumbered by Gen Xers, children, Asian Americans, African Americans and women of all generations. Pitiful how ultraliberals just can't admit that a conglomeration of Americans are sick and tired of the government doing what they want when they want with OUR money? Bound to happen sometime. Just happened to be during our lifetime.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 6:30pm.

Don't you know that name calling is to be launched by republicans/conservatives/independents who are embarrassed republicans?

Don't you realize these names are to be received by democrats/liberals/bed-wetters/liberal weenies, who, in true weenie-like fashion, will simply bow their heads and make no retorts? ("Well, allow me to retort!" Samuel Jackson in "Pulp Fiction")

Doesn't it seem like same stuff different day? Heck! It's same people , different day.... and different names Laughing out loud

Have a good one!

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 7:29pm.

Heh heh, the principle of IOKIYAR ("It's Okay If You Are Republican")!

I get the biggest kick out of the situational outrage of the likes of Wedge....the silly 'tard thinks it's still 1994, when Republicans ran roughshod over anyone who disagreed with them, and liberals were expected to turn the other cheek.

They can dish it out but boy oh boy they can't seem to take it. Smiling

cogitoergofay's picture
Submitted by cogitoergofay on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 3:32pm.

Rep. Ramsey Rails with Empty Rhetoric

Ramsey is reported to made the following bi-partisan criticism of Congress:

"State Representative Matt Ramsey told the crowd that fiscal issues at the federal level are not just a problem created by one party. While blaming current President Barack Obama and the Democratic leadership in the U.S. Legislature, Ramsey also laid the blame on Republicans at the federal level who didn’t take advantage of the opportunities they had to reduce government during the eight years George W. Bush was president."

The problem with "D.C. Bashing" is that Ramsey, like all other politicians, will not take our own Republican Congressman Lynn Westmoreland to task.

Westmoreland went along with the GOP leadership on virtually on all major issues.

Start with your own Congressman, Mr. Ramsey.

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 3:41pm.

one of the most Conservative voting Reps in Washington. I'm not sure why you would try to lay the blame at his feet. You may not like his voting, but you can't say it's been liberal, or even a big spender.

Here's a list of the 2007 Reps and rankings...I didn't see 2008 from my quick search.


Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 5:49am.

Why Mr. Harbin stole the show---Mr. Harbin was the star because he is not a hack politician like Ramsey, Chance and Westmoreland. Harbin is successful in business and doesn't need the job. Westmoreland, Ramsey and Chance see public service as a means of enhancing themselves.

Harbin may be like Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma--- a person who doesn't need it and would speak freely.

Westmoreland, Chance and Ramsey are go along get alongs. I have to disagree Spyglass. When the news reports came out with the pork totals for each of the Georgia REPUBLICANS and their districts, the Republicans themselves should have called each other out. They didn't. In fact Savannah "Republican" Jack Kingston was proud of the pork he got. The problem is that there are 535 members of Congress doing the exact same thing. And the quiet complicity is due to the fact that guys like Westmoreland, Ramsey and Chance are in it for their own good. It is disheartening that we taxpayers will be paying Westmoreland $150,000 a year for life, in a retirment earned for doing what?

Maybe Harbin will call out the GOP on all this pork.

Submitted by motega on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 2:55pm.

John, no disrespect to your crowd counting, but I arrived rather late and walked along the walkway leading to the entrance to city hall. My crowd counting skills would estimate the crowd to be 800-1000 folks. Just my opinion. All of the city lots as well as the Presbyterian parking lots were full and the new First Baptist lot across from the church was full.

kew96692003's picture
Submitted by kew96692003 on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 2:52pm.

Come on guys! I love how so many of the Republicans of the US try to blame this crap on Obama, he inherited it from the almighty idiot "W". The bailouts began with him, the banks and the ever important AIG sucked up as much as they could and he barely even blinked when he gave it to them. In my lifetime government has never been as "BIG" as what George W. Bush and his cronies created, I thought y'all were suppose to be against that? Now having said that, let's tax the illegals and save our Social Security!!!

Submitted by Dondol on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 4:08pm.

Hell, lets get rid of the illegals and save our Country!

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Submitted by Dondol on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 2:06pm.

I would beg to differ with you John, from the looks of the crowd there was easily twice that amount in attendance.

Obama's weapon of Choice!

ManofGreatLogic's picture
Submitted by ManofGreatLogic on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 6:38pm.

First of all, I couldn't go to the event because I was WORKING.

Yep, that's right. I have a family to support and at noon today I was at WORK. I wondered why the protest wasn't scheduled for 5pm or later, but realized: It's the unemployed who showed up.

Secondly, where were these bums when Dubya was prezdint for eight years? They didn't mind spending then, did they? Nope. They tagged right along. They were obedient little Dittoheads and did what they were told: support the prezdint. We were at war, afterall, and had to spend all that money.

Thirdly, how many of these unemployed bum teabaggers at City Hall today are in debt? Yeah, you heard me. How many of YOU bums owe money on your house, car, and the bummest of all: credit cards...?

I bet less than five percent of the bum teabaggers are debt-free. They spent more than they earn, just like the govmint they complain about (for only the last four months, since the one before that was perfect).

Maybe the lot of you bums should start voting and preaching based on the needs of your family, instead of your team (the Republicans).

And on a similar note: Guess who destroyed the South and burned Atlanta to the ground? Yep, the REPUBLICANS.

Real Southerners vote Democrat. They always have and they always will.

No disrespect.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 9:45pm.

"And on a similar note: Guess who destroyed the South and burned Atlanta to the ground? Yep, the REPUBLICANS."

Hmmm. Slavery was instituted in the South.. The South went to war to keep slaves.. the South wanted to suscede from the Union.. over slavery..
Abraham Lincoln fought to free the slaves.. A REPUBLICAN by the way.. (part of that crowd that burned Atlanta)
George Wallace stood in the door of a school to block blacks from entering.. A DEMOCRAT by the way..
Robert Byrd a Senator was a member of the KKK.. A DEMOCRAT by the way..

So MOGL are you saying you support slavery because you are a Southerner or just a Democrat??

Just wondering.. and oh yes DIVA.. The Tea Party was AWESOME..
How was that shot Diva?Smiling

I will not lower my standards.. So UP YOURS.. Evil


Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 7:36am.

The first states to legalize slavery were in the north.

In 1641 Masssachusette became the first colony to leagalize slave trade followed by Connecticut in 1650.

Virginia legalized slavery in 1661.

Slavery started in the northern colonies and some 500,000 slaves were transported to the south on ships flying the state flags of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Hampshire.

I love history books. Here is one I would recomend: Myne Wone Ground: Race and Freedom on Virginia's Eastern Shore 1640-1676 by T.H. Breen and Stephen Innes.

Another eye opening book: Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery by Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, and Jessica Frank

Here is another one: New York Burning: Liberty, Slavery, and Conspiracy in Eighteenth-Century Manhattan by Jill Lepore

Have a good everyone.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 7:40am.

I was making a point with MOGL.. I am Southern Born and Bred.. and agree slavery was started in the Northern States.. The shipping points were in Virginia and Boston.. It just became a "Southern" thang as a spin up to the war..

I will not lower my standards.. So UP YOURS.. Evil


Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 7:45am.

I knew you were making a point. There are some liberals that still actually believe slavery started in the south. I'm from the north and even I know better.

Anyway, have a good day.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 7:47am.

Gotta Go and pay for some more illegals "free" healthcare..
See ya...

I will not lower my standards.. So UP YOURS.. Evil


Submitted by Davids mom on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 10:10pm.

Lincoln's plan was to allow the south to keep their slave system. What sent them into a frenzy to secede was the Fugitive Slave Law. They would not be able to recover their 'property' - their run-away slaves from other states. . .and could not expand their system of slavery into the newly acquired American territories. There were southern economists who wrote interesting essays imploring the leaders of the south to industrialize – and not depend on an economy that depended on human slave labor. . .but at that time, slaves were not considered human. Sad. The south was a solid democrat section of the country until Lyndon Johnson signed the voting rights bill – and the south has been Republican ever since.

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 6:46pm.

so prepare to be assaulted just as soon as happy hour is over and these "producers" get back to their puters. Duck and cover!

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