Tall wall off parkway catches eyes, ire

Fri, 04/10/2009 - 2:42pm
By: John Munford

City says it’s needed to protect new path

A new wall erected along Peachtree Parkway to protect cart path users has caught some flak from Peachtree City residents who think it is unsightly.

The concrete-reinforced wall replaces a guardrail that ran along Peachtree Parkway just north of Windgate Road. The wall will protect users of a new cart path that will come from Windgate Road and run parallel to the parkway briefly before spiraling down to the current path which leads to a tunnel underneath the road.

The path redesign is part of a project to prevent the area from overflowing during periods of heavy rain.

The reason for building a wall instead of replacing the guardrail is due to the proximity of the new cart path to the parkway and also recent changes in road design standards, said city spokesperson Betsy Tyler.

The rock-stone design of the barrier is similar to other such walls in town including those at Crosstown Road, Smokerise Plantation and Loring Lane, Tyler said.

The wall is higher than the guardrail, but Tyler said part of the reason for the extra height is to block headlights coming both from the parkway and those on the cart path, which can lead to motorists being confused.

The project, which was awarded to Guthrie Construction, has not moved as fast as city officials hoped, so the city plans to pursue liquidated damages so it can recoup some of its funds for the unnecessary delays, officials said.

The project is being funded with money from the city’s stormwater utility.

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Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 4:41am.

So, don't put the cart pate there. It doesn't go anywhere that the old one didn't - all it does is climb a hill, get dangerously close to the Parkway and bypasses the creek. Everywhere else they solve the wetness problem with a culvert and some dirt.

It is only a matter of time before some teen or senior driver loses control and scrapes that new wall and either knocks it down or bounces back into another car. Methinks the designer of that path/wall has some liability when that happens.

Submitted by Dondol on Sat, 04/11/2009 - 10:57am.

You can put Lipstick on a Pig, but it's still a Pig! This whole thing is just ridiculous, why does the Lodgsdon administration have to spend 2-3 times the money to accomplice something. All of this money spent because a little water ran over a Spillway? There had to be several different ways to fix what some considered a Major problem. How about a steel elevated bridge (12") over the existing bridge, water could run under with no problem and the carts could use the same cart part. This whole thing could be done for under $5,000.00, I just wonder how much of our money ol Harold spent this time on his Jersey Wall with Lipstick!

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Gene61's picture
Submitted by Gene61 on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 11:44pm.

Dondol , that will never work, why?, it makes too much sense. Why do it cheapy and correctly for less money, when Peachtree City can waste more money like the city and cuonty do on all projects.

Next thing you know, they will actually do something smart, like stop laying off people and killing off the tax base.

Submitted by Doug on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 10:21pm.

The mayor does seem to want to spend huge amounts on these simply projects. We still can't use the cart bridge over the railroad on Highway 54.

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