Tyrone Loses in Court, TRIES TO SETTLE

News you will never hear from Tyrone or Newspapers.

Tyrone has lost its motion to quash a lawsuit brought 3 years ago by resident Winnie Anderson. The suit was brought because Tyrone Mgr Barry Amos approved development plans for Wielands’ Estates Subdivision that dumped drain water onto Ms. Anderson’s property causing damage estimated at over $27,000.

Ms. Anderson asked Council to help her and Councilwomen Grace Caldwell & Gloria Furr inspected her property giving false hope to the resident, but the Council refused, causing her to sue Tyrone. Tyrone did as it always does, paying lawyers to fight her rather than acting responsibly.

When the 2007 election rolled around, Ms. Anderson and others were led to believe New Council members would correct the actions of the Old Council; so she allowed Don Rehwaldt, Tracy Young and Gordon Shenkle to place “vote for me” signs on her property. After these candidates took office in 2008, she again asked the Town for help, but they all refused again.

After the Court struck down Tyrone’s motion for summary judgment, the case is being scheduled for trial. Realizing they can’t win, Tyrone offered a settlement of $7,000 insulting Ms. Anderson, so they quickly increased the offer to $25,000. But Ms. Anderson says she wants full payment of her damages plus attorneys fees and punitive damages for the fraudulent lie she caught Barry Amos in, regarding the development plans. It’s a shame that Tyrone treats its citizens this way, but that’s the way Tyrone’s government has acted for the past 12 years.

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suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sun, 03/22/2009 - 6:04pm.

that they ..TRIED..to settle for ...ALMOST..what the poor woman asked for in the 1st place. I for one, taxpayer will be POed!

To me that says they should have given the woman damages in the 1st place.

2nd, it says the lawyers were milking this for all they could. Then tried to settle for 2,000. less to make it look like their 25,000? 50,000? bill was a savings?

I don't know all the details, but the womans house sits much lower than the Wheiland sub that they let use a common drain off the road, if I have it straight. If so, any retard would know she was going to get her property ruined. Anyone can drive over to Farr Rd and look at where the Weiland Sub is, and look at the sub across sitting much much lower, the woman's house is the 1st one, down in a hole by comparsion to the Weiland deal on the other side.

Shame on the lawyers for Tyrone.

Submitted by truthandjustice on Sun, 03/22/2009 - 4:06pm.

Mysterman, PreciousStahr; TyroneConfidential, Tyrone911; obsession confirmed; multiple personality disorder apparent.

Submitted by mysteryman on Sun, 03/22/2009 - 10:28am.

Pettion state attorney general, to revoke Tyrones charter, and bring it to vote next election, let Tyrone return to Fayette County and free the hostage citizens who have been living under the big top of this circus....PEACE

Submitted by truthandjustice on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 9:34pm.

Sad there isn’t much truth to this blog (no facts just wishful thinking) but two things are evident. 1. TyroneConfidential/Tyrone 911 et al either has a personnel vendetta or is obsessed with Barry Amos. 2. Robert K Morgan is naïve and has no idea of what is true or fiction so he believes everything or he just loves to see his name in print

Submitted by PreciousStahr on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 11:30pm.

Notice the similarity of truthandjustice's blog to these previous blogs.

Margot wrong as usual
Submitted by TJAM on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 8:39am.
Margot your personnel vendetta is showing again. According to court documents the case you refer to went to arbitration on Dec 21, 2007 while Barry Amos was working for Tyrone not Stone Mountain.. so for your statements to be true he would have had to be working for both cities at the same time. There are two other facts that are evident: 1. every time anyone puts in a negative blog about Grace Caldwell you attack Barry and/or the old administration; 2. Robert W. Morgan believes everything anyone puts in the blogs

Pernicious Posts
Submitted by truthandjustice on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 9:34pm.
Sad there isn’t much truth to this blog (no facts just wishful thinking) but two things are evident. 1. TyroneConfidential/Tyrone 911 et al either has a personnel vendetta or is obsessed with Barry Amos. 2. Robert K Morgan is naïve and has no idea of what is true or fiction so he believes everything or he just loves to see his name in print

Ms. Anderson's Suit
Submitted by TJAM on Sun, 06/08/2008 - 9:27pm.
I don’t know about Ms. Anderson’s problem but if she has a problem that she thinks is the Town’s fault I hope she has some facts and not just “blog facts”. Blog facts aren’t normally based on anything other than what someone wants others to believe not necessarily the truth. Anyway if she does have real facts I am sure she can get an attorney to take her case, if she has no real facts just "blog facts" I guess she could represent herself.

Submitted by TyroneConfidential on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 10:54pm.

Ms. Winnie Anderson, a person who you know and was part of your problem in Tyrone has just called you a liar about your lawsuit against Tyrone. I guess that makes the Judge in your case a liar too.

Ms. Anderson, I wonder why if what you say isn’t true, then why is Tyrone making offers to settle your case? Did you and your lawyer present false evidence to the court? And just because they dumped rain water in your back door, you want to have a vendetta and cause a sweet little government all this trouble. Shame on you. But you know what, this truthandjustice blog sounds exactly like the one Tjam wrote on 6-08-08. Entitled “ Ms. Anderson’s Suit”. And we definitely know who Tjam is don’t we? I guess I better talk to my lawyer about this.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 5:42am.

I think Barry and Valerie each took about that much as a bonus or severance pay or something when they were fired. Maybe Mrs. Anderson can just get it from Barry and leave Tyrone out of it. After all, Tyrone wasn't supervising Barry very closely at all, so why should they be responsible?

Submitted by TyroneConfidential on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 9:49pm.

The law says that employers are liable for the negligence or any other harms caused by their employees in performing their duties. Ms. Anderson says Barry Amos approved the development plans of the Estates S/D which routed rain water under Farr Road and on to Anderson’s property, causing flooding. The law of negligence says, but for the actions of Amos, the damages would never have occurred. But Amos went a step further and lied to cover up his involvement. That’s fraud, and Anderson intends to make Tyrone pay for it.

The Tyrone Council was told all of this and ignored it. The Council was negligent in not looking into the matter and correcting the negligence of its employee in the line of his duties. But that’s nothing new for Tyrone; that’s how they handle all complaints and why they are repeatedly sued.

That’s how they handled the zoning lawsuit when all the evidence of negligence and fraudulent misrepresentation was shown to them. And that’s why Tyrone will lose a much larger amount in that lawsuit.

For years the Council let Barry & Valerie Caldwell run wild with no oversight procedures in place. Former Town lawyer John Mrosek said Barry repeatedly ignored his legal advice and worked to have him fired. Amos was the unchallenged law in Tyrone for 12 years.

Amos got his lackey Valerie to issued him $20,218 for accrued vacation pay in 2007 alone, in violation of the employee payment plan and Valerie gave herself $22,883. No one on Council bothered to check into it. They just let the King & Queen do as they pleased. That’s what the current GBI investigation is all about.

The Council has a fiduciary duty to protect taxpayer funds and a further legal duty to oversee their employees. That’s why they’re elected. And the failure to do so is why the taxpayers are going to have to pay Ms. Anderson.

Submitted by mysteryman on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 10:11pm.

Ms Anderson, before the town loses it charter in the next elections, at that point you will have no point but to spend even more money in litigation, bringing individual civil suits against all the individuals involved who approved of this site developement plan in the first place...Good luck, And better hurry for its heating up in Tyrone and i forcast a long list of libel suits in the future, as the G.B.I wraps up its investigation, and the people begin to tire of this dicatorship that has been bestowed upon the town....BLESS

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