Obama secretly ends program that let pilots carry guns

Fred Garvin's picture

EDITORIAL: Guns on a plane

After the September 11 attacks, commercial airline pilots were allowed to carry guns if they completed a federal-safety program. No longer would unarmed pilots be defenseless as remorseless hijackers seized control of aircraft and rammed them into buildings.

Now President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology.

Wow! I feel so much safer now that barry is in power!

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Submitted by AtHomeGym on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 11:22am.

Haven't seen this show up anywhere else. If it's true, wouldn't it be nice to see some logic attached to support the decision? Or is it just something he read on his teleprompter?

ManofGreatLogic's picture
Submitted by ManofGreatLogic on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 5:31pm.

Why not just make planes with a separate entrance and lavatory for the pilots?

Oh, but that would make sense.

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 12:19pm.

It's been widely reported everywhere except the mainstream media. They don't want to bruise barry's fragile ego, and all.

Obama Blasted for Diverting Money From Armed Pilots Program

It just keeps getting better. barry intends on making America "Stronger and Respected" by releasing terrorists into our midst. barry made plans to close Guantanamo without an exit strategy, and now is just making it up as he goes along.

Guantanamo Detainees May Be Released in U.S.

Meanwhile, it's fun to watch the democrat party throw each other under the bus over the whole AIG fiasco....

Dodd Blames Obama Administration for Bonus Amendment

What fun!

The United States of America
July 4, 1776 - Jan 20, 2009
Rest in Peace

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