PTC woman testifies about rape incident

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 4:31pm
By: The Citizen

A 19-year-old Peachtree City woman tearfully recounted in court today the early August morning when she woke up while being raped by a man in her own bedroom.

The victim identified her attacker and another man who was in the room at the time she woke up in her bedroom at the Harmony Village apartment complex.

The victim, whose name is being withheld, testified that she was so intoxicated from drinking that she blacked out after reaching her apartment when walking home from a party at the complex.

The victim said when she woke up, a man she identified as Ulises Chavez was having intercourse with her until she began to scream. At the time she was partially on her bed, clothed only in a shirt, she testified.

The other man in the room, who she identified as Isreal Martinez Ruiz, told her that another man offered to let them have sex with her in exchange for money.

The victim testified that Ruiz never touched her.

Chavez is charged with rape and burglary while Ruiz is charged with criminal attempt to commit rape and burglary.

Prior to her passing out, the victim said she had gotten “pretty intoxicated” at the party.

The victim said she had not given anyone permission to have sex with her that night and early morning. She also said she had not given anyone permission to offer to sell a sexual encounter with her or enter her apartment.

The officer testified that Chavez and Ruiz both admitted to paying another man cash in exchange for having sex with the victim.

Chavez’s attorney, G. Edward Tanner, pointed out that in a written statement after the assault the victim stated she was unable to identify her attacker and the other man who was in her room during the assault. But moments before the victim didn’t hesitate to point both men out where they sat at the defense table in the courtroom.

The officer testified that while at the scene the victim kept saying, “I’ve been violated.”

The victim admitted that she at first didn’t want to speak to police because she had been intoxicated despite not being old enough to drink that night.

Testimony in the case is expected to continue tomorrow morning.

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Submitted by mysteryman on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 9:37pm.

Or was that Canadian mist in your glass, hmmm i digress, seems like were missing somthing here folks, sounds like Chavez or Ruiz are going to guest star on Dora the explorer next week, on their quest for the GOLDENSHOWER, and journey to the SOAP ON THE ROPE HOSTEL....BLESS

Shoebox's picture
Submitted by Shoebox on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 8:52am.

Stay away from only gets people in trouble!

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 8:25am.

There are too many unanswered questions here; If the girl was underage, where were her parents? Were Chavez and Ruiz (and indeed the victim) in this county legally? Is stimulus money available for the city to purchase this ghetto and burn it to the ground?

This girl, living in section 8 housing and probably on the public dole, feels that she's been violated? Try looking at it from our perspective. At least she probably got kissed.

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 3:45pm.

My apologies to those of you (except Yellow Stream) who I might have offended with my second paragraph. I have heard, and used, the phrase "I got screwed and I didn't even get kissed" for decades when referring to the Federal Government and taxes. When used in reference to section 8 housing, public benefits for illegal aliens, Government paid abortions, entitlements, and other public benefits to the vast hoard of parasites that our politicians coddle to buy their votes, I have indeed been violated. My monies have been seized, for many many decades, for this type of nonsense with the threat of a gun (prison) if I do not pay.

In no manner do I condone rape!

But.... on a more realistic note; this would not have happened at all if our Federal Government had not set the stage for this type of scenario to happen over and over again. Harsher still, I do not believe that illegal aliens have rights under our constitution or law.

Submitted by gracie16 on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 9:47am.

Major Mike, your apologizes do not exempt your ignorance! Basically because she lives in Harmony Village and was drunk you think she deserves being raped. You may not condone rape for people who have heads and wallets as big as yours, but maybe for those who you seem to think are lesser in worth than you. You are sick and absolutely need a taste of reality.

southern tinkerbelle's picture
Submitted by southern tinkerbelle on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 9:12pm.

Thank you Mike, it takes the bigger person to admit when one makes a mistake. You get a pass this time Smiling

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:11am.

...from a mean spirited Reagan loving Republican. Keep them coming, MajorMike...Ronnie would be so proud.

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 1:15pm.

I'm not sure how you tied it to Reagan. Post like yours make these blogs HIGHlarious at times.

Submitted by Incognito on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:19am.

I agree that this was a terrible comment. Not sure how that translates to a Reagan person. You have some terrible ones yourself--do you want to talk about crinoline some more? Bring up them dead Ramseys to make yourself feel like a wit? I would not be so quick to wrap myself in righteousness. Your fecal matter smells just as sweet.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:26am.

and that will show you who his political allegiance is to - duh. Doesn't take a rocket scientist, if you know what I mean.

Sure, go start another thread/blog on crinoline's and let's have a chat, you baby.

Submitted by Incognito on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:36am.

If I put a good picture of Barack Obama as my avatar, does that make me suddenly transform myself into his political persuasion? (OOPs-just did it, do you think better of me?) Does a strange potato head thing make you a mushy-headed individual? No, I know that you are decidedly bright, but also a democratic and liberal shill that brings ideology into every posting. Watch out for throwing those rocks, because you are not the friendliest or politically correct blogger here. If somelike like Ann Coulter had this happen to her, you would most likely would say that she had it coming.

You need to start checking your ideology at the door sometimes. It leads you to hypocrisy.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 12:08pm.

"You need to start checking your ideology at the door sometimes."

Are you trying to silence my right to free speech and political opinion?

Sorry. Won't happen.

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 1:16pm.

And you know it. Smiling

Submitted by Incognito on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 12:30pm.

you have a right to be seen as you are. MMike looked mean and foolish as he used this story to try to make a larger point around his dislike of public assistance. You also looked mean and foolish as when you changed your avatar to that of a murdered child pageant star to make a larger point around your intense dislike of beauty pageants in general. Of course you also attacked a new blogger and mom on this site. And looked mean and foolish as well.
Darth Dubious is right about one thing, neither political party is on the side of angels (or maybe an ethereal goodness for your atheistic being). You and Sniffles act like one side is, and completely disregard evidence to the contrary.

I also loved how you didn't comment about my Ann Coulter statement. You wouldn't defend her in a similiar circumstance and you know it deep in your kool-aid filled and jelly-pumping heart.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 12:52pm.

You know, the beauty of having this open forum on the Citizen is that we can all express ourselves, no matter how "mean" or "foolish" others perceive us to be. We post what our passion is...for some it's local news, for others it could be politics or a distaste for kiddie pageants. What's your point anyway? If you don't like my "tone", or my avatar's, don't read my posts.

Submitted by Incognito on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 12:59pm.

that is not interested in any discourse. your passion is for shilling the dems. You do it will decreasing effectiveness the loonier you get. Have fun

Submitted by MacTheKnife on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:50am.

Well said.

Evil Elvis's picture
Submitted by Evil Elvis on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:09am.


Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 10:46am.

2nd paragraph is about as bad as it gets. Nothing wrong with legit questions, but you Sir, are out of line.

southern tinkerbelle's picture
Submitted by southern tinkerbelle on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 10:21am.

MajorMike YOU make me ill. As a woman I am offended by your comment. It shouldn't matter if she is living on secion 8 or here legally, this woman was violated nobody deserves to go thorugh something so horrible; and if you REread the artical she is 19 yrs old, and I'm sure there is a reason why at this young she is living on her own. These are scars that will take many years heal, and all you can do is make jokes. I'm sorry I don't see the humor in that. I hope this never happends to your mother, sister, aunt, wife, whoever. May God bless your black empty soul.

Submitted by MacTheKnife on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:54am.

Do we still play the 'woman' card?

southern tinkerbelle's picture
Submitted by southern tinkerbelle on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 9:17pm.

Umm, yes still using the 'woman card'. I wanted to point out that as a WOMAN myself that has gone though a lot myself while on this Earth it was discusting to me that in the year 2009 people can still be that closed minded. I will take a wild guess...your a man right. Enough said.

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 10:46am.

a person is a person no matter who they are, or where they are from. Rape is rape.

MjrMike is very disrespectful.

In Liberty,


sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 10:20am.

"No" means "No", and whether an underage girl receives public assistance or lives in public housing doesn't have one Goddamned thing to do with rape.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 7:49am.

No surprise.

Submitted by mysteryman on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 8:08pm.

But hey P.T.C is a great place to live right???.....BLESS

Evil Elvis's picture
Submitted by Evil Elvis on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 8:25pm.


Submitted by askari on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 7:09am.

like under age consumption of alcohol and providing alcohol to a minor? I feel bad for the girl, she made some bad choices, but was helped by some others.

Submitted by hometownmedic on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 3:32pm.

Yes, contributing to the deliquency, possibly breaking and entering, and even more disturbing, We are having to hear about it. Should the girl try to hold someone else responsible for her actions that lead up to this event.

We as parents preach to our children to make good choices and positive decesions and this is the reason why.

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