Airport here before most residents

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 3:27pm
By: Letters to the ...

Jet noise over Fayette County — are you kidding me? Mr. Meyer needs to find something real to complain about.

Mr. Meyer blames everyone but himself for living in Fayette County near the world’s busiest airport. Are we to believe Mr. Meyer had no idea he was moving into a home near the busiest airport in the world?

The airport, by the way, has been here for many more decades than Mr. Meyer.

Jet noise? The trains passing through Peachtree City make more noise. The road traffic on routes 74 or 85 make more noise. My neighbor’s teenage daughter’s car stereo makes more noise.

By the time jets get over Fayette County, they are flying at 10,000 feet or higher, so there is virtually no noise heard in Fayette County.

As an airline pilot, I have watched development after development being built near airports across the country, and folks who move into these housing developments complain and sue the airport, airlines, FAA, etc.

Airline pilots in many cases are then forced to fly less safe and less efficient flight paths around these “bozo” developments.

I am familiar with folks like Mr. Meyer, folks who complain about adding runways to airports on the one hand and complain about flight delays they help cause on the other.

Countless airports have been built in the middle of nowhere, only to find themselves surrounded by housing developments in just a few years’ time.

With logic like Mr. Meyer, I wouldn’t be surprised if he complains to his neighbors about the pine pollen in Georgia and campaigns to get all pine trees cut down. Or maybe Mr. Meyer plans to sue the National Weather Service because it rains more in Georgia than at his old residence in Orange County, Calif.

Mr. Meyer, if airport noise bothers you, move.

Mark J. Holt

Fayetteville, Ga.

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grassroots's picture
Submitted by grassroots on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 12:32pm. This video says it all. Being hard of hearing please turn your speakers up.
For two and a half years there was not one jet over my house until May 2006. Suddenly I don't know the difference between a Mocking bird and a 737? The FAA data shows 45% between 4500 and 8000 ft. ascending. NEARBY is a 10 mile radius. Hwy 54 is not NEARBY the airport, unless your flying a jet of course. Moving means disclosing living under a hazardous jet noise path according to real estate laws and ruins property value. As for complaints...check with Dept of Aviation and see how many they received after 5th runway opened. As for "Virtually no jet noise in Fayette County"... you're a deaf pilot. Yeah, the airport was here first but it keeps moving closer.

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