Obama's Stem Cell Disgrace

Fred Garvin's picture

Obama's Stem Cell Disgrace

That brings us to the nasty, gratuitous, and nearly entirely unpublicized action President Obama took amidst the hoopla of overturning Bush’s policies. Right after he told the country he supported for alternative, non-destructive stem cell research, Obama signed the actual order. Buried at the very bottom of the document was this line: “Executive Order 13435…is revoked.” That’s right, he abolished President Bush’s funding for the type of stem cell research upon which everyone could agree. Just like that.
In the face of yet another grotesque Obama policy decision on the issue of life, famed bioethicist Wesley J. Smith pondered a similar question. On his blog, he wondered why on earth Obama would take the totally unnecessary action he did in undoing excutive order 13435. Smith’s conclusion: “I can think of only two reasons for this action…First, vindictiveness against all things "Bush" or policies considered by the Left to be "pro life;" and second, a desire to get the public to see unborn human life as a mere corn crop ripe for the harvest. So much for taking the politics out of science.”

This decision by the president is hypocritical in the extreme, and demonstrates that Obama’s language about respect, inclusion, and unity are, in fact, just words. Regardless of one’s feelings on the separate issue of embryonic stem cell research, this narrow element of his executive order is an outrage, and “thoughtful and decent” people of all ideological backgrounds should urge the White House to follow the president’s own rhetoric by rejecting the imposition of leftist ideology at the expense good science.

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Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 03/15/2009 - 11:55am.

...another link to Clown Hall?? LOL!

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Sun, 03/15/2009 - 11:49am.

Promise made...promise KEPT.

President Obama kept his campaign promise to remove the taint of "faith-based science" from federal research. Now scientists are free to investigate BOTH embryonic stem cell and adult stem cell therapies without being subjected to the oversight of American religious mullahs.

Elections have consequences, Fred. Your side lost.

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Sun, 03/15/2009 - 12:07pm.

Barrak revoked Executive order 13435, which does not require the destruction of a living, human embryo in order to get the stem cells.

Executive order 13435:
“The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall
conduct and support research on the isolation, derivation, production, and testing of stem cells that are capable of producing all or almost all of the cell types of the developing
body and may result in improved understanding of or treatments for diseases and other adverse health conditions, but are derived without creating a human embryo for research purposes or destroying, discarding, or subjecting to harm a human embryo or fetus.”

Why would barry do that? You stated that scientists can now explore BOTH types of methods to obtain stem cells. What about the third method? Maybe barry revoked the order because he likes the idea of killing babies.

The United States of America July 4, 1776 - Jan 20, 2009
Rest in Peace

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