I got my bag of rice long ago

When it were more cheaper.
I have several 100# bags of beans, but not of all kinds. I still need Navy and more Pintos (100 pound sacks).

Side meat to cook the beans in needs to be the salted kind so I don't have to use power to keep it.

Corn Meal for bread is still way too high to buy nuch of. Can't ford them 2-4$ loafs at Krogger.

Has eny uf you ever figured out how to cook them hard red beans suficent to eat wif rice? Man, talk about blow-outs ifn ye eat enough to stave off starvin.

Air small fars in the back yard OK to cook on in hard times? I know people build fars in them metal pans.

Will we hav a common well in town what fer to draw cokin water ifn we want to jest cut off our water bill? Hit is goin up I here.

I alredy got a toilet dug under my storage.

I still need a 100 AMP generator fer sum lectric use (run on natural gas). Nede a refrig and a fan sumtimes.

I have a wood stove and am gatherin wood fer its use. Gits cold in January sumtimes.

I plan on stealin nuf vegetable out uf gardens lak they did in 30s, fer them nedes.
Cows can be milked in thu dark in the field fer sum milk.

I mite open a slaughter house in town and actual freeze summeat fer the well-off.
I know Obama can't keepe sending them checks two long!

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Submitted by baroombrawl on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 8:26am.

Might I suggest that you horde some sugar for your depression stash?

What is good is molasses and honey. Both are available out of the grocery stores. Raise a small patch of sorghum cane with which you can squeeze out the juice from the stalk and boil in a large pan over an open hardwood fire for about a day to obtain a kind of molasses.
Honey of course can be found in wooded areas and robbed from the bees.

There ain't nothing bettern some molasses mixed with sum butter and sneared over a hot buttermilk biscuit.

Also, if ye don't have a .22 cheap rifle, better git one fer killing squirrels and rabbits to eat.

California laying of everybody today (thousands and thousands) makes hit look ever worse than yesterday!
To you positivity people-"better git on the stick!!"

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