Odd Bunch

After reading back, having just joined, I find this blog something maybe worth staying away from!

There are a few who speak intelligently and have our best interests as a government at heart, but many who only want what they have now.

Seems the clientele here range from sometimes PhDs, to bar-maids. A few rednecks chime in where they can converse.

It takes all kinds to get us into the mess with which our country is currently struggling.
Apparently we tried to mostly make a living conning, paper shuffling, overcharging, crooking, preaching, and selling houses.
Somebody has to make a thing, a product, to sell once in a while.

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Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 02/09/2009 - 6:28am.

I love the new name.

After reading those first 2 paragraphs it has become apparent to me that you are an intellectual giant. You are light years ahead of the rest of us. I think you would be very bored here.

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