White crime spree hits Fayette County

Breaking news! A.M.E. churches shot up; white man still at large after escaping on golf cart paths last week after attempted murder in Peachtree City; 47 year old white Delta pilot arrested for what officials are calling 'the worst case of domestic violence they've ever seen!'

All this in one week. Were these crimes committed by black men, the hate would be flowing all over this site. And Beverley would wallow in it.

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Submitted by A1226 on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 11:34pm.

You sound like the racist to post that...

I have some wonderful, black friends (who enunciate beautifully when speaking)... but i am terrified of Riverdale... and now north fayetteville... I fear thugs.. I've watched movies about the ghetto... about minorities.. if you have a problem with blacks being portrayed as the "bad" ones, you should duke it out with those who make movies about thugs with all the F word and guns pulled out by teens for just looking at someone wrong...

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 2:29pm.

Movies with out of control violence like:



Reservoir Dogs

Die Hard, Harder, and Hardest

Terminator, Commando, Rambo, The Unforgiven....

Wait a minute! I think I got the wrong set list here......


Submitted by mysteryman on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 7:34pm.

and magnum force, also 10 till midnight is a classic as well. A little vigilanteisim anyone. PEACE....

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 2:54pm.

What we sometimes forget is that there are two kinds of crime.
Those that scare us, ans those that don't.

We whites, especially, become scared by "thugs" no matter how minor their crime may be. This is whether they are black, brown, or white.
There just happens to be more minority thugs than white minor criminal thugs.

Those crimes that don't "scare" us are like the current ones in the banking and finance industry!
Tens of thousands of these unscrupulous people have ruined innumerable families and squandered their wealth.

None yet to my knowledge have even been charged except Senior Makoff.
He won't go to jail either. Too sick, of course. Lawyers will keep him out until he dies.

Not crimes you say? Just paperwork manipulation and lying, you say?
I personally know many who have been ruined who worked hard all of their life, being assured that their money was safe.

They have done more damage than a knife cut would!

It will happen again, over and over, if many, many don't go to jail!

Now, to those of you who say that all these millions should not have invested their money in mutuals, etc., and then they would not have lost it.
As to the housing industry---those people should lose their house since they have nothing in it.
We built too many houses at too big a cost!
Same with commercial centers!

I ask you: what kind of economy would that have produced, if people had not invested as advised to do by their government?

Can't blame the borrowers!
Yet we are bailing out the banks----the very dudes who did us in. We should let them close and other banks open!

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 5:30pm.

The big purple jerk did us in

The Truth about the collapse LINK

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 11:15am.

You have not seen the coverage on the Delta Pilot.. you need to read more then, because it has been all over the paper and the blogs..
as for the Church shooting.. I could be wrong, but.. I don't believe they caught anyone yet.. Do you know something we don't about the race of the individual.. and if so.. then maybe the Police needs to contact you so we can have this wrapped up by dinertime..
Obviously I am being factious here but your bigotry was astounding..
I guess Obama and Lowery are right.. there is still racism amoung us..

Submitted by Nitpickers on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 7:23pm.

You are correct I think about the race of the shooters. I haven't heard any description.

Here is what happened I think: Some people--other than juries, of course---decide things by how it sounds and from past experience with similar things.
Now consider___just how many black churches have been shot up by blacks----ever?

But you are correct---but it is wishful thinking on your part!

Tiger Dad's picture
Submitted by Tiger Dad on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 10:40am.

You obviously have a lot of hate in your heart. I bet you've been waiting for years to be able to come up with this. By the way, I don't recall hearing any news that the authorities have caught the person/persons responsible for the church shootings. Are they in fact white, or is that just a very prejudice assumption on your part?

The Wedge's picture
Submitted by The Wedge on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 10:39am.

There has been plenty of comment about the stories that you just listed. Plenty of coverage by this paper. What is your deal, or do you just want to throw some mud?

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 10:26am.

Maybe that headline would be more appropriate in a 'black' community newspaper, The participants here don't see color - they just hate crime. Your heart and observation are right on. There are others here who just don't want to deal with the reality of past comments regarding 'black' criminals. Thanks!

Submitted by PreciousStahr on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 1:05pm.

I have a dream that all whites will go to jail because they are the one creating all crime.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 1:13pm.

My brain tells me to just watch the useful idiot bounce their head off the wall, but my fingers won't stop typing..
Please crawl back into your racist hole pull the dirt back over you and go away..
That is my dream...

Submitted by PreciousStahr on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 1:24pm.

You have a nightmare.

"like most shooting STAHR'S hopefully you will burn out soon".

Just keep on dreaming....

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 1:20pm.

I'm with you on this one!

Submitted by PreciousStahr on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 1:10pm.

I remember Judge DM & Judge HB find all them guilty, guilty, guilty......

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 12:55pm.

Yet again we see where your heart is. Is two cases really a crime spree?

I yam what I yam....Popeye

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 2:48pm.

You and I could talk about each other's kids with out getting upset, because we know where the other is coming from.

Mr. Beale is not denigrating whites. He's bringing up the point that there are several bloggers who enunciate the race of a criminal when they are black, but fall mute when they are white. I'll give you examples:

This is J. Martinez's take on the ATM beating. A quote from J.
"This old fool is lucky the compassionate 6ft black man who needed cash because of the transgressions of whitie left him alive.

Thank God for the compassion of the black man."

Here is "America's" take on a shoplifting case.

Again, a quote seems appropriate:

"Oh yes, here we go again being described as "black". Should we really be shocked with a crime like this. It is getting brutal with this trash do this in PTC. Have we found "THUG" yet?"

Need I mention the Red Room incident and Dollar Store Robbery that had folks mentioning a "Black crime spree?"

Hutch, why do those same folks not mention race in these recent crimes?

I don't get it?

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 6:49pm.

You must have missed one of my posts on one of Delta's finest?: I still say he is a "rabid worthless animal".

He is.

I think that the paper has described criminals when necessary to catch them. Both white and black. Have you not seen what people are saying about that pilot? This county is viicious when their neighbors commit a crime. Even if that jerk ever gets out of jail I doubt he will live here ever again. How could he?? Think about it....usually most of the armed robberies that happen here are not committed by residents. They don't have to move, because no one here knows them. So they don't have to deal with their neighbors telling on them.

I think that you need to read all of those posts again. Then compare to the posts of the armed robbers. I see them as being the same level of viciousness. I guess starting with me: he is a WORTHLESS RABID ANIMAL! I hope he never gets out.

I think howie just likes to bring up race baiting topics to cause trouble. Maybe we are both looking at this wrong.....but I think people here are vicious towards criminals no matter what. Most of us escaped from clayton-crime-county and we are sick to death of moving.

Now, lets get to the question of the day: Are all of you pilots issued sex swings and handcuffs? Enquiring minds want to know. Cy says that you are all normal...

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 5:28pm.

I never said I agreed with any of that, but I will say this, if it's wrong for one race to say it, it's wrong for all the races to say it. Maybe you can explain Howie's special dispensation here for me. Am I missing something here?

I yam what I yam....Popeye

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 8:45am.

Yes, people are being vicious about the pilot turned spouse abuser, but what are they saying?

Are they saying "White wife beater?"


Are they saying "Typical white guy" or "What did we expect from a white guy" or "White male? Seems like ground hog day?" No. They are CORRECTLY focusing on the crime and not the race of the criminal.

That is my point. That is the point of the author of this thread. Where criminals are described as black, there are a host of bloggers who will emphasize the race of the criminal and throw in a Riverdale/South Fulton jab for good measure.

When our caucasion car jacker attacked a PTC woman at knife point, no one did the whole "white thug" thing; as they should not have.

The author here is not attacking whites. He did, for some strange reason, insinuate that Cal somehow condones race baiting; a claim that is ludicrous, but he has a point that our resident anthropologists only mention racial demographics on the group they wish to demagogue.

Brother and sister, we've spent too much time on this one. We gotta set up a pm rendezvous at Dawn69's place. I'm thinking we could all "benefit" from such an endeavor .


ps: How's this? Canceled flight from ATL to OKC......sooo, flew ATL to DFW..... rented a car one-way for an insane price, along with a fellow OKC traveller....... Drove in THE WORST CONDITIONS I HAVE EVER DRIVEN IN! 2 1/2 hour DFW to OKC stretched from 1800 to 2330. Three jackknifed trucks; one 9-1-1 call; more ditch born vehicles than we could count; two overturned trucks; three upside-down cars. Wow! I need to find a job in Miami!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 10:22pm.

I guess we have spent to much time on this, you seem to have moved on, I was hoping for an answer or at least a reply. What you can't defend...ignore.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Thu, 01/29/2009 - 8:02pm.

sorry. I think the crux of Mr. Beale's point is this:

"All this in one week. Were these crimes committed by black men, the hate would be flowing all over this site. And Beverley would wallow in it."

He is not posting to tell us to fear white men. He is expressing frustration in the situational mentioning of race by the usual suspects. If he was attacking white folks en masse, we would see him on each and every crime blog featuring white perps.

The dig at Cal is just absolutely unfounded, but the heart of his post, I believe, is accurate: The same people who cried black thug at the Red Room, the ATM, and The Dollar Store robbery, said Zip on race each and every time the perp did not fit the "typical black thug" mold.

All of that being said, Hutch: YOU ARE RIGHT! The way to deal with this is like we deal with winey kids; ignore the baiters amongst us and we rob them of their power to command attention. It's just really hard to ignore some times; really hard.


Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 1:37pm.

Check your e-mail when you have time. Smiling

Be safe
Tug Smiling

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 1:08pm.

Good luck, be safe.

On this one they are saying "typical Delta pilot". I heard the rest of the story today at my hair place. They havn't put many of the sad sick details in the paper which is good. Don't! I heard the rest of it right after breakfast and almost hurled.!! Here is what Sheriff Hannah needs to do: give all of the fellow prisoners of this animal a copy of the report of how inmates killed Jeffery Dahmer, then he needs to give them the police report of what this sick mo fo did, .....then he just needs to stand back.

I have only heard of one other pilot that went off the deep end about 10-12yrs ago. He threatened to kill his wife and the cops found him in the bushes outside the house.

I don't think we will ever solve this one either. Where I grew up, people were weary of the American Indians. If any crime happened on the reservations, (which it did with surprising regularity) people would shake their heads and say "typical". Most of the reservations have big gambling casinos, and notorious problems with alcohol abuse.

We will all have to meet at dawn's place. We can't change each other, on many topics, but we can all be friends inspite of our differences.

Be safe. I hope the rest of your trip gets better.

dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 1:54pm.

That would be wonderful! I would love to see all ya'll at the restaurant. We have team trivia on Tues. from 7:00 - 9:00, the Citizen bloggers would do well at trivia. We have also started karaoke on Wed. from 7:00 - 10:00, so if any of you like to sing - come on over.

If you do all decide to get together and visit the restaurant, let me know and I will send out some appetizers on the house. I would also recommend Karen as your server. She's great!

Submitted by Debbie Howard on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 3:38pm.

It was so great seeing you Saturday! Of course, with the peanut butter scare and all, I guess I'll have to wait to make you some brownies again, lol.

Submitted by Nitpickers on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 3:05pm.

Keep it in the County!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 3:13pm.

You can come too, will that be a table for 6 or is there one we don't know about?

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 2:56pm.

Thanks. We have to see what everones schedule is like. Hopefully sometime in Feb. would be good for most of us. Have a good day.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 12:42pm.

I don't feel I have missed The emphasis here, I asked Dm this question and she just danced around it, I said something to you about it and now somehow I'm missing the emphasis, why is it OK for Howie to do it but not the Beav? Let me tell you a story, Mrs hutch has worked in downtown Atlanta for 27 years and in that time, way more then I like to think about, some of Atlanta's finest citizens have asked my wife, a gentle lady, who wouldn't say sh-- if she was standing in it, if she would like to perform various sex acts upon them. Needless to say this never happened when I was with her or I'd still be in jail, but I'll tell you this Diva, all the fine upstanding citizens were black, maybe the white scum just assume she would like to and don't ask, but only the black scum seem to ask, so using your reasoning I guess I have every right to go around Atlanta asking the well dressed black ladies what they can do for me, now myself I think it's wrong for any of to ask and by the same token I think Howie was wrong in posting what he did just as I think the beav and the others were wrong, of course your mileage may vary.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

TinCan's picture
Submitted by TinCan on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 3:05pm.

Sometime ago, during another black / white, who's the thug "discussion", I attempted to find out what the purpose of playing "I'll call that mugger and raise you a molester". Turns out I never got a straight answer, just some crap about siding with the "racists" by asking the question. The person I asked and his surrogates are still here, albeit with a gender change. I believe you know this person so you should ask your questions face to face because you will never get a straight answer on here.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 1:16pm.

Of course not - but I'm pleased that I'm not the only one who sees the hypocrisy of some of the posters who in the past continued to rant and rave about 'black' crime in Fayette County. My heart is where those who said they care about criminals being dealt with - regardless of their color. Mr. Beverly's headlines have been consistent with publishing the description of the suspect as given by law enforcement. It's the reaction of SOME posters - the jokes, the spreading of fear of 'Clayton County' etc., that Mr. Beale has addressed. Where is your heart?

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 2:18pm.

It's do as I say, not as I do. Tell you what, ask Diva where my heart is. I will tell you this, I won't condemn something from one person and commend another for doing the same thing, and that is what you have done today.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 3:11pm.

Sorry - I missed your point. Please explain.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 3:21pm.

"It's the reaction of SOME posters - the jokes, the spreading of fear of 'Clayton County' etc., that Mr. Beale has addressed." If it's wrong when SOME posters do it, isn't it wrong when Mr. Beale does it? Maybe I'm reading something you're not, has there not been an uproar about both of these incident's?

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 10:23pm.

This woman is a closet bigot. She blabbers her "can't we all get along" rantings about and then supports some idiot like Beale's ridiculous BS.

My gawd...anyone can see that us Whities are just as upset about these latest White crimes as we are when they are Black crimes. Like Lowery.....perhaps when some of these people with thier racist attitudes die off we might actually have a shot at a peaceful coexistence. Sheesh....

Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 10:42pm.

LOL! Pssssssssssssssst or whatever!

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 3:36pm.

Diva and I had numerous discussions with 'some' posters about how we felt when statements were made about 'blacks' and crime. You'll notice that 'some' have even joined in this conversation by intimating that the majority of criminals in Fayette County are 'black' or minority. This statement is not supported by the reports of law-enforcement in this county. I think that was Mr. Beale's point. That there was not the 'uproar' from posters regarding the 'race' of recent criminals referred to in The Citizen - who happen to be 'white' this week. I am called a 'racist' because I express that I don't like those who make references that intimate that all 'blacks' are criminals or thugs. In another blog, (not The Citizen) I even shared photos of 'white' teenagers in Fayetteville who wore their pants 'low'. Someone today said they are not afraid of 'those' teens - but do have a fear of 'blacks' who wear their pants low. This is a clarifying statement - rather than saying they fear ALL black teens. The uproar is about the crime - but again, very few posters mentioned 'race'. If they had - I would have joined in and stated that not all 'white' men who fly for Delta abuse their wives.

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 2:08pm.

that the majority of crimes in Fayette county continue to be committed by the minority demographic.

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 11:52am.

That's low, even for you DM. Frankly, I'm suprised that you would sink to the level of Joseph Lowery, who spit in the face of millions of innocent white Americans in public.

Submitted by MacTheKnife on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 11:45am.

Unless you are looking for a specific suspect, and have a description that includes race or ethnicity, what does race have to do with criminal behavior and why would you attempt to make race an issue? I have seen a number of posters calling for the "head" of the Delta Pilot creep that beat his wife. I would assume at least a few of them are white.... I guess they are "self-haters"? Uncle Dontarious? Aunt Quanisha?

On a related issue: Since only 13% of the nation is 'black' wouldn't you expect that "whitie" would commit a majority of the crimes? maybe about ...oh, say.... 87% of them? Since Fayette County is mostly white, wouldn't it make sense that more crimes are committed by whites? I think all of you need to learn from the peace loving Hispanics and just chill. We love everybody as long as they know how to act with civility and temperance.

I think somewhere you got lost - maybe you should concentrate "...on the content of one's character and not the color of one's skin".

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