Never seen anythang lak hit!

We recognized genius at the poles when weuns seen it in November.
A new prezziDENT what haz all thu ansers!
Never in a billion yars (gradchated lately to billion) cood weuns haf found sich a leder! He found usns.
Why, alredy he act lak he is rite at home.
Nose whar all dores air in the White building and whar the fried chicken is.

The man evin nose whut we nede to re-solve Bush's mess! Wate and see!

Our blacks are aside thimself wif glory and bright eyes. Haf you evir seen sich happyness afore? TV shows have 3-5 of em at a tim taling bout how gude hit is goin to be now. Hope theyuns don't git dissed!

Why this man went to Ivy schols--wuz even Prez of a liberal lawyer newspaper at Harvard!! He is a lawyer too.
Larned his politicos at Chicage--can't larn em eny beter nowhere!

Closing that thar jail in Gitmore too. Sending em back to IIraq and Afghan blanket. Let the Iraqs try em, I say.
They won't live long then.
They air all gilty ain't they?

I shirleyu due look afore to whut comes next from the white buildin. It will be nothin but more and more miracles.

We air so blessed (I hope I used that word corect, as they do).

Jest wait and see--it wil be gude.

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Submitted by A1226 on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 1:00am.


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