Pathway pitches lakefront lots

Fri, 01/09/2009 - 4:13pm
By: John Munford

Lake McIntosh project would include ‘event center’

Pathway Communities is proposing to build a special event center with 12 cottages and an adjacent 80-unit residential development that would border the new Lake McIntosh water reservoir in Peachtree City.

The 37-acre site is currently zoned for general industrial use. The proposal, called Callula Hill, will be discussed in a workshop presentation to the Peachtree City Planning Commission Monday night.

The commission meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall.

Included on the residential component are 46 lake view homes, 23 cottage homes and 11 private garden homes. All of the homes will be “age targeted,” according to the company, as they will have smaller yards designed for a low-maintenance style that typically attracts older buyers, said a company spokesperson.

The homes will not be age restricted, however.

The plan also includes three park areas, the larger of which will be in the center of the development that includes a fitness trail; another fitness trail is proposed for the northern portion of the site.

The site is located north of the existing FieldTurf Drive (formerly Husky Drive) and Southpark Drive in the city’s industrial park. It also borders north of the Planterra Ridge golf course.

The 12,000 to 15,000 special event center and the 12 cottages will be located on eight acres of the 37 acre site. The cottages will be used only for patrons of the event center for example for members of a wedding party, said a company spokesperson.

The architectural style of the single family homes is described as a place where cottage living meets lakeside living, and homes are expected to start in the high $300,000 range.

If the rezoning is approved Pathway hopes to begin development of the residential portion by early to mid 2010. The community and special event center, pegged for a three-year buildout, is slated to begin at the same time but the company may change that due to market conditions.

Pathway Communities will host public informational sessions for Callula Hill, January 26-30 from 2-7 p.m. and Saturday January 31 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at 100 World Drive, Suite 100. These events are open to the public and will provide information about the proposed community.

Nearly 20 percent of the site will be dedicated open space and greenbelts, according to Pathway Communities.

All three park areas will have open-air pavilions, bocce ball courts and an outdoor fireplace and cooking area. The parks will be interconnected by the fitness trail and path system, and the path system will have two connections to the existing path system in Peachtree City.

Each home purchase will include a membership to Canongate Golf Club, Pathway has announced.

Callula Hill, the working name for the proposal, means small beauty, according to the company.

Though Peachtree City has experienced a housing slowdown, Pathway is confident there will be a demand in 2010 for new homes in Peachtree City.

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bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 6:39pm.

I'll bet Logsdon, Boone and Plunkett are drooling at the chance to re-zone more industrial property for additional houses.

Maybe this will need a traffic light as well!

Let's wait and see what the three stooges will sell/give to Pathways in order to make this happen.

Submitted by ddodge on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 7:27pm.

Yup, we sure need more $300,000+ housing here in PTC. Lets start making the homes more affordable to the masses. I believe that this will in fact fail and end up costing us more bucks in support in the long run. How about just leving the lakefront property for all to enjoy all of it? We already have the event center for weddings and rooms in the existing hotel and the Tyrone based Glendalough (SP)plus others.

JAFO 72's picture
Submitted by JAFO 72 on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 4:50pm.

I can understand your post regarding increasing the number of homes here; however, blasting the cost does nothing for your case. Market dictates the price. Here's the thing. People will pay $300K for a home in PTC. Heck they'll pay $400 to 800K for a big box and no land. If the homes are made more affordable to the "masses" wouldn't that cause an influx of people our city? Would that not increase our already overcrowded HWY 54/74 evening parking lot? Lower home cost (assessed value) would decrease the property tax base.

Like I said, I agree with your post. Just take the wealth envy out of it.

“Every time you vote Democrat God kills a kitten.”

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 8:49pm.

67-year old Doug Mitchell is living in the past with a 25-year old recycled plan. First it was going to be where The Pointe on Kedron is now. Then it was going to be at Drake Field. The old boy just can't get over losing the hunting lodges he conned Equitable into building for his own entertainment. Sort of like Hugh Hefner losing his mansion. Sad when you get old.

Isn't there an airport with planes taking off somewhere around this site? This project will fail.

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