2012 Conservative President candidate

The only real qualification needed is an ability to mention prayer and God every two minutes in some fashion when speaking.

Be against homosexuals, abortion (most of the time), for war, for debt, and pro-corporations.

Depressions, wars, debt, job disappearances, manufacturing scarcity, and schools are of no federal concern.

So, here she is:

"I believe in going forward,progressing!"
"If Putin rears his head over Alaska, he will be in the USA!"
"Real Americans are in small towns like yours," and ap apparently nowhere else!
"Yes, Mr. President we are so honored and pleased that you called little old us! You can't imagine." France is a wonderful continent! "I know I'm hot, sir.
"I don't remember many supreme court decisions--uh, Roe vs Wade is one, I think."
"What magazines and newspapers do I read?" "Any that get in front of me." Why ask such a dumb question? We get that stuff there.
"I don't know what a VP does all day. But I'll be right there in the Senate every day, running it as they do, promoting good stuff!

"I'll tell that congress, no bridge to nowhere, no thanks!" I've changed my mind, although we will build the road to it.
"It is fun getting the turkey." Pay no attention to that goofy looking fellow grinding off the heads of those turkeys, behind me.

"What will I do in the future" pray a lot and when God tells me the door is open, I'll go through it if open wide enough!

"In our first 100 days," me and Mac, we will do something about Iraq and Iran!

"Now, we Alaskans share in the wealth from our oil, which we own." Obama's "share in the wealth" is different. He wants some of mine from my books and movies to give to people who don't deserve it!

"Im a goin struttin on tu ice in mah snow machine when I git home," youbetcha.
I've really missed it and the fish boat--not the Governor's office so much!

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Submitted by Nitpickers on Sat, 11/29/2008 - 4:27pm.

You'll never hear from her again after December unless she makes that movie: "Revenge of the Mooses, Part 1!"

She and Hucklebery, Juliame, Romadom, and Edwards are also writin a book: "Nerds Had A Chance, And Blew It!" Fred made them hate us all!

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